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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Gas Prices Down

Price 9.95 US Dollars per MMBTU As of February 1st, 2017

Industry in North Sumatra welcomed the government's move to lower gas prices began to be realized PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk in North Sumatra, Friday (7/4). The price of gas down from 12.22 dollars per million metric British thermal units to 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU per February 1st, 2017.

Industry players have received the decision letter and the gas bill was already adjusted. Similarly, Factory Manager PT Kedaung Industrial Terrain Sugianto after participating in the socialization of natural gas price PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk Area Medan in Medan, on Friday afternoon. The decrease is realized, as of February 1st, 2017 "Already seen in the evidence collection, already down costs," said Lewis.

The participants welcomed the dissemination of this price reduction as a first step, although the industry still expect industrial gas prices can be the same throughout Indonesia, as the price premium that is now the same. If the same price, the competitiveness of North Sumatra will improve. Industry also welcomed the unanimous billing now 9.95 dollars per MMBTU. Previously, the bill is split between the toll fee and the value of the rupiah and gas prices in dollar value. "Now it is more palatable to his calculations," said Lewis.

Socialization was attended almost all industrial customers PGN which reached 45 companies. Head of Sales PGN Area Medan Saiful Hadi said the price adjustment will be made on the bill in March. Over payments in February will be included in the bill in March.

In a press release, PT PGN corporate secretary Heri Yusup said the decline was based on Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016 and Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 434 Year 2017. It reads, all business entities in the chain of distribution of natural gas from upstream to customers asked to reduce costs.

Three Sources

The gas supply Medan has been derived from upstream gas production supplied from three sources, namely Pertamina EP Pangkalan Susu, PHE NSO, and Pase Tiangle. Gas up in Medan via transmission pipelines operated Arun Belawan PT Pertagas and transmission pipelines operated Pangkalan Susu-Wampu PGN up to the customer.

"The price of natural gas customers enjoy PGN, both in the field and throughout Indonesia, regulated by government regulation. Price adjustment is expected to be a stimulus for the economy and increase the competitiveness of the industry, "said Heri.

Saiful said the industry players responding positively to the price reduction. It is expected to increase the competitiveness of the industry in North Sumatra. Once there is a price reduction announcement a few months ago, the volume of gas consumed by the industry rose 30 percent.

According to Lewis, it was waiting for the evaluation of the company about the use of LNG Trucking costs 10.5 US dollars per MMBTU. "We will use Trucking 50-50 between LNG and pipeline gas, pending the possibility also exists Trucking LNG price drop," he said.

Gas Users Association chairman Johan Brien reminded Sumatra, although prices fell, the conversion of calories should not be dropped. Last calories into industry 22.649 cubic meters per MMBTU. While in the bill 25.654 cubic meters per MMBTU. If a low calorie, prices should go back to the initial price, ie 8.7 US dollars per MMBTU.


Harga Gas Turun

Harga 9,95 Dollar AS Per MMBTU Per 1 Februari 2017

Kalangan industri di Sumatera Utara menyambut baik langkah pemerintah menurunkan harga gas yang mulai direalisasikan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk di Sumatera Utara, Jumat (7/4). Harga gas turun dari 12,22 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit menjadi 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU per 1 Februari 2017.

Pelaku industri telah menerima surat keputusan itu dan tagihan gas pun sudah disesuaikan. Demikian Manager Pabrik PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto setelah mengikuti sosialisasi harga gas bumi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk Area Medan di Medan, Jumat siang. Penurunan direalisasikan, per 1 Februari 2017 ”Sudah terlihat pada bukti penagihan, sudah turun harganya,” kata Sugianto.

Para peserta sosialisasi menyambut baik penurunan harga ini sebagai langkah awal, meskipun para pelaku industri masih mengharapkan harga gas industri bisa sama di seluruh Indonesia, seperti harga premium yang kini sama. Jika harga sama, daya saing Sumatera Utara akan membaik. Industri juga menyambut baik penagihan yang kini bulat 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU. Sebelumnya, tagihan di pisahkan antara toll fee dan nilai rupiah dan harga gas dalam nilai dollar. ”Sekarang lebih enak perhitungannya,” kata Sugianto.

Sosialisasi di hadiri hampir semua pelanggan industri PGN yang mencapai 45 perusahaan. Kepala Penjualan PGN Area Medan Saiful Hadi mengatakan, penyesuaian harga akan dilakukan pada tagihan bulan Maret. Kelebihan pembayaran pada bulan Februari akan dimasukkan ke dalam tagihan bulan Maret.

Dalam siaran persnya, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT PGN Heri Yusup menyatakan, penurunan itu berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 dan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 434 Tahun 2017. Bunyinya, seluruh badan usaha di mata rantai penyaluran gas bumi dari hulu sampai ke pelanggan diminta menurunkan biaya. 

Tiga Sumber

Pasokan gas di Medan selama ini berasal dari produksi gas di hulu yang dipasok dari tiga sumber, yakni Pertamina EP Pangkalan Susu, PHE NSO, dan Pase Tiangle. Gas sampai di Medan melalui pipa transmisi Arun-Belawan yang dioperasikan PT Pertagas, dan pipa transmisi Pangkalan Susu-Wampu dioperasikan PGN hingga ke pelanggan.

”Harga gas bumi yang dinikmati pelanggan PGN, baik di Medan maupun di seluruh Indonesia, diatur berdasarkan regulasi pemerintah. Penyesuaian harga diharapkan dapat menjadi stimulus perekonomian dan meningkatkan daya saing industri,” kata Heri.

Saiful mengatakan, para pelaku industri merespons positif penurunan harga. Hal itu diharapkan bisa menaikkan daya saing industri di Sumut. Setelah ada pengumuman penurunan harga beberapa bulan lalu, volume gas yang dikonsumsi industri naik 30 persen. 

Menurut Sugianto, pihaknya menunggu evaluasi perusahaan soal penggunaan LNG Trucking yang harganya 10,5 dollar AS per MMBTU. ”Kami masih akan menggunakan 50-50 antara LNG Trucking dan gas pipa, sambil menunggu kemungkinan juga ada penurunan harga pada LNG Trucking,” katanya.

Ketua Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengguna Gas Sumut Johan Brien mengingatkan, meskipun harga turun, konversi kalori tidak boleh turun. Terakhir kalori yang masuk ke industri 22,649 meter kubik per MMBTU. Sementara di tagihan 25,654 meter kubik per MMBTU. Jika kalori rendah, harga seharusnya kembali ke harga awal, yakni 8,7 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Kompas, Page-21, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

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