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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Margin In charge 7% and 11% IRR Guaranteed

The government restricts the margin for gas trading businesses a maximum of 7% of the price of gas in the upstream so as to reduce prices at the consumer level. During this time, the margin businesses is not limited to gas trading.

Conditions margin gas trading businesses will be regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). At present, such a regulation is still in the process of finalization. In addition to regulating the entrepreneur's margin or gas trader, the regulation will also ensure the ratio of return on investment (internal rate of return / IRR) of approximately 11% for gas traders who build the gas pipeline infrastructure.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja I Gede Nyoman Puja said it guarantee gas traders obtain appropriate return on investment of around 11% in order to contribute to building a gas pipeline infrastructure. "IRR of 11% was already extraordinarily high," said Wiratmaja Tuesday [4/4).

In addition to the IRR, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will establish the commercial margin of about 7%. According to him, the new formula will drop-off rates of gas through pipelines or toll fee and margin trade will be regulated in the Regulation of the Minister.

Another component that also set in the beleid the gas pipeline for Economic age distribution to existing and new pipes for 15 years. In addition, the volume of gas used in accordance with the allocation or 60% of the original design capacity greater distribution pipes.

Assumptions gas trading margin of 7% that was already includes commodity management costs, marketing costs, and customer management, risk costs and commercial margins. When the distribution of gas through two fully commercial business entities to reach the final consumer, commercial costs of 7% is shared by both the enterprise.

Wiratmaja explained, the implementation of a regulation that would not conflict with the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 6/2016 on Procedures for Determination of Gas Allocation. According to him, gas traders must remain committed to building infrastructure despite margin and IRR will be regulated by the government.

He added that the duration of a relatively short gas allocation can not be a reason for the low contribution in building the infrastructure of gas traders. According to him, the gas allocation will be adjusted to the age of each oil and gas field. Furthermore, if the field is no longer able to supply gas, the government will find gas and other sources. Gas supply from any source, can be done with the availability of infrastructure.

'The allocation depends on the pitch, to this extent, distribution pipes could be from anywhere, not from a single source. Here depleted, can use LNG / natural gas liquids. Here the gas runs out, it can be something else. "


    Earlier, Minister Ignasius Jonan said gas prices were reasonable set based on the capacity and investment incurred. With such an arrangement, Jonan calls, gas prices can be reduced to 10%. Industrial consumers of electricity sector also can obtain lower prices.

"That is only natural. With it should price can go down maybe 5% -10% he said.

    Meanwhile, Chairman of Indonesia Natural Gas Traders Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamal admitted that during the last 3 years of gas infrastructure does not increase significantly. Gas trader contribution in building the gas pipeline is still low because it does not guarantee the supply and upstream due to the duration of gas allocations are getting shorter.

    Sabrun said, the government has slashed the allocation duration or gas sales starting 2008. The contract duration that originally guaranteed for 10 years gradually fall to 5 years, 3 years, and now the provisions for updates every 1 year. Therefore, he considered, the determination of the lower margin makes gas downstream businesses increasingly difficult to survive.

    Sabrun claim, gas traders currently only gained 7.2% margin of the upstream gas price used for operating costs, investment, and margins are thin. Meanwhile, about 92.8% is a component of the cost price of the upstream gas and gas transportation costs to be paid to producers of gas and gas transportation permit holder.


Margin Di Tetapkan7% & IRR Dijamin 11%

Pemerintah membatasi margin bagi pelaku usaha niaga gas maksimal 7% dari harga gas di hulu sehingga dapat menekan harga di tingkat konsumen. Selama ini, margin pelaku usaha niaga gas tidak dibatasi.

Ketentuan margin pelaku usaha niaga gas itu akan diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Saat ini, beleid tersebut masih dalam proses finalisasi. Selain mengatur soal margin pelaku usaha atau pedagang gas, regulasi itu juga akan menjamin rasio pengembalian investasi (internal rate of return/IRR) sekitar 11% bagi pedagang gas yang membangun infrastruktur pipa gas.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gede Nvoman Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pihaknya menjamin pedagang gas mendapatkan pengembalian investasi yang sesuai yakni sekitar 11% agar turut berkontribusi membangun infrastruktur pipa gas. "IRR 11% itu sudah luar biasa tinggi,” kata Wiratmaja, Selasa [4/4).

Selain IRR, Kementerian ESDM pun akan menetapkan margin niaga sekitar 7%. Menurutnya, nantinya formula baru tarif penghantaran gas melalui pipa atau toll fee dan margin niaga akan diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM.

Komponen lain yang turut diatur dalam beleid tersebut yakni umur ke ekonomian pipa gas distribusi eksis dan pipa baru selama 15 tahun. Selain itu, volume gas yang digunakan sesuai dengan alokasi atau 60% dari kapasitas desain awal pipa distribusi yang lebih besar.

Asumsi margin niaga gas sebesar 7% itu pun telah mencakup biaya pengelolaan komoditas, biaya pemasaran, dan pengelolaan pelanggan, biaya risiko, dan margin niaga. Bila penyaluran gas melalui dua badan usaha niaga berfasilitas untuk menyentuh konsumen akhir, biaya niaga sebesar 7% dibagi oleh kedua badan usaha tersebut.

Wiratmaja menjelaskan, pemberlakuan beleid itu tidak akan bertentangan dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan Alokasi Gas. Menurutnya, pedagang gas harus tetap memiliki komitmen untuk membangun infrastruktur meskipun nantinya margin dan IRR diatur oleh pemerintah.

Dia menambahkan, durasi alokasi gas yang relatif pendek tidak dapat dijadikan alasan rendahnya kontribusi pedagang gas dalam membangun infrastruktur. Menurutnya, alokasi gas akan disesuaikan dengan umur tiap-tiap lapangan migas. Lagi pula, bila lapangan tersebut tidak lagi bisa menyuplai gas, pemerintah akan mencarikan gas dan sumber lain.  Penyaluran gas dari sumber mana pun, bisa dilakukan dengan tersedianya infrastruktur.

‘Alokasi tergantung lapangannya, kalau begini, pipa distribusi bisa dari mana-mana, tidak dari satu sumber. Di sini habis, bisa mengunakan LNG/gas alam cair. Di sini gas habis, bisa yang lain.”


Sebelumnya, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, harga gas yang wajar ditetapkan berdasarkan kapasitas dan investasi yang dikeluarkan. Dengan pengaturan tersebut, Jonan menyebut, harga gas bisa ditekan hingga 10%. Konsumen yang berasal dari industri juga sektor ketenagalistrikan bisa memperoleh harga yang lebih rendah.

“Yang wajar saja. Dengan itu mestinya harganya bisa turun mungkin 5 %-10%   katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamal mengakui bahwa selama 3 tahun terakhir infrastruktur gas tidak bertambah secara signifikan. Kontribusi pedagang gas dalam membangun pipa gas masih rendah karena tidak terjaminnya pasokan dan hulu akibat durasi alokasi gas yang semakin pendek.

Sabrun menuturkan, pemerintah telah memangkas durasi alokasi atau jual beli gas mulai 2008. Durasi kontrak yang semula dijamin selama 10 tahun berangsur turun menjadi 5 tahun, 3 tahun, dan kini menjadi ketentuan pembaruan setiap 1 tahun. Oleh karena itu, dia menganggap, penetapan margin yang lebih rendah justru membuat pelaku usaha hilir gas semakin sulit bertahan.

Sabrun mengklaim, saat ini pedagang gas hanya memperoleh margin 7,2% dari harga gas hulu yang digunakan untuk biaya operasi, investasi, dan margin yang tipis. Sementara itu, sekitar 92,8% merupakan komponen biaya harga gas hulu dan biaya transportasi gas yang harus dibayar ke produsen gas serta pemegang izin transportasi gas. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Apr, 5, 2017

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