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Thursday, April 20, 2017

56 Companies Follow CPD Selection

PT Pertamina invited 56 companies to participate in 7 million barrels of crude process (Deal CPD) contracts. CPD is required because this type of oil can not be processed in Pertamina's refinery

Vice President of Crude and Commercial Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Hasto Wibowo said it has spread the invitation to 56 companies to follow the beauty contest. Later, the winner of this selection will be tasked with granting the company's crude oil as much as 7 million Barrels at their refinery.

"The CPD process is still in the process of evaluation," he said Wednesday (19/4). The sequence of the selection process is to start with the Company sending the invitation following the terms and conditions format to follow the completion of the CPD.

Furthermore, invited companies will submit their offer proposals. The next stage is the evaluation of all proposals that enter as well as the determination of companies that enter the criteria to be invited negotiations in order to get the best terms and conditions.

"Our target of loading oil processing starts in July, so May will determine the winner)," said ISC Senior Vice President Daniel Purba.

Daniel explained, there is no change in the pattern of this crude oil processing contract with the previous. The oil to be processed by the winning company is Pertamina's quota oil from oil and gas block in Irak where the company has a stake of participation, namely West Qurna-1 Block. In addition, the company will also process the purchased company from Iraq State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO).

"Then the results of fuel (fuel oil) below to Indonesia, namely Mogas 88 and 92, or Avtur. Depending on which offer is the most profitable and whether it can offer to replace direct imports of finished products, "he explained.

The processing of oil it calls will take place during the second half of this year. Therefore. It has made an agreement with the Iraqi party to be able to lifting all of the company's crude oil in the second half of 2017. The company's total crude oil in the year reaches 3 million barrels, while oil purchased about 4 million barrels.

Last year, Pertamina also donated this oil and Iraq to another company's refinery. At that time, the company cooperated with Shell International Eastern Trading Company (SIETCO) which owns a refinery in Singapore. During July-August last year, products from Shell's refineries could include mogas, aviation fuel (fuel), diesel (diesel), MFO (marine fuel oil), LPG (liquefied petroleum gas / LPG ), In accordance with the needs of the company.

At that time, SIETCO was selected after selection of refinery owners in Asia Pacific. The selection process lasted long enough from January to May 2016. At that time, SIETCO was also listed as one of the Lists of Selected Business Partners (DMUT) of ISC Pertamina. Daniel added, did not rule Shell also follow this selection. "Shell is interested," he said.


56 Perusahaan   Ikuti Seleksi CPD

PT Pertamina mengundang 56 perusahaan untuk mengikuti seleksi kontrak pemrosesan minyak mentah (crude process/Deal CPD) sebesar 7 juta barel. CPD diperlukan akrena jenis minyak ini belum dapat diolah di kilang milik Pertamina

Vice President Crude and Commercial Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Hasto Wibowo mengatakan, pihaknya telah menyebar undangan kepada 56 perusahaan untuk mengikuti beauty contest. Nantinya, pemenang seleksi ini akan bertugas mengolahkan minyak mentah milik perseroan sebanyak 7 juta barel di kilang milik mereka.

“Saat ini tahapan proses CPD masih dalam proses evaluasi." kata dia dijakarta, Rabu (19/4). Urutan proses seleksi ini yakni dimulai dengan Perseroan mengirimkan undangan berikut format terms and condition untuk mengikuti selesai CPD.

Selanjutnya, perusahaan yang diundang akan mengirimkan proposal penawaran mereka. Tahap berikutnya adalah evaluasi seluruh proposal yang masuk sekaligus penetapan perusahaan yang masuk kriteria untuk diajak negosiasi untuk mendapatkan terms and condition terbaik.

"Target kami loading pengolahan minyak di mulai pada bulan Juli. Maka, Bulan Mei akan kami menentukan pemenangnya)," kata Senior Vice President ISC Daniel Purba.

Daniel menjelaskan, tidak ada perubahan pola kontrak pemrosesan minyak mentah ini dengan sebelumnya. Minyak yang akan diolah perusahaan pemenang ini yakni minyak jatah Pertamina dari blok migas di Irak di mana perseroan memiliki saham partisipasi, yakni Blok West Qurna-1. Selain itu, perusahaan juga akan mengolah yang dibeli perseroan dari State Organization for Marketing  of Oil (SOMO) Irak.

“Kemudian hasil BBM (bahan bakar minyak) dibawah ke Indonesia, yakni Mogas 88 dan 92, atau Avtur. Tergantung penawaran mana yang paling menguntungkan dan apakah bisa menawarkankan untuk ganti impor langsung produk jadi,” jelasnya.

Pemrosesan minyak ini disebutnya akan berlangsung selama semester kedua tahun ini. Untuk itu. pihaknya telah membuat ke sepakatan dengan pihak Irak agar dapat lifting seluruh minyak mentah jatah perseroan di paruh kedua 2017. Total minyak mentah jatah perseroan ini dalam setahun mencapai 3 juta barel, sementara minyak yang dibeli sekitar 4 juta barel. 

Pada tahun lalu, Pertamina juga mengolahkan minyak dan Irak ini ke kilang milik perusahaan lain. Waktu itu, perseroan menggandeng Shell International Eastern Trading Company (SIETCO) yang memiliki kilang di Singapura. Selama Juli-Agustus tahun lalu, produk yang dihasilkan dari kilang milik Shell itu bisa berupa mogas (bensin), aviation fuel (avtur), diesel (solar), MFO (marine fuel oil/minyak bakar), LPG (liquefied petroleum gas/LPG), sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.

Pada saat itu, SIETCO terpilih juga setelah dilakukan seleksi dari perusahaan pemilik kilang di Asia Pasifik. Proses seleksi tersebut berlangsung cukup lama dari Januari hingga Mei 2016. Saat itu, SIETCO juga terdaftar sebagai salah satu Daftar Mitra Usaha Terseleksi (DMUT) ISC Pertamina. Daniel menambahkan, tidak menutup kemungkinan Shell juga mengikuti seleksi kali ini. “Shell tertarik," katanya.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Thursday, April, 20, 2017

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