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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Operation region Pertamina Grow

PT Pertamina to add the area of oil and gas operations abroad, namely to 12 countries after acquiring a 72.65% stake in the French oil company Maurel & Prom (M & P).

VP Corporate Communications of Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito said the state-owned oil and gas sector now has access to operations in 12 countries spread over four continents. 

     Additional countries Among these production assets in Gabon, Tanzania, Nigeria, as well as exploration assets in Namibia, Canada and Colombia, France Italy, and Myanmar Pertamina is targeting oil and gas production in 2025 as much as 650,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) from operations abroad , of the total company's target of 1.9 million BOEPD.

Since 2014-2017, the production of oil and gas Pertamina of international assets had grown to 150,000 BOEPD (profit sharing net / net to share).

"It is also in an apparent effort towards security and energy independence of Indonesia," he said. Adiatma explained, Maurel & Prom (M & P) has the character of oil and gas exploration and production company that is dynamic and able to develop the portfolio rapidly in many countries.

Pertamina has placed three executives as Chairman and member of the Board of Directors of M & P. As explained Adiatma formalities Pertamina three executives have been approved by a meeting of directors of Maurel & Prom in Paris on 10 April 2017.

These three stones placed executives are Aussie B. Gauthier, as Chairman of the Board. Two others are Huddie Morrow and Mary R. Nellia, as Members of the Board Maurel & Prom. Aussie Gautama since 2015 as Senior Principal Advisor E & P in the CEO Office Pertamina. Aussie Gautama position in the M & P now replaces Jean Francois Hénin.


Wilayah Operasi Pertamina Bertambah

PT Pertamina menambah wilayah operasi minyak dan gas bumi di luar negeri yaitu menjadi 12 negara setelah mengakuisisi 72,65% saham perusahaan minyak asal Prancis Maurel & Prom (M&P).

VP Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito mengatakan, perusahaan milik negara sektor minyak dan gas bumi itu kini memiliki akses operasi di 12 negara yang tersebar di empat benua. 

     Tambahan negara tersebut di antaranya aset produksi di Gabon, Tanzania, Nigeria, serta aset eksplorasi di Namibia, Kanada dan Kolombia, Prancis Italia, dan Myanmar Pertamina menargetkan produksi migas pada 2025 sebanyak 650.000 barel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD) dari operasi di luar negeri, dari total target perseroan 1,9 juta BOEPD.

    Sejak 2014-2017, produksi migas Pertamina dari aset internasional telah tumbuh hingga 150.000 BOEPD (bagi hasil bersih/net to share).

“Ini juga dalam upaya nyata menuju ketahanan dan kemandirian energi Indonesia,” katanya. Adiatma menjelaskan, Maurel & Prom (M&P) memiliki karakter perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi migas yang dinamis dan mampu mengembangkan portfolio dengan cepat di berbagai negara.

Pertamina telah menempatkan tiga eksekutif sebagai Chairman & anggota Board of Directors M&P. Sebagaimana dijelaskan Adiatma, formalitas tiga eksekutif Pertamina ini telah disetujui melalui rapat direksi Maurel & Prom di Paris pada 10 April 2017.

Ketiga eksekutif yang batu ditempatkan tersebut adalah Aussie B. Gautama, sebagai Chairman of the Board. Dua lainya adalah Huddie Dewanto dan Maria R. Nellia, sebagai Members of the Board Maurel & Prom. Aussie Gautama sejak 2015 sebagai Senior Principal Advisor E&P di CEO Office Pertamina. Posisi Aussie Gautama di M&P saat ini menggantikan Jean Frangois Hénin.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, April, 17, 2017

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