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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Energi Mega Will Buy 25% ONWJ

The government approved the purchase by way of business to business

PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk, a company under the Bakrie Group, intends to acquire shares or participating interest (PI) in the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Currently the company is still waiting for official approval by the government.

The block is the majority owner of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ (PHE ONWJ) with a share of 58.28%. Then Energi Mega Persada has a 36.72% stake and Kufpec Indonesia (ONWJ) BV amounting to 5%

Just before the contract expires on January 18, 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) to change the composition of the three stocks. PHE ONWJ got 73.5% of the shares, Energi Mega Persada 24% and Kufpec only 2.5%.

Against the reduction, when the contract expires there is no confirmation of both Pertamina's partners to rejoin manage ONWJ. Finally, PHE ONWJ holding a 100% stake in ONWJ, which is then given to the area by 10% through the Oil and Gas Upstream PT Jabar, enterprises of West Java province in the oil and gas sector.

Chief Investor Relations of Energi Mega Persada Herwin Wahyu Hidayat said, the company is indeed still want to sign in ONWJ. But the plan still depends on government decisions. Including decisions related to the amount of shares that can be acquired by the Indonesia Stock Exchange issuers coded these Enrg.

So, Herwin not been able to mention the amount of shares that can be digengam by this company. "We are waiting for the government's decision," said Herwin

Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam stated ENRG want to get a 25% stake in ONWJ. Pertamina already get government permission to carry out the share down. But he did not specify whether it will invite old partners, namely ENRG and Kufpec or Contractor Contract (PSC) others who are interested have a stake in ONWJ.

Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said, the mechanism is different from the Mahakam block. "Just like Mahakam, submitted to Pertamina. The mechanism is Business to Business, he said.

The investment costs

Meanwhile, Pertamina claims there are still investment costs that have not been returned alias unrecovered cost of US $ 450 million from the three companies that manage ONWJ block it when the contract expired. Though the company has been doing long-term investment in ONWJ

Thus, Pertamina asked the government to add a split of gross revenue share split, which has been applied since January 18, 2017 last. It is appropriate Decree No. 26/2017 on investment cost recovery mechanism in the upstream oil and gas activities which had just appeared.

Herwin said they still expect a refund of investment costs incurred before the contract expires ONWJ cooperation. But, he could not mention the amount of the investment costs that belong Enrg. The reason is that the investment cost is still being calculated by PHE ONWJ as the operator of the oil and gas blocks. "We do not know whether there are still funds in ONWJ. All still counted Pertamina. We waited, Herwin said.

"ONWJ actually still have a pretty good oil and gas production. This year, Pertamina targets ONWJ production of 36,000 bopd and gas amounted to 172 MMSCFD. The figure was raised from actual production in 2016.


Energi Mega Akan Membeli 25% Blok ONWJ

Pemerintah merestui pembelian tersebut dengan cara business to business

PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk, perusahaan di bawah Grup Bakrie, berniat memiliki saham atau participating interest (PI) di Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Saat ini perusahaan ini masih menunggu restu resmi pemerintah.

Pemilik mayoritas blok tersebut adalah PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ (PHE ONWJ) dengan porsi 58,28%. Lalu Energi Mega Persada memiliki 36,72% saham dan Kufpec Indonesia (ONWJ) BV sebesar 5%

Saat menjelang kontrak berakhir pada 18 Januari 2017, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengubah komposisi saham ketiganya. PHE ONWJ mendapat 73,5% saham, Energi Mega Persada 24% dan Kufpec hanya 2,5%.

Terhadap pengurangan itu, saat kontrak berakhir tidak ada konfirmasi dari kedua mitra Pertamina itu untuk ikut kembali mengelola Blok ONWJ. Akhirnya, PHE ONWJ menggenggam 100% saham ONWJ, yang kemudian diberikan ke daerah sebanyak 10% melalui PT Migas Hulu Jabar, BUMD Provinsi Jawa Barat di sektor migas.

Chief Investor Relations Energi Mega Persada Herwin Wahyu Hidayat menyatakan, perseroan ini memang masih ingin masuk di Blok ONWJ. Namun rencana itu masih tergantung keputusan pemerintah. Termasuk diantaranya keputusan terkait besaran saham yang bisa didapat oleh emiten Bursa Efek Indonesia berkode ENRG tersebut.

Maka, Herwin belum bisa menyebutkan besaran saham yang bisa digengam oleh perseroan ini. "Kami menunggu keputusan pemerintah," ujar Herwin 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam menyatakan ENRG ingin mendapatkan 25% saham di Blok ONWJ. Pertamina sudah mendapatkan izin pemerintah untuk melangsungkan share down. Namun dia tidak menjelaskan apakah akan mengajak mitra lama, yakni ENRG dan Kufpec atau Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) lain yang berminat memiliki saham di ONWJ.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar bilang, mekanismenya tidak berbeda dengan Blok Mahakam. "Sama seperti Mahakam, diserahkan ke Pertamina. Mekanismenya Business to Business, katanya.

Biaya investasi

Sementara itu, Pertamina mengklaim masih ada biaya investasi yang belum dikembalikan alias unrecovered cost sebesar US$ 450 juta dari ketiga perusahaan yang mengelola Blok ONWJ itu saat kontrak blok tersebut berakhir. Padahal perusahaan ini sudah melakukan investasi jangka panjang di ONWJ

Maka, Pertamina meminta kepada pemerintah agar menambah split dari bagi hasil gross split yang sudah diterapkan sejak 18 Januari 2017 lalu. Hal ini sesuai Peraturan Menteri No. 26/2017 tentang mekanisme pengembalian biaya investasi pada kegiatan usaha hulu migas yang baru saja terbit.

Herwin menyatakan, pihaknya masih berharap mendapatkan pengembalian biaya investasi yang telah dikeluarkan sebelum kontrak kerja sama Blok ONWJ berakhir. Tapi, dia tidak bisa menyebut besaran biaya investasi yang menjadi milik ENRG. Pasalnya biaya investasi itu masih dihitung oleh PHE ONWJ selaku operator blok migas tersebut. "Kami belum tahu apakah masih ada dana kami di ONWJ. Semua masih dihitung Pertamina. Kami menunggu, kata Herwin.

“ Blok ONWJ sejatinya masih memiliki produksi migas yang cukup baik. Tahun ini, Pertamina menargetkan produksi ONWJ sebesar 36.000 bopd dan gas sebesar 172 mmscfd. Target tersebut naik dari realisasi produksi tahun 2016.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, April, 19, 2017

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