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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mandatory Contractor Investment Up Contract Ends

Employers will look at the potential oil and gas is still worth the investment or not

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claims continues to make investors comfortable infuse money in the oil and gas sector until the end of the contract. One of them is the Minister issued Decree No. 26/2017 on the Mechanism of Investment Refund on the Upstream Oil and Gas.

Publication of the rules it also responded to several oil and gas blocks will be exhausted in 2017 and 2018, were handed over to Pertamina. This submission makes the existing contractor reduced investment in oil and gas block. In fact, according to the Ministry of Energy, the contractor should stay invested.

For example in the Mahakam block, which is predicted to decline, because the production of Total EP and Inpex Corp. cut their investments in this block. While Pertamina as the new contractor could only do drilling 8 wells this year.

Yet each year a minimum of Total EP drill up to 100 wells. Experience is what Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar, making the institution releasing this policy in order to maintain production of oil and gas.

"We want to increase production, therefore the existing contractor should be investing until the contract expires," he said

In order for the old contractor still want to invest even though the contract expires, the Government requires a new contractor to pay the cost of investment incurred the old contractor. Consequently, the new contractor can directly get the result of the block that are already in production in the first year. "The investment costs are paid before the contract expires," he said.

On the other hand, this rule Minister has discretion in determining the cost of the return on investment. Requirement Ministers will look at the economic field, such as the use of techniques of recovering oil advanced stage alias Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

"Existing Contractor must calculate when using EOR how his return? If it is not economical, not using EOR," he said.

Mount Sardjono Hadi, President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi expressed support for this rule. "Our understanding will be taken into account in addition to split the new operator. So that each block of the termination process will not decline in production caused by a decrease in investment old contractor," he said.

In response, the Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, Marjolijn Wajong said that if a good investment would be good for the old and new contractors contractor and the government.

"Regulation can be used as a legal basis. But if its potential is small, old contractor difficult to invest," he said.


Kontraktor Wajib Investasi Sampai Kontrak  Berakhir

Pengusaha migas akan melihat potensi migas masih layak untuk investasi atau tidak

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengaku terus berupaya membuat investor nyaman menanamkan duit di sektor migas sampai akhir kontrak. Salah satunya dengan dengan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 26/2017 tentang Mekanisme Pengembalian Biaya Investasi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. 

Terbitnya aturan itu juga merespon beberapa blok migas yang akan habis 2017 dan 2018, yang diserahkan ke Pertamina. Penyerahan ini membuat kontraktor eksisting mengurangi investasi di blok migas tersebut. Padahal menurut Kementerian ESDM, harusnya kontraktor tetap berinvestasi.

Misalnya pada Blok Mahakam, yang diprediksi akan mengalami penurunan, produksi lantaran Total EP dan Inpex Corp memangkas investasi mereka di blok ini. Sementara Pertamina sebagai kontraktor baru hanya bisa melakukan pengeboran 8 sumur tahun ini. 

Padahal tiap tahun Total EP mengebor minimal sampai 100 sumur. Pengalaman itulah yang Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, membuat instansinya merilis beleid ini agar bisa mempertahankan produksi minyak dan gas.

"Kami mau menaikkan produksi, karenanya kontraktor eksisting harus investasi sampai kontrak berakhir," katanya

Agar kontraktor lama tetap mau menanamkan investasi meskipun kontraknya akan berakhir, Pemerintah mewajibkan kepada kontraktor baru untuk membayar biaya investasi yang dikeluarkan kontraktor lama itu. Konsekuensinya, kontraktor baru bisa langsung mendapatkan hasil dari blok yang sudah berproduksi di tahun pertama. "Biaya investasi dibayar sebelum kontrak berakhir," katanya.

Di sisi lain, aturan ini Menteri ESDM memiliki diskresi dalam menentukan biaya pengembalian investasi. Syaratnya Menteri akan melihat keekonomian lapangan tersebut, seperti misalnya penggunaan teknik pengurasan minyak tahap lanjut alias Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). 

"Kontraktor eksisting harus menghitung kalau menggunakan EOR berapa return-nya? kalau memang tidak ekonomis, jangan menggunakan EOR," katanya.

Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi menyatakan dukungan terhadap aturan ini. "Pemahaman kami akan diperhitungkan di penambahan split untuk operator baru. Sehingga tiap proses terminasi blok tidak akan terjadi penurunan produksi yang disebabkan penurunan investasi kontraktor lama," katanya. 

Menanggapi ini, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum Association, Marjolijn Wajong bilang, kalau investasinya bagus tentu akan baik untuk kontraktor lama maupun kontraktor baru dan pemerintah.

"Peraturan Menteri tersebut bisa dipakai sebagai landasan hukumnya. Tetapi kalau potensinya kecil, kontraktor lama sulit untuk investasi," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, April, 18, 2017

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