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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Gas Blocks Transition Rules Published

The regulation requires that a new contractor replaces the old contractor investment.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources released a new transition rule regarding working areas of oil and gas out of contract. According to Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar, the policy aims to restrain the rate of decline in oil production.

During this time, upstream oil and gas companies tend to hold an investment in the future block contract expires. In fact, the flow of capital needed to get oil and gas production is maintained. If there is no investment, oil and gas blocks will undergo natural production decline.

The new regulations will require a new manager to replace oil and gas blocks investment costs already incurred the old manager. The goal that the previous block operator would not invest, even though his contract expires.

Arcandra pointed out, the old contractor to pay $ 10 million to drill two years before the contract expires. The money would be replaced by a new operator.

Under the rules, the amount of the payment must be approved Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). Payment commitments contained in the agreement will be signed by the contractor of old and new contractors.

The payment obligation is also included in the determination letter issued management of oil and gas blocks Ministry of Energy. SKK Migas head Amien said earlier Sunaryadi contract certainty greatly affect the flow of investment in an oil and gas block. For example, oil production Sanga-Sanga offshore East Kalimantan, which decreased from 12 thousand barrels per day last year to only 8 thousand barrels per day this year.

Virginia oil and gas concession-run Oil Company (Vico) it will pass into the hands of PT Pertamina next year.

"Obstacles indeed a matter of time for the contract will be expired. We focus on curbing production, "said Vice President of Community & External Affairs Vico, Ngurah Kresnawan.

Contract certainty of recovering oil also affects project (enhanced oil recovery / EOR) Block Rokan, Riau. Chevron Pacific Indonesia as the operator does not want to continue the EOR project in Minas Field waiting for certainty extension of operations after 2021.

President of Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Albert Simanjuntak, claiming EOR projects could potentially increase production of 17-22 percent per one point of drilling. Another reason the termination of the project, Albert added because of low oil prices. Chevron knew to have conducted two pilot phase which cost about US $ 222 million.


Aturan Transisi Blok Migas Diterbitkan

Regulasi mewajibkan kontraktor baru mengganti investasi kontraktor lama.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral merilis aturan transisi baru mengenai wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi yang habis masa kontraknya. Menurut Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar, kebijakan itu bertujuan menahan laju penurunan produksi migas.

Selama ini, perusahaan hulu migas cenderung menahan investasi di blok yang masa kontraknya akan berakhir. Padahal, aliran modal diperlukan supaya produksi migas tetap terjaga. Jika tidak ada investasi, blok migas akan mengalami penurunan produksi alamiah.

Regulasi baru akan mewajibkan pengelola baru suatu blok migas mengganti biaya investasi yang sudah dikeluarkan pengelola lama. Tujuannya supaya operator blok sebelumnya tidak ragu mengeluarkan investasi, meski kontraknya akan kedaluwarsa. 

Arcandra mencontohkan, kontraktor lama mengeluarkan uang US$ 10 juta untuk mengebor sumur dua tahun sebelum kontrak berakhir. Uang itu akan diganti oleh operator baru.

Berdasarkan aturan itu, besaran pembayaran harus disetujui Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Komitmen pembayaran nantinya akan terdapat dalam perjanjian yang diteken kontraktor lama dan kontraktor baru. 

Kewajiban pembayaran juga termasuk dalam surat penetapan pengelolaan blok migas yang diterbitkan Kementerian Energi. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi sebelumnya mengatakan kepastian kontrak sangat mempengaruhi aliran investasi di suatu blok migas. Contohnya produksi minyak Blok Sanga-Sanga di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur yang menurun dari 12 ribu barel per hari tahun lalu menjadi hanya 8 ribu barel per hari pada tahun ini. 

    Konsesi migas yang dikelola Virginia Oil Company (Vico) itu akan pindah ke tangan PT Pertamina tahun depan.

“Kendala kami memang soal waktu karena kontrak akan expired. Kami fokus menahan laju produksi," ujar Vice President Community & External Affairs Vico, Ngurah Kresnawan.

Kepastian kontrak juga mempengaruhi proyek pengurasan minyak (enhanced oil recovery/EOR) Blok Rokan, Riau. Chevron Pacific Indonesia sebagai operator tidak mau melanjutkan proyek EOR di Lapangan Minas karena menunggu kepastian perpanjangan operasi setelah 2021.

Presiden Direktur Chevron Pacific lndonesia, Albert Simanjuntak, mengklaim proyek EOR berpotensi menambah produksi 17-22 persen per satu titik pengeboran. Alasan lain penghentian proyek, Albert menambahkan karena harga minyak yang rendah. Chevron diketahui sudah melakukan dua tahap uji coba yang menghabiskan biaya sekitar US$ 222 juta.

Koran Tempo, Page-21, Wednesday, April, 19, 2017

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