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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Balikpapan refinery Begin Full Operation

Treatment takes 42 days.

PT Pertamina announced the treatment period (turn around) the Balikpapan refinery in East Kalimantan was over. Oil processing facility was fully operational from today.

"Our commitment to implement in accordance with the target, that is no accident, the quality of the best quality, timely, and cost effective," said General Manager of Pertamina Refinery Unit V, Yulian Dekri .

Pertamina Balikpapan refinery starting treatment since 6 March. Yulian said this process has actually been completed on 3 April. But the operation of the refinery should be done gradually. Suck refinery maintenance activities of about 3,500 workers.

Refinery Pertamina Balikpapan including vital infrastructure with a capacity of 260 thousand barrels per day (bpd). This refinery into fuel supplier's second largest after the Cilacap refinery. The production is diverse, from the fuel (diesel, Pertamax, aviation fuel, kerosene), gas and petrochemicals (LPG, aromatic products), to intermediate products (naphtha, LSWR).

In 2016, Balikpapan refinery production reached 90.3 million barrels. Most of the supply of fuel replacement should come from Pertamina Balikpapan obtained from abroad.

Pertamina processing director, Toharso, refinery maintenance delayed reporting year. Consequently, at the beginning of last year was put out of operation for more than 24 hours due to the leakage of steam generator pipes. The refinery began actively slowly in crude oil distillation units (crude distillation unit) IV on January 16 last. The next day, the unit began production remained stable at 150 thousand bpd, from a capacity of 186 thousand bpd.

Pertamina recorded that in 2016 there were 35 disturbance performance. According to him, the older the plant, the treatment should be carried out on time.

"This leak from scratch less detectable because refineries are old. There should be early detection, so that could leak out from the beginning. "

The company also delay care Dumai refinery in Riau. Treatment time was conducted in June, or delayed a month from the previous plan, namely in May. "The treatment was delayed a month. Supposedly the month of May, "said Toharso.

He claims to delay the treatment has been technically assessed by the company. The reason, the initial schedule to coincide with Ramadan coming in late May. The company estimates that the treatment time up to 30 days. He ensures the delay is not related to technical reasons.

The new facility is completed treatment Balongan refinery in West Java. The company has just completed the process of refinery maintenance in late February.

Had circulated the news refineries have died in total (total black out). But the rumors were denied Toharso. He said, the refinery after a period of treatment is not yet able to operate normally. Therefore, the company should turn gradually machines that take up to five days.

"Maybe machines need adjustment and synchronization refinery used to refineries running normally. So, not total black out, but start up after the turn around, "said Toharso.

Balongan refinery products classified as strategic for gasoline supplied to Jakarta and West Java. Capacity reached 125 thousand bpd.


Kilang Balikpapan Mulai Beroperasi Penuh

Perawatan membutuhkan waktu 42 hari.

PT Pertamina mengumumkan masa perawatan (turn around) kilang Balikpapan di Kalimantan Timur telah usai. Fasilitas pengolahan minyak itu beroperasi penuh terhitung mulai hari ini.

“Komitmen kami melaksanakan sesuai dengan target, yaitu tidak ada kecelakaan, kualitas mutu terbaik, tepat waktu, dan tepat biaya," ujar General Manager Pertamina Refinery Unit V Yulian Dekri.

Pertamina memulai perawatan kilang Balikpapan sejak 6 Maret lalu. Yulian mengatakan proses ini sebenarnya telah rampung pada 3 April. Tapi pengoperasian kembali kilang harus dilakukan secara bertahap. Kegiatan perawatan kilang menyedot sekitar 3.500 tenaga kerja.

Kilang Balikpapan termasuk prasarana vital Pertamina yang berkapasitas 260 ribu barel per hari (bph). Kilang ini menjadi pemasok bahan bakar minyak terbesar kedua setelah kilang Cilacap. Produksinya beragam, dari BBM (solar, Pertamax, avtur, kerosin),  gas dan petrokimia (LPG, produk aromatik), hingga produk antara (nafta, LSWR). 

Pada 2016, produksi kilang Balikpapan mencapai 90,3 juta barel. Sebagian pasokan BBM pengganti yang seharusnya berasal dari Balikpapan diperoleh Pertamina dari luar negeri.

Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina, Toharso, melaporkan perawatan kilang tertunda setahun. Akibatnya, pada awal tahun lalu operasinya sempat padam selama lebih dari 24 jam karena kebocoran uap dari pipa generator. Kilang mulai aktif secara perlahan di unit distilasi minyak mentah (crude distillation unit) IV pada 16 Januari lalu. Keesokan harinya, produksi di unit tersebut mulai stabil pada angka 150 ribu bph, dari kapasitas sebesar 186 ribu bph.

Pertamina mencatat sepanjang 2016 terdapat 35 gangguan kinerja. Menurut dia, semakin tua usia kilang, perawatan harus dilaksanakan tepat waktu.

“Kebocoran ini dari awal kurang terdeteksi karena kilang sudah tua. Seharusnya ada deteksi dini, sehingga kalau bocor bisa tahu sejak awal.”

Perusahaan juga menunda perawatan kilang Dumai di Riau. Waktu perawatan dilakukan pada Juni, atau tertunda sebulan dari rencana sebelumnya, yaitu pada Mei. “Perawatan ditunda sebulan. Seharusnya bulan Mei,” ujar Toharso.

Dia mengklaim penundaan perawatan sudah dikaji secara teknis oleh perusahaan. Alasannya, jadwal awal bertepatan dengan Ramadan yang datang pada akhir Mei nanti. Perusahaan memperkirakan waktu perawatan mencapai 30 hari. Dia menjamin penundaan bukan berkaitan dengan alasan teknis.

Fasilitas yang baru selesai perawatannya adalah kilang Balongan di Jawa Barat. Perusahaan baru saja menyelesaikan proses perawatan kilang pada akhir Februari lalu.

Sempat beredar kabar kilang mengalami mati total (total black out). Tapi rumor tersebut dibantah Toharso. Kata dia, kilang setelah masa perawatan memang belum bisa beroperasi normal. Sebab, perusahaan harus menghidupkan mesin-mesin secara bertahap yang memerlukan waktu hingga lima hari.

“Mungkin mesin kilang butuh penyesuaian dan sinkronisasi dulu sampai kilang berjalan normal. Jadi, bukan total black out, melainkan start up setelah turn around,” kata Toharso.

Kilang Balongan tergolong strategis karena menghasilkan produk bensin yang dipasok untuk wilayah Jakarta dan Jawa Barat. Kapasitasnya mencapai 125 ribu bph.

Koran Tempo, Page-20, Tuesday, April, 18, 2017

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