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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Investors Need Certainty

Rule of law and government policies that encourage investment to be crucial for investors in oil and gas exploration and production. The reason, investment in oil and gas sector need big capital that investors need certainty in calculating the economics.

"There should be a meeting point between the desire of the government and the interests of investors. The balance of interests between the two parties must be maintained. Because, otherwise, the investment will be hard to walk," said Executive Director lndonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong

Related to the energy sector policies made by the government at this time, he considered it the concept of government rules that made good enough. However, the implementation details still require further explanation.

He pointed out about the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 26/2017 concerning Refund Mechanism Investments in Upstream Oil and Gas and Gas where incumbents still have to continue to invest and later results that can not be taken advantage will be replaced with new operator

In this rule, the problem is what if the oil and gas wells that have been worked on it then no further interest. The government has always relied Pertamina will pay compensation.


Investor Butuh Kepastian

Kepastian hukum dan kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung investasi menjadi hal penting bagi investor minyak dan gas bumi dalam melakukan eksplorasi hingga produksi. Pasalnya, investasi di sektor migas butuh modal besar sehingga investor memerlukan kepastian dalam memperhitungkan keekonomiannya.

"Harus ada titik temu antara keinginan pemerintah dan kepentingan investor. Keseimbangan kepentingan antara kedua pihak harus dijaga. Karena, kalau tidak, investasi akan sulit berjalan,” ujar Executive Director lndonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong

Terkait kebijakan sektor energi yang dibuat pemerintah saat ini, dia menilai secara konsep aturan yang di buat pemerintah sudah cukup bagus. Namun, detail pelaksanaannya masih memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut.

Dia mencontohkan soal Peraturan Menteri Energi Sumber Daya Mineral No 26/ 2017 tentang Mekanisme Pengembalian Biaya Investasi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas dan Gas Bumi yang mana operator lama tetap harus melanjutkan investasi dan nantinya hasil keuntungan yang tidak bisa dibawa akan digantikan dengan operator baru 

Pada peraturan ini, persoalannya adalah bagaimana jika sumur migas yang telah digarap itu kemudian tidak ada peminat selanjutnya. Pemerintah selalu mengandalkan Pertamina yang akan menanggung ganti ruginya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Thursday, April, 13, 2017

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