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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Bad weather, Lifting Target Missed

Oil production target is ready to sell (lifting) in the first quarter of 2017 was not achieved. Until the end of March, lifting amounted to 787 800 bpd or below the target of 815 thousand barrels per day in the 2017 state budget.

Secretary of the Special Unit of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Budi Agustiono said the failure of lifting the achievement of targets due to bad weather that tankers of crude oil (crude) failed docked at FSO Rimang Crow. Because the container station overcapacity, ExxonMobil reduce oil production at the Cepu Block of 200 thousand bpd to 50 thousand barrels per day during the week.

"In addition to weather factors, cooperation contracts (PSC) constrained by a number of local regulations. For example, restrictions on crude deliveries by truck in the first 10 trucks to 5 trucks are disturbing the public," he said.

Although the achievement of lifting below the target, the realization of the national oil production by the end of March reached 815.6 thousand bpd. Therefore, Bob optimistic lifting the target set by the government in Budget 2017 can be achieved.

The positive sentiment derived from Banyu Urip field in the Cepu Block in late March capable of producing 205.1 19 201 bpd or exceed targets. 1 55 bpd. Six oil and gas projects have also started production in the first quarter of this year.

However, production is still small because in the early stages onstream. The projects are Ario Damar-Sriwijaya (Tropik Energy Pandan), orioles Phase II (Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd.), Ridho (Odira EnergyKarang Court), Cikarang Tegal Pacing (Pertamina BP), PHE 12 (WMO), and CPP 2 (WMO).

In Phase II Kepodang no additional production. Therefore, the project was modified to maintain production facilities in order to remain at current levels. Outside of the six projects, there are two projects that are expected on-stream in April Namely, SKG Musi East and Nails Elephant operated by Pertamina EP production capacity SKG Musi East amounted to 150 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), while Paku Gajah 45 million cubic feet per day.

On the other hand, the realization of lifting gas until the end of March exceeded the target. The target is 6,440 MMSCFD, while the realization 6503 MMSCFD. Until the end of February, PSC production is already realizing drilling 19 development wells, 1 19 re-work activities, and 4,350 wells maintenance.


Cuaca Buruk, Target Lifting Meleset

Target produksi minyak siap jual (lifting) pada kuartal pertama 2017 tidak tercapai. Hingga akhir Maret, lifting sebesar 787.800 bph atau di bawah target 815 ribu bph di APBN 2017.

Sekretaris Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Budi Agustiono menyatakan, gagalnya pencapaian target lifting disebabkan faktor cuaca buruk sehingga kapal tanker pengangkut minyak mentah (crude) gagal merapat di FSO Gagak Rimang. Karena stasiun penampung kelebihan kapasitas, ExxonMobil mengurangi produksi minyak di Blok Cepu dari 200 ribu bph menjadi 50 ribu bph selama sepekan.

"Selain faktor cuaca, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) terkendala sejumlah peraturan daerah. Misalnya, pembatasan pengiriman crude dengan truk dari awalnya 10 truk menjadi 5 truk dengan alasan mengganggu masyarakat,” katanya.

Meski pencapaian lifting di bawah target, realisasi produksi minyak nasional pada akhir Maret mencapai 815.600 bph. Karena itu, Budi optimistis target lifting yang ditetapkan pemerintah dalam APBN 2017 bisa tercapai.

Sentimen positif didapatkan dari Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu yang pada akhir Maret mampu memproduksi 205.1 19 bph atau melebihi target 201 . 1 55 bph. Enam proyek migas juga mulai berproduksi pada kuartal pertama tahun ini. 

Meski demikian, produksinya masih kecil karena pada tahap awal onstream. Proyek-proyek itu adalah Ario Damar-Sriwijaya (Tropik Energi Pandan), Kepodang Phase II (Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd), Ridho (Odira Energy Karang Agung), Cikarang Tegal Pacing (Pertamina BP), PHE 12 (PHE WMO), dan CPP 2 (PHE WMO). 

Pada Kepodang Phase II tidak ada penambahan produksi. Sebab, proyek tersebut merupakan modifikasi fasilitas untuk mempertahankan produksi supaya tetap berada pada level saat ini. Di luar enam proyek itu, ada dua proyek yang diharapkan onstream pada April Yakni, SKG Musi Timur dan Paku Gajah yang dioperasikan Pertamina EP Kapasitas produksi SKG Musi Timur sebesar 150 juta kaki kubik per hari(mmscfd), sedangkan Paku Gajah 45 juta kaki kubik per hari.

Di sisi lain, realisasi lifting  gas sampai akhir Maret melebihi target. Targetnya 6.440 mmscfd, sedangkan realisasinya 6.503 mmscfd. Sampai akhir Februari, KKKS produksi sudah merealisasikan pengeboran 19 sumur pengembangan, 1 19 kegiatan kerja ulang, dan 4.350 perawatan sumur.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

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