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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wanted, Managing Director who is not Just Managing Director

The process of selecting Director of PT Pertamina must prioritize prudential aspects because the energy SOEs manage assets fairly large, as well as the burden to maintain national energy security.

"So, here to remember, we are not only looking for just the chief executive, but a figure who can bring new ways in Pertamina," said an economist from the University of Indonesia Rhenald Kasali.

Previously, the general meeting of shareholders last February 3, BOC Pertamina raised Yenny Andayani to replace Soetjipto as interim president. Rhenald understand their polemics behind the extension of tenure of Acting (Acting) President Director of Pertamina selarna 30 days. However, he considered the decision of the BOC and the government fairly precise, rather than imposing a specific figure to be the number one in Pertamina.

"This is a big company which concerns the future. Then there is the problem in front of state-owned holding energy. So, it must carefully choose the president, included in the assessment process. If it does not get (the figure of president), it does not matter anymore duty extended Acting president. "

Conversely, energy analyst from the Center of Energy and Resources Indonesia (CERI) Yusri Usman lamented the sluggish attitude of the government that determines the definitive president. There is a possibility it was caused subtle rejection of President Joko Widodo to the number of names of proposed candidates.

"Too length determination Pertamina president could have been caused by what has been proposed by the Board of Commissioners of Pertamina and the Ministry of SOEs to the President rejected it mildly. In fact, the name proposed would have been through the process of fit and proper test, "said Yusri.

He helped questioned the ability of the Ministry of SOEs in selecting candidates for president in accordance with the President's desire, because Pertamina is a strategic state that has a great responsibility in maintaining the continuity of the national energy supply.


Dicari, Dirut yang bukan Sekadar Dirut

Proses pemilihan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina harus mengutamakan aspek kehati-hatian sebab BUMN energi tersebut mengelola aset yang terbilang besar, sekaligus menanggung beban untuk menjaga ketahanan energi nasional.

“Jadi, di sini yang harus diingat, kita tidak hanya mencari sekadar direktur utama, tetapi figur yang bisa membawa cara-cara baru di Pertamina,” kata pengamat ekonomi dari Universitas Indonesia Rhenald Kasali.

Sebelumnya, dalam rapat umum pemegang saham 3 Pebruari lalu, Dewan Komisaris Pertamina mengangkat Yenny Andayani untuk menggantikan posisi Dwi Soetjipto sebagai dirut sementara. Rhenald memahami adanya polemik di balik perpanjangan masa jabatan Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Dirut Pertamina selarna 30 hari. Namun, dia menilai keputusan Dewan Komisaris dan pemerintah terbilang tepat, daripada memaksakan sosok tertentu menjadi orang nomor satu di Pertamina.

“Ini adalah perusahaan besar yang menyangkut masa depan. Lalu di depan ada masalah holding BUMN energi. Jadi, memang harus hati-hati memilih dirut, termasuk dalam proses assessment. Kalau memang belum mendapatkan (sosok dirut), tidak masalah diperpanjang lagi tugas Pelaksana Tugas dirut.”

Sebaliknya, pengamat energi dari Center of Energy and Resources Indonesia (CERI) Yusri Usman menyayangkan sikap pemerintah yang lamban menentukan dirut definitif. Ada kemungkinan hal itu disebabkan penolakan halus Presiden Joko Widodo terhadap sejumlah nama calon yang diusulkan.  

“Terlalu lamanya penentuan Dirut Pertamina bisa saja disebabkan apa yang sudah diusulkan oleh Dewan Komisaris Pertamina dan Kementerian BUMN kepada Presiden ditolak secara halus. Padahal, nama yang diajukan tentu sudah melalui proses fit and proper test,” kata Yusri.

Dia turut mempertanyakan kemampuan Kementerian BUMN dalam menyeleksi calon dirut yang sesuai dengan keinginan Presiden, karena Pertamina merupakan BUMN strategis yang memiliki tanggung jawab besar dalam menjaga keberlangsungan pasokan energi nasional. 

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, March, 7, 2017

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