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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Perhutani Request Farmers Not Extend Permits

By the start of the gas project Jambaran Tiung Blue (JTB), Perhutani Forest Management Units (FMUs) Bojonegoro dissemination to smallholder land. Administrator Perhutani KPH Bojonegoro, East Java Regional Division Daniel Budi Cahyono said there are approximately 100 hectares of land that has been cultivated by farmers. The land included in the project area under cultivation JTB Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC).

To farmers, the forestry asking that they no longer apply for a license extension in order not to hamper the project can be started at any time. "It is feared that IPPKH (Permit leasing forest area) was published, later can disrupt the development process JTB gas field," he said.

Project Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) is still waiting for the sale and purchase price agreement at JTB gas production. No company is ready to buy gas production JTB project.

On the other hand, the start of the gas field project JTB also have an impact on hotel occupancy in Bojonegoro. The occupancy rate of the previously deserted for many workers outside the city who finished the contract, now start again. Many oil and gas workers from outside the area coming in for a long time. "Aston and Seasons had begun receiving a PEPC employee. They are just a week later than Trya said Ali Salim, Sales Executive Fave Hotel.

Not only Fave, but also hotels Dewarna begin receiving the guests staying at the time about once weekly. It is delivered by the HRD Dewarna Bojonegoro, Ismi Nafila . "In one day the number of rooms occupied about 25-30 rooms, he said.


Perhutani Minta Petani Tidak Perpanjang Izin

Menjelang dimulainya proyek gas Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB), Perhutani Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH) Bojonegoro melakukan sosialisasi kepada para petani penggarap lahan. Administratur KPH Bojonegoro Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Timur Daniel Budi Cahyono mengatakan kurang lebih terdapat 100 hektare lahan yang selama ini digarap petani. Lahan tersebut masuk dalam kawasan proyek JTB yang digarap Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC).

Kepada para petani, Perhutani meminta agar mereka tidak lagi mengajukan perpanjangan izin agar tidak menghambat pengerjaan proyek yang bisa dimulai sewaktu-waktu. “Dikhawatirkan kalau IPPKH (Izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan) terbit, nanti dapat mengganggu proses pembangunan lapangan gas JTB ini," ujarnya. 

Proyek Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) saat ini masih menunggu kesepakatan harga jual beli hasil produksi gas di JTB. Belum ada perusahaan yang siap membeli gas produksi proyek JTB.

Di sisi lain, dimulainya proyek lapangan gas JTB juga berdampak pada okupansi hotel di Bojonegoro. Tingkat hunian yang sebelumnya sepi karena banyak pekerja luar kota yang selesai kontrak, kini mulai ramai kembali. Banyak para pekerja migas dari luar daerah yang berdatangan untuk jangka waktu lama. “Hotel Aston maupun Fave Hotel sudah mulai menerima tamu pegawai PEPC. Mereka paling lama hanya seminggu kata Trya Ali Salim, Sales Executive Fave Hotel.

Tidak hanya Hotel Fave, tetapi juga Hotel Dewarna mulai menerima tamu yang tinggal dengan waktu sekitar semingguan. Hal ini disampaikan oleh HRD Hotel Dewarna Bojonegoro, lsmi Nafila. “Dalam sehari jumlah kamar yang terisi sekitar 25-30 kamar, ujarnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-19, Monday, April, 17, 2017

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