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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bojenegoro decent Geopark Petroleum Receives Certificate

Researchers from the University of National Development "Veteran" (UPNV) Bojonegoro Regency Yogyakarta judge worthy certificate "geoheritage petroleum" and "geopark petroleum" from the Minister.

"We hope the Minister issued the certificate geoheritage petroleum and petroleum geopark in October in conjunction with the anniversary of Bojonegoro," said researcher UPNV Yogyakarta, Dr. Jatmika Setiawan.

Currently, the Geological Agency of Bandung still revising and correcting "dosier" or scientific documents geoheritage potential petroleum and petroleum-based geopark proposal UPNV Tim Yogyakarta.

"UPNV proposes 20 geosite / geopark in Bojonegoro entrance geoheritege geopark petroleum and petroleum," he said. He said as many as 20 geosite / geotapark in Bojonegoro, among others, in the village of Maor Kedung Kedungsumber, District Temayang courts of old oil wells in Sub Kedewan, early in the District Solo Padangan. 

    In addition, also in the village Fire Sendangharjo heaven, District Ngasem, and a number of other locations such as the hot water watugandul, in District Gondang.

Moreover, in the local area also found animal fossils of ancient marine fossils also ancient land animals. According to him, with the issuance of a certificate from the relevant Minister geoheritage petroleum and petroleum geopark, means Bojonegoro entrance geological nature reserve national level.

"To be included geoheritage and International level geopark must obtain a vote of Unesco," he said.

     Bojonegoro Regent Suyoto previously explained, when Bojonegoro entrance geological nature reserve, it means the location that is set in geoheritage petroleum should not be disturbed. "It was like cutting down one tree in a location that makes cultural heritage is not allowed," he said.


Bojenegoro layak Peroleh Sertifikat Geopark Petroleum

Peneliti dari Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” (UPNV) Yogyakarta menilai Kabupaten Bojonegoro layak memperoleh sertifikat “geoheritage petroleum" dan “geopark petroleum” dari Menteri ESDM.

“Kami berharap Menteri ESDM menerbitkan sertifikat geoheritage petroleum dan geopark petroleum pada bulan Oktober bersamaan dengan HUT Bojonegoro,” kata Peneliti UPNV Yogyakarta, Dr Jatmika Setiawan.

Saat ini, Badan Geologi Bandung masih merevisi dan mengoreksi "dosier” atau dokumen ilmiah potensi geoheritage petroleum dan geopark petroleum berdasarkan usulan Tim UPNV Yogyakarta.

“UPNV mengusulkan 20 geosite/geopark di Bojonegoro masuk geoheritege petroleum dan geopark petroleum,” katanya. Ia menyebutkan sebanyak 20 geosite/geotapark di Bojonegoro, antara lain, Kedung Maor di Desa Kedungsumber, Kecamatan Temayang, lapangan sumur minyak tua di Kecamatan Kedewan, Bengawan Solo purba di Kecamatan Padangan. 

    Selain itu, juga Kahyangan Api di Desa Sendangharjo, Kecamatan Ngasem, dan sejumlah lokasi lainnya seperti air panas watugandul, di Kecamatan Gondang.

Apalagi, di daerah setempat juga banyak ditemukan fosil binatang laut purba juga fosil purba binatang darat. Menurut dia, dengan dikeluarkannya sertifikat dari Menteri ESDM terkait geoheritage petroleum dan geopark petroleum, berarti Bojonegoro masuk cagar alam geologi tingkat Nasional.

“Untuk bisa masuk geoheritage dan geopark tingkat Internasional harus memperoleh penilaian dari Unesco," kata dia. 

Bupati Bojonegoro Suyoto sebelumnya menjelaskan, bila Bojonegoro masuk cagar alam geologi, hal itu berarti lokasi yang sudah ditetapkan dalam geoheritage petroleum tidak boleh di ganggu. “Ibaratnya menebang satu pohon saja di lokasi yang masuk cagar budaya tidak diperbolehkan," katanya.

Koran Sindo,  Page-19, Monday, April, 17, 2017

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