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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Oil and Gas Receipts Down, District Government Bojonegoro Send Letter to President

The District Government (Pemkab) Bojonegoro plans to send a letter to President Joko Widodo regarding the revenue sharing revenue (DBH) of oil and gas as well as other local income is lower. The letter will be sent this week.

Head of Revenue Service Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo explained that the letter will be submitted concerning the existence of oil and gas DBH in the area which directly cut the cost recovery of oil project Block Cepu. According to the letter received from the Ministry of Finance, Bojonegoro had to pay the "cost recovery" of the Cepu Block project amounting to Rp 550 billion.

Related to that, the district government has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Finance for the cost recovery of the Cepu Block project to be paid in five years. "But the proposal did not get a response," he said.

He gave the description of the acquisition of oil and gas DBH in the first quarter only Rp 147 billion, whereas the calculation of the acquisition of oil and gas DBH for the first quarter could reach Rp 400 billion. Not to mention the distribution of oil and gas DBH in 38 districts/cities in East Java, this year no one gained due to cost recovery cuts.

"If it is normal for each regency/city in East Java, get Rp 24 billion per year," he said.

Therefore, the Government of Sidoarjo Regency will visit Bojonegoro to question the absence of oil and gas revenue from oil and gas block Cepu Block this year.

"The plan of the Government of Sidoarjo Regency will be to Bojonegoro, today, Thursday (20/4) They are questioning because the calculation of the acquisition of DBH oil and gas participation has been allocated in APBD," he said.

Furthermore, he also explained that in the calculation of APBN for the allocation of general allocation fund (DAU), a region of oil and gas producers will decline, considering that they have obtained bigger oil and gas DBH compared to other regions that are not oil and gas producers.

As a result, local DAU revenue of Rp 900 billion in 2017, lower than other regions that are not oil and gas producers, such as Blitar that can get DAU Rp 1.2 trillion

"With the acquisition of Rp 900 billion DAU, it is only enough to pay Civil Servants (PNS), we will also submit for DAU division there should be a review," he asserted.


Penerimaan Migas Turun, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro Kirim Surat ke Presiden

Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bojonegoro berencana mengirim surat kepada Presiden Joko Widodo terkait penerimaan dana bagi hasil (DBH) migas juga pendapatan lainnya daerah setempat yang semakin rendah. Surat tersebut akan dikirim pekan ini. 

Kepala Dinas Pendapatan Bojonegoro Herry Sudjarwo menjelaskan surat yang akan disampaikan itu menyangkut adanya DBH migas di daerahnya yang langsung dipotong cost recovery proyek minyak Blok Cepu. Sesuai Surat yang pernah diterima dari Kementerian Keuangan, Bojonegoro harus membayar "cost recovery" proyek Blok Cepu sebesar Rp 550 miliar.

Terkait hal itu, Pemerintah kabupaten pernah mengajukan usulan kepada Kementerian Keuangan agar cost recovery proyek Blok Cepu itu diangsur lima tahun. "Tapi usulan itu tidak memperoleh tanggapan," ujarnya.

Ia memberikan gambaran perolehan DBH migas daerahnya triwulan I hanya Rp 147 miliar, padahal perhitungannya perolehan DBH migas untuk triwulan I bisa mencapai Rp 400 miliar. Belum lagi pemerataan DBH migas di 38 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur, pada tahun ini tidak ada yang memperoleh disebabkan adanya pemotongan cost recovery.

“Kalau normalnya seharusnya masing-masing kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur, memperoleh Rp 24 miliar per tahunnya, " katanya.

Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo akan berkunjung ke Bojonegoro untuk mempertanyakan tidak adanya penerimaan DBH migas minyak Blok Cepu tahun ini.

"Rencanannya Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo akan ke Bojonegoro, hari ini, Kamis (20/4). Mereka mempertanyakan karena perhitungan perolehan DBH migas penyertaan sudah dialokasikan di dalam APBD, " tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut ia juga menjelaskan dalam perhitungan APBN untuk pembagian dana alokasi umum (DAU) suatu daerah penghasil migas akan turun, dengan pertimbangan sudah memperoleh DBH migas lebih besar dibandingkan dengan daerah lain yang bukan penghasil migas.

Akibatnya penerimaan DAU daerahnya sebesar Rp 900 miliar pada 2017, lebih rendah dibandingkan daerah lain-nya yang bukan penghasil migas, seperti Blitar yang bisa memperoleh DAU Rp 1,2 Triliun

"Dengan perolehan DAU Rp 900 miliar, hanya cukup untuk membayar Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Kami juga akan menyampaikan untuk pembagian DAU harus ada peninjauan ulang," katanya menegaskan.

Memorandum, Page-17, Thursday, April, 20, 2017

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