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Monday, April 10, 2017

Oil and Gas Three Months l Positive

National oil production can be achieved due to higher production of Banyu Urip operated by Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited.

Implementing Activity Unit Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) has noted that oil production in the first quarter 2017 shows positive outcomes, as well as the realization of gas production. 

    The data showed recovery of oil production in the first quarter 2017 was 815.6 thousand barrels per day (MBOPD). The achievement was surpassed production targets in the posture of the State Budget (APBN) 2017 815 MBOPD set.

National oil production can be achieved due to higher production of Banyu Urip dioperatori Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited (EMLC). Known, the cooperation contract (PSC) from the United States is targeting oil production at the level of 200 thousand bpd this year. 

    Gas production in the first quarter 2017 reached 7.740 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Thus, overall, the realization of oil and gas production from the period January until March 2017 is 2,198 mboped.

"Achievement of oil production less (than the Budget target of 2017) for the Banyu Urip is no increase in production. Previously, there was a promise between SKK Migas and the Minister of Energy to raise production to 825 thousand bopd. We're trying to do, but not the target, "said Secretary of SKK Migas Budi Agustyono in Cilegon, Banten.

However, production ready for sale or oil lifting was lower than the budget target, which is 787.53 thousand bopd. This is due to the influence of external factors such as unfavorable climatic conditions. Ships can not move closer to the delivery of oil production was inhibited.

Similar conditions also approached the gas lifting target recorded 6,356 MMSCFD. The achievement is lower than the target gas in the Budget 2017 Lifting 6.440 MMSCFD. Achievement of oil and gas lifting the first quarter of 2017 reached 1,943 mboped. 

    SKK Migas has asked the PSC in order to improve the quality of the tanker that is able to anticipate bad weather. He stressed the readiness of transport has a high urgency against the target of lifting.

"Do not be surprised if lifting is different from the production, because lifting it depends on the readiness of transport. If (oil) that is not transported might be saved, "he said.

Achievement of upstream oil and gas investment in the first quarter was US $ 1.9 billion, or just 14% of the target in 2017, US $ 13.8 billion. SKK emphasize the realization of investment also depends on the implementation of the work program and budget and the speed of an engineering, procurement and construction.


Yesterday, oil prices continued the upward trend. US missile strikes into Syria add ammunition to the rise in world crude oil prices. Brent prices rose 76 cents to US $ 55.60 per barrel. "The situation is very difficult in Syria as the implications of the massive US missile attack," said senior analyst at Oanda, jeffrey Halley.

Sukrit Vijayakar of Trifegta Consultants said the oil price will still rise next few months.


Migas Tiga Bulan I Positif

Produksi minyak nasional dapat tercapai seiring dengan kenaikan produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip yang dioperasikan Exxon Mobil Limited Cepu.

Satuan Kegiatan Pelaksana Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat, produksi minyak pada kuartal I 2017 menunjukkan capaian positif, begitu pula realisasi produksi gas. 

    Data menunjukkan perolehan produksi minyak pada kuartal I 2017 ialah 815,6 ribu barel per hari (mbopd). Capaian itu melampaui target produksi dalam postur Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017 yang dipatok 815 mbopd.

Produksi minyak nasional dapat tercapai seiring dengan kenaikan produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip yang dioperatori Exxon Mobil Limited Cepu (EMLC). Diketahui, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) asal Amerika Serikat itu menargetkan produksi minyak di level 200 ribu bopd tahun ini. 

    Produksi gas per kuartal I 2017 mencapai 7,740 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Dengan demikian, secara keseluruhan, realisasi produksi migas dari periode Januari hingga Maret 2017 ialah 2,198 mboped.

“Pencapaian produksi minyak lebih sedikit (daripada target APBN 2017) karena Banyu Urip ada kenaikan produksi. Sebelumnya, ada janji antara SKK Migas dan Menteri ESDM untuk menaikkan produksi hingga 825 ribu bopd. Kita upayakan, tapi bukan target,” tutur Sekretaris SKK Migas Budi Agustyono di Cilegon, Banten.

    Namun, produksi siap jual atau lifting minyak tercatat lebih rendah daripada target APBN, yakni 787,53 ribu bopd. Hal itu disebabkan adanya pengaruh faktor eksternal seperti, kondisi iklim yang kurang kondusif. Kapal tidak bisa merapat sehingga pengiriman produksi minyak pun terhambat.

Kondisi serupa juga menghampiri target lifting gas yang tercatat 6,356 mmscfd. Capaian tersebut lebih rendah daripada target liting gas dalam APBN 2017 6,440 mmscfd. Pencapaian lifting migas per kuartal I 2017 mencapai 1,943 mboped. 

    SKK Migas telah meminta KKKS agar meningkatkan kualitas tanker yang mampu mengantisipasi cuaca buruk. Dia menekankan kesiapan transportasi memiliki urgensi tinggi terhadap target lifting.

“Jangan kaget kalau lifting berbeda dengan produksi, karena lifting ini tergantung kesiapan transportasi. Kalau minyak (oil) yang tidak terangkut mungkin bisa disimpan,” katanya.

     Pencapaian investasi hulu migas per kuartal I ialah US$ 1,9 miliar atau baru 14% dari target 2017, US$13,8 miliar. SKK menekankan, realisasi investasi juga bergantung pada pelaksanaan work program and budget dan kecepatan kontrak engineering, procurement, and construction. 

Minyak meroket

   Kemarin, harga minyak dunia melanjutkan tren kenaikan. Serangan rudal Amerika Serikat ke Suriah menambah amunisi bagi kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia. Harga minyak Brent naik 76 sen ke level US$55,60 per barel.
“Situasinya sangat sulit di Suriah sebagai implikasi dari serangan masif rudal AS, “ kata analis senior Oanda, jeffrey Halley.

Sukrit Vijayakar dari Trifegta Consultants mengatakan harga minyak masih akan naik beberapa bulan mendatang.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

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