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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Gross Split will go into the Oil and Gas Law Revision.

Until now, the revision of the Law on Mineral and Gas remains uncertain. But the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claimed to have had a proposal to insert into the Law.

One of them split gross scheme. "When it started, we will post a gross rules split into law," said Minister Ignasius Jonan, Sunday (9/4).

According to him, with a gross scheme split, all systems in the upstream oil and gas business can be run transparently. "We make the system. Everything is transparent," said Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar.

He explained that the poor management of oil and gas industry during this time was not able to answer determination split in the production sharing contract alias production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery scheme. In addition, the scheme cost recovery can not predict business risk in terms of time. Meanwhile, the gross changes in the rules on split stipulated in Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8 Year 2017.

Split gross scheme applied in Indonesia is the only one in the world. "Gross split exists in the world with another form. But the split is based on business risks only exist in Indonesia. In America by Royalty and tax. Taxes fixed royalty of its negotiations,"


Gross Split AKan Masuk ke dalam Revisi UU Migas.

Hingga saat ini, revisi Undang-Undang Mineral dan Gas masih terkatung-katung. Namun pemerintah melalui Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengaku telah memiliki usulan untuk di masukkan ke dalam UU tersebut. 

Salah satunya skema gross split. "Kalau sudah mulai, kita akan memasukkan aturan gross split ke dalam undang-undang," ujar Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, Minggu (9/4).

Menurut dia, dengan skema gross split, semua sistem bisnis di hulu migas bisa berjalan secara transparan. "Kami membikin sistem. Semuanya transparan," kata Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Ia menjelaskan, kelemahan manajemen industri migas selama ini adalah belum mampu menjawab penentuan split dalam kontrak bagi hasil alias procluction sharing contract (PSC) skema cost recovery. Selain itu, skema cost
recovery tidak bisa memprediksi risiko bisnis dari segi waktu. Adapun, perubahan aturan tentang gross split diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8 Tahun 2017.

Skema gross split yang diterapkan di Indonesia adalah satu-satunya di dunia. "Gross split ini ada di dunia dengan bentuk lain. Tapi yang split berdasarkan risiko-risiko bisnis hanya ada di Indonesia. Di Amerika berdasarkan Royalty and tax. Pajak fixed, royalti negosiasi," 

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

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