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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Exxon Donate 206 Thousand Barrels per Day

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) is currently in the production stage peak reached 206 thousand barrels of oil per day. EMCL maximal production could boost the overall total oil production in East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara oil production in this region has not decreased drastically compared to other regions.

Head of Unit Special Representative of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Jabanusa Ali Masyhar said EMCL currently being experienced an increase in oil production in the 200 thousand to 206 thousand barrels per day.

"We are currently testing period. Technically still customize whether the existing facilities could be used to increase production without having to add more facilities, "he said during a media workshop SKK Migas - Period I Jabanusa PSC 2017 in Sumenep, Tuesday (11/4) then.

He added, initially EMCL just launched a production peak in the number of 185 thousand barrels of oil per day. "It was backed up more than expected. EMCL oil production continues to rise gradually, "said Ali.

In mid-2015 past, EMCL oil production only reached 80 thousand barrels per day. This figure then rose significantly in early 2016, with oil production by 165 thousand barrels per day. Then, this figure rose again to 185 thousand barrels per day in early 2017. Until the peak could reach 206 thousand barrels per day.

However, due to poor weather conditions make EMCL should put the brakes on production for the container station overcapacity "At the FSO vessel Rimang Crow, Tuban indeed bad weather and heavy rain. So it can not be docked freighter to take the oil from there to the tank vessel FSO wells in full Rimang Crow, "Ali said.

In fact, of the 206 thousand EMCL production of 200 thousand barrels per day were sent to Crow Rimang, in FSO EMCL. The remainder, amounting to 6 thousand were sent to the Refinery Tri Wahana Universal (TWU). "EMCL a major foothold in the oil and gas production Jabanusa. When all of the major oil wells in Indonesia decreased EMCL actually still go up, "said Ali.

Until March 2017 Jabanusa realization of oil production reached 230 thousand barrels per day to 240 thousand barrels per day. Besides EMCL, Jabanusa also rely JOB-PPEJ with oil production of 10 to 14 thousand barrels per day. Realization of the national oil production until the end of March was 815 600 thousand barrels per day. Target National lifting reached 815 thousand barrels per day in Budget 2017. One of the positive contribution derived from Banyu Urip field in the Cepu Block in late March able to produce 205 119 bpd or exceed the target of 201 155 bpd.


Exxon Sumbang 206 Ribu Barrel per Hari

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) saat ini sedang  memasuki tahap produksi puncak mencapai 206 ribu barel minyak perhari. Berproduksinya EMCL secara maksimal mampu mendongkrak keseluruhan total produksi minyak di Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara sehingga produksi minyak di kawasan ini tidak menurun secara drastis dibandingkan daerah lain. 

Kepala Perwakilan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Jabanusa Ali Masyhar mengatakan saat ini EMCL sedang mengalami kenaikan produksi minyak di angka 200 ribu hingga 206 ribu barel per hari. 

“Saat ini sedang masa uji coba. Secara teknis masih menyesuaikan apakah fasilitas yang ada bisa digunakan untuk menaikkan produksi tanpa harus menambah fasilitas lagi,” katanya saat Lokakarya Media SKK Migas - KKKS Jabanusa Periode I  2017 di Sumenep, Selasa (11/4) lalu. 

Dia menambahkan, awalnya EMCL hanya mencanangkan produksi puncak di angka 185 ribu barel minyak per hari. “Ternyata cadangannya lebih banyak dari yang diperkirakan. Produksi minyak EMCL pun terus mengalami kenaikan secara bertahap,” kata Ali. 

Di pertengahan tahun 2015 silam, produksi minyak EMCL hanya mencapai 80 ribu barel perhari. Angka ini kemudian naik signifikan pada awal 2016 dengan produksi minyak sebesar 165 ribu barel perhari. Kemudian, angka ini naik lagi menjadi 185 ribu barel perhari di awal 2017. Hingga puncaknya bisa mencapai 206 ribu barel perhari. 

Hanya saja, karena kondisi cuaca yang buruk membuat EMCL harus mengerem produksi karena stasiun penampung kelebihan kapasitas “Pada Kapal FSO Gagak Rimang, Tuban memang Cuaca buruk dan hujan besar. Sehingga kapal pengangkut tidak bisa merapat untuk mengambil minyak dari sana sehingga tangki sumur di Kapal FSO Gagak Rimang penuh,” ujar Ali.

Padahal, dari 206 ribu produksi EMCL sebanyak 200 ribu bph dikirim ke Gagak Rimang, di FSO EMCL. Sisanya, sebesar 6 ribu dikirim ke Kilang Tri Wahana Universal (TWU). “EMCL merupakan tumpuan utama produksi migas di Jabanusa. Saat semua sumur utama minyak di Indonesia mengalami penurunan justru EMCL masih bisa naik,” Kata Ali. 

Sampai Maret 2017 realisasi produksi minyak di Jabanusa mencapai 230 ribu barel perhari hingga 240 ribu barel perhari. Selain EMCL, Jabanusa juga mengandalkan JOB-PPEJ dengan produksi minyak 10 hingga 14 ribu barel per hari. Realisasi produksi minyak nasional sampai akhir Maret mencapai 815.600 ribu barel perhari. Target lifting nasional mencapai 815 ribu barel perhari di APBN 2017. Salah satu kontribusi positif berasal dari Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu yang pada akhir Maret mampu memproduksi 205.119 bph atau melebihi target 201.155 bph. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Saturday, April, 15, 2017

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