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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Oil imports still dominate

Efforts to achieve national energy security is a challenge that must be addressed and a solution treatment.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that about 50% of oil kehutuhan on a national scale remains to be imported.

"The need for a national energy than petroleum sector currently reaches 1.6 million barrels per day, while the national production of petroleum Indonesia is only about 800 thousand barrels per day," said Arcandra

Furthermore, he explained, means that there are about 800 thousand barrels or half of Indonesia's oil needs to be provided by the government through import. Therefore, national energy security issues become the focus of the government in efforts to achieve energy independence as set out in the program "Nawa Cita / Nine Hope"

It also briefly touched upon the Deputy Minister while inaugurating the operation of petroleum storage tanks owned by PT Karimun in the Gulf Oil tanking Lekup, District West Meral , Karimun regency, Riau Islands Province.

According to him, efforts to achieve national energy security is a challenge that must be addressed and a solution treatment.

"The availability of energy is our challenge. If the hope of domestic production, it always comes down, "said Arcandra.

According Arcandra, the construction of fuel storage tanks is one effort in improving national energy security.

"With this we expect our energy security can be enhanced in order to meet the domestic demand, especially oil products, fuel, could we meet," he said.

Total oil product needs Indonesia amounting to 68-70 million liters per year. The amount is equal to 250 thousand kiloliters of oil needs in a day. With a total capacity of 730 thousand kiloliters, the operation of the storage tanks Oil-tanking PT Karimun same with the addition of a three-day domestic fuel needs.

"If we divide, we need 68 million kiloliters, we are for 365 days, was about 250 thousand to 300 thousand kiloliters per day. If this is 730 liters divided by 250 kiloliters, about three days we reserve additions throughout Indonesia, "said Arcandra.

Star Energy

Still related to energy needs, a manager of the Energy Star geothermal power plant (the largest PLTBL in Indonesia after the acquisition of two assets that Chevron Corporation of Mount Salak and Darajat geothermal power plant in West Java.

Data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral quoted in Jakarta, shows Mount Salak geothermal power plant has a capacity of 377 Mw and Darajat geothermal power plant of 270 Mw. Star Energy, company affiliation PT Barito Pacific Tbk, previously managing Wayang Windu geothermal power plants with a capacity of 287 Mw.

Thus, after managing Mount Salak geothermal power plant, Darajat and Wayang Windu, the total capacity of geothermal power plants managed by the company was a 934 Mw or the largest in Indonesia.

To note, the consortium Star Energy on March 31, 2017 has completed the asset purchase of two Chevron Geothermal Power Plant, the Mount Salak and Darajat. Meanwhile, Chevron's geothermal assets in the Philippines later than completion in late 2017.

On December 22, 2016, Star Energy and Chevron consortium signed a share sale and purchase agreement for the two assets in Indonesia and one asset in the Philippines.


Impor Minyak masih Mendominasi

Upaya mewujudkan ketahanan energi nasional menjadi tantangan yang harus disikapi dan dicarikan  solusi penanganannya.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan sekitar 50% kehutuhan minyak untuk skala nasional masih harus impor.

“Kebutuhan energi nasional dari sektor minyak bumi saat ini mencapai 1,6 juta barel per hari, sementara produksi nasional minyak bumi Indonesia hanya sekitar 800 ribu barel per hari,” kata Arcandra

Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan, artinya ada sekitar 800 ribu barel atau setengah dari kebutuhan minyak Indonesia yang harus disediakan pemerintah melalui jalur impor. Karena itu, isu ketahanan energi nasional menjadi fokus pemerintah dalam upaya mewujudkan kemandirian energi seperti yang tertuang dalam program "Nawa Cita/ Sembilan Harapan"

Hal tersebut juga sempat disinggung Wakil Menteri ESDM ketika meresmikan beroperasinya tangki penyimpanan BBM milik PT Oil tanking Karimun di Teluk Lekup, Kecamatan Meral Barat, Kabupaten Karimun, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.

Menurutnya, upaya mewujudkan ketahanan energi nasional menjadi tantangan yang harus disikapi dan dicarikan solusi penanganannya.

“Ketersediaan energi tantangan kita. Kalau berharap produksi dalam negeri, itu selalu turun,” kata Arcandra. 

Menurut Arcandra, pembangunan tangki penyimpanan BBM merupakan salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan ketahanan energi nasional.

“Dengan ini kita berharap ketahanan energi kita bisa ditingkatkan lagi agar kebutuhan di dalam negeri terutama oil product, BBM, bisa kita penuhi,” ujarnya.   

Jumlah kebutuhan oil product Indonesia sebesar 68-70 juta kiloliter per tahun. Jumlah tersebut sama dengan 250 ribu kiloliter kebutuhan minyak dalam sehari. Dengan kapasitas total sebanyak 730 ribu kiloliter, beroperasinya tangki penyimpanan PT Oil-tanking Karimun sama dengan penambahan tiga hari kebutuhan BBM di dalam negeri.

“Kalau kita bagi, kebutuhan kita 68 juta kiloliter, kita bagi 365 hari, itu sekitar 250 ribu-300 ribu kiloliter per hari. Kalau ini 730 kiloliter dibagi 250 kiloliter, sekitar tiga hari penambahan cadangan kita di seluruh Indonesia,” kata Arcandra.

Star Energy

Masih berkaitan dengan kebutuhan energi, Star Energy menjadi pengelola pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTBL terbesar di Indonesia pasca akuisisi dua aset Chevron Corporation yakni PLTP Gunung Salak dan Darajat di Jawa Barat.

Data Kementerian ESDM yang dikutip di Jakarta, menunjukkan PLTP Gunung Salak memiliki kapasitas 377 Mw dan PLTP Darajat sebesar 270 Mw. Star Energy, perusahaan afilisasi PT Barito Pacific Tbk, sebelumnya sudah mengelola PLTP Wayang Windu dengan kapasitas 287 Mw.

Dengan demikian, setelah mengelola PLTP Gunung Salak, Darajat, dan Wayang Windu, total kapasitas PLTP yang dikelola perusahaan itu menjadi 934 Mw atau terbesar di Indonesia.

Untuk diketahui, konsorsium Star Energy pada 31 Maret 2017 telah menyelesaikan pembelian dua aset PLTP Chevron, yakni Gunung Salak dan Darajat. Sementara itu, untuk aset panas bumi Chevron di Filipina paling lambat selesai pada akhir 2017.

Pada 22 Desember 2016, Konsorsium Star Energy dan Chevron menandatangani share sale and purchase agreement untuk dua aset di Indonesia dan satu aset di Filipina tersebut.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Monday, April, 17, 2017

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