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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Oil and Gas Company Poor Citizens Raas

The presence of Kangean Energy Indonesia (KEI) Petroleum and Gas (Oil) Company in the Raas Islands region, Sumenep regency, Madura Island-East Java, should be able to prosper the local community. This is exactly the opposite. This oil and gas company makes the indigenous people live in poverty and is expelled from their birth ground.

Ketupat Village Head, Raas Island Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency, Muhammad Tamrin, said that the long-running oil and gas company KEI in Raas waters has a negative impact on the community, especially the fishermen.

Since the existence of oil and gas companies, the catch can not support their families. Because the catch is no longer able to sustain the survival, gradually the people of Raas Islands, especially Ketupat citizens choose to migrate out of Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and Bali, and Jakarta. "Once the fishermen once went to sea can get a fish 6 quintals. But once there
Oil and gas companies, fishermen only get 1 quintal, "he complained, Friday (21/04)

It is a concern for life in the midst of oil and gas wealth but can not enjoy it. Earth's riches are dredged and enjoyed by outsiders. Tamrin rate, this situation is very heartbreaking. Do not want to fall into the same hole, the village and the community will reject the presence of Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) which in the near future also plans to conduct oil and gas activities, in the territorial waters of the Raas Islands. If HCML wants to do oil and gas activities in its area, there must be agreement with the community.

HCML is indeed planning to conduct exploration activities of Raas Islands region. The information, this month will begin construction. He added that his side will refuse if the company is not clear reciprocity to the local community. "We will mobilize the community to reject HCML if there is a tanker, we will go rig offshore and re-ordered before the company does not sit with the community," he said.

Raas Fauzi Muhfa Island youth figures assess the presence of HCML will not be much different from existing oil and gas companies. They just want to dredge the wealth of the region then miserable local residents. According to him, although the area is a producer of oil and gas, for many years has not increased.

"If HCML does not provide clarity of compensation to the public, we will refuse massively," he threatened.


Perusahaan Migas Miskinkan Warga Raas

Keberadaan perusahaan Minyak Bumi dan Gas (Migas) Kangean Energy Indonesia (KEI) di kawasan Wilayah kepulauan Raas, Kabupaten Sumenep, Pulau Madura-Jawa Timur, harusnya mampu menyejahterakan masyarakat setempat. Ini yang terjadi malah sebaliknya. Perusahaan Migas ini membuat warga pribumi hidup miskin dan terusir dari tanahya kelahirannya.

Kepala Desa Ketupat, Kecamatan Kepulauan Raas, Kabupaten Sumenep, Muhammad Tamrin mengatakan, perusahaan Migas KEI yang telah lama menggeksplorasi di Perairan Raas membawa dampak buruk kepada masyarakat, terutama para nelayan. 

Sejak adanya perusahaan migas, hasil tangkapannya tidak bisa menghidupi keluarga mereka. Karena hasil tangkapan sudah tidak lagi mampu menopang kelangsungan hidup, berangsur-angsur masyarakat Kepulauan Raas, terutama warga Ketupat memilih merantau keluar negeri Malaysia, Arab Saudi, dan Bali, serta Jakarta. “Dulu nelayan sekali melaut mampu mendapatkan ikan 6 kwintal. Namun setelah ada
perusahaan migas, nelayan hanya mendapat 1 kwintal,” keluhnya, Jumat (21/04)

Sungguh memprihatinkan hidup di tengah-tengah kekayaan Migas tetapi tidak bisa menikmatinya. Kekayaan bumi dikeruk lalu dinikmati orang luar. Tamrin menilai, keadaan ini sangat memilukan. Tidak ingin jatuh ke lubang yang sama, pihak desa dan masyarakat akan menolak kehadiran Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) yang dalam waktu dekat juga berencana melakukan kegiatan migas, diwilayah perairan Kepulauan Raas. Jika HCML ingin melakukan kegiatan migas di daerahnya, harus ada kesepakatan dengan masyarakat.

HCML memang sedang berencana melakukan aktivitas eksplorasi kawasan Kepulauan Raas. Informasinya, bulan ini akan memulai pembangunan. Ia menambahkan, pihaknya akan menolak jika perusahaan tidak jelas timbal balik kepada masyarakat setempat. “Kami akan mengerahkan masyarakat menolak HCML jika ada kapal tanker, akan kami datangi rig di lepas pantai dan menyuruh kembali sebelum perusahaan tidak duduk bersama dengan masyarakat,” katanya.

Tokoh pemuda Kepulauan Raas Fauzi Muhfa menilai kehadiran HCML tidak akan jauh berbeda dengan perusahaan migas yang sudah ada. Mereka hanya ingin mengeruk kekayaan daerahnya kemudian menyengsarakan warga setempat. Menurutnya, meski daerahnya penghasil Migas, selama bertahun-tahun tidak meningkat.

“Jika HCML tidak memberikan kejelasan kompensasi kepada masyarakat, kami akan menolak secara besar-besaran, ancamnya. 

Memorandum, Page-11, Saturday, April, 22, 2017

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