After completing the transmission gas pipeline construction along the 225 km in 2016, PT Pertamina, through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), will be completed three similar projects this year along 513 km.
"The development of pipeline infrastructure projects is one of the five strategic priorities that proclaimed Pertamina," said External Communications Manager of Pertamina Jekson Simanjuntak in Buitenzorg.
Pertamina currently has five strategic priorities, namely the development of the upstream sector, efficiency in all lines, refineries and petrochemical capacity building, infrastructure development, and improvement of financial structure.
For the development of pipeline infrastructure through Pertagas, Pertamina is currently working on three projects are targeted for completion this year. First, the gas pipeline project Gresik-Pusri along 176 km. This pipeline will transport the gas to fertilizer plants and power plants, and is targeted to be onstream in the second quarter / 2017 total gas capacity of 160 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).
Second, the gas pipeline looping projects Gresik-PKG along 70 km. Gas is allocated as much as 85 MMSCFD and onstream in July 2017. Third, the gas pipeline project with a capacity of 500 mmscd Gresik- Semarang with power and industrial consumers. The project is projected due to Quarter III / 2017.
Public Relations Manager Pertagas Ilwan Hatim said, Pertagas also strengthen the infrastructure by building Regassification Floating Storage Unit (FSRU) will be targeted Cilacap onstream in May 2019. The FSRU will be built to supply gas to Rifenery Cilacap Unit VI. "For city gas, until now, Pertagas has built 91 857 household connections spread across 13 cities.
With the full support of the Director General of Oil and Gas, Pertagas will continue to build household gas. Targeted in 2019 for domestic gas network has reached 214 618 house connections. "Hatim explained that the success of the company completed the three projects will further extend the gas pipeline transmission." In a relatively young age, Pertagas has recorded a remarkable performance.
We will continue to increase the portion of gas pipeline transmission so it could be closer gas on a consistent "he said. In 2016, the company has completed three projects, namely the project of gas pipeline transmission and open access Belawan-KIM SEZ. This project will carry gas in two areas, namely KKIK and KEK Sei Mangkei. Belawan-KIK pipe segment along 11.8 km. While Belawan-KEK Sei Mangkei along 125 km.
Then, the transmission pipeline project and open access to the Porong-RoW 56 km long pipeline. This pipeline will transport the gas to power plants owned subsidiary of PT PLN, PT Indonesia Power Grati. Then, the gas pipeline project and open access-Muara Karang Muara Tawar along 32km. This gas pipeline will transport the gas to a power plant and industrial Tawar in West Java. "Everything's open access transmission pipelines and pipeline with a total length of 225 km. The total investment of USD 287 million.
Pertamina Garap Pipa Gas 513 Km
Setelah merampungkan pembangunan infrastruktur pipa gas transmisi sepanjang 225 km pada 2016, PT Pertamina melalui anak usahanya, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), akan merampungkan tiga proyek sejenis tahun ini sepanjang 513 km.
"Pengembangan proyek-proyek infrastruktur pipa merupakan salah satu dari lima prioritas strategis yang dicanangkan Pertamina," kata External Communication Manager Pertamina Jekson Simanjuntak di Buitenzorg.
Pertamina saat ini memiliki lima prioritas strategis, yakni pengembangan sektor hulu, efisiensi di semua lini, pengembangan kapasitas kilang dan petrokimia, pengembangan infrastruktur, dan perbaikan struktur keuangan.
Untuk pengembangan infrastruktur pipa melalui Pertagas, Pertamina sedang mengerjakan tiga proyek yang ditargetkan tuntas sepanjang tahun ini. Pertama, proyek pipa gas Gresik-Pusri sepanjang 176 km. Pipa ini akan mengalirkan gas untuk pabrik pupuk dan pembangkit listrik dan ditargetkan akan onstream pada kuartal II/ 2017. Total kapasitas gas sebanyak 160 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd).
Kedua, proyek pipa gas looping Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik sepanjang 70 km. Gas dialokasikan sebanyak 85 mmscfd dan onstream pada Juli 2017. Ketiga , proyek pipa gas Gresik- Semarang berkapasitas 500 mmscd dengan konsumen pembangkit listrik dan industri. Proyek ini diproyeksikan tuntas kuarta lll/2017.
Manajer Humas Pertagas Hatim Ilwan mengatakan, Pertagas juga memperkuat infrastruktur dengan membangun Floating Storage Regassification Unit (FSRU) Cilacap ditargetkan bakal onstream pada Mei 2019. FSRU ini nantinya di bangun untuk memasok gas untuk Rifenery Unit VI Cilacap. "Untuk city gas, sampai saat ini, Pertagas telah membangun 91.857 sambungan rumah tangga yang tersebar di 13 kota.
Dengan dukungan penuh Dirjen Migas, Pertagas akan terus membangun gas rumah tangga. Ditargetkan pada 2019 jaringan gas untuk rumah tangga sudah mencapai 214.618 sambungan rumah". Hatim menjelaskan, keberhasilan perusahaan menyelesaikan ketiga proyek tersebut akan semakin memperpanjang pipa gas transmisi. ”Dalam usia yang terbilang muda, Pertagas telah mencatat kinerja yang luar biasa.
Kami akan terus memperbesar porsi pipa gas transmisi sehingga bisa semakin mendekatkan gas pada konsisten" katanya. Pada 2016, perusahaan telah menyelesaikan tiga proyek, yakni proyek pipa gas transmisi dan open acces Belawan-KIM KEK. Proyek ini akan mengalirkan gas pada dua kawasan, yakni KKIK dan KEK Sei Mangkei. Ruas pipa Belawan-KIK sepanjang 11,8 km. Sementara Belawan-KEK Sei Mangkei sepanjang 125 km.
Kemudian, proyek pipa transmisi dan open acces Porong-Grati dengan panjang pipa 56 km. Pipa ini akan mengalirkan gas untuk pembangkit listrik milik anak usaha PT PLN, yakni PT Indonesia Power Grati. Lalu, proyek pipa gas dan open acces Muara Karang-Muara Tawar sepanjang 32km. Pipa gas ini akan mengalirkan gas ke PLTG Tawar dan industri di Jawa Barat. "Semuanya pipa transmisi dan open acces dengan total panjang pipa mencapai 225 km. Total investasi senilai USD 287 juta.
Koran Sindo, Page-9, Monday, March, 6, 2017
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