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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pertamina Competing Get Gas Field in Iran

PT Pertamina are competing for the right to manage two oil and gas fields in Iran, the Ab-Teymour and Mansouri. Rival energy SOEs include the Russian oil company Lukoil and Maersk Oil of Denmark.

"We are optimistic. We have to convey the proposal to NIOC (National Iranian Oil Company). At the moment we are waiting for a response from Iran," said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam, in Cirebon, West Java

According to him, the government fully supports the desire of Pertamina to manage the full two oil and gas fields in Iran. In fact, when President Joko Widodo met with the Iranian president has explicitly communicated a desire to be able to manage these two oil and gas blocks. "I think it is a government support that is extraordinary. Now depending upon the Iranian government's decision, ".

He said Pertamina has prepared two investments in oil and gas fields located in the land within a period of 20 years. The investment is prepared Pertamina amounted to USD12 billion. "We hope that this year has been appointed, after it could direct the execution," he said.

He added that Pertamina is ready to cooperate with local companies from Iran. Under the rules of the Iranian government, oil and gas contractors who make investments must involve local companies in addition to NIOC.

Senior Vice President Upstream & Development Business Pertamina Denie Tampubolon said that the desire to manage oil and gas fields in Iran is an effort to develop Pertamina upstream sector. He called the total production capacity in two oil and gas blocks, namely Ab-Teymour and Mansouri of 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). As each block has a production of 50,000 BOEPD.

"That figure could still be improved significantly. However, Pertamina appointed to develop this field, we have the technical competence and is ready for funding the development of the field," he said.

He believes that the proposed auction proposal Pertamina is able to compete with competitors. "We're optimistic. The Iranian government would not only consider the commercial side, but also good relations with Indonesia. In addition, prior to submission, we also test the proposal with NIOC, "he added.

In addition to the Middle East, Pertamina also plans to develop oil and gas upstream businesses in Russia and is also expanding into Africa and Asia Pacific.


Pertamina Bersaing Dapatkan Ladang Migas di Iran

PT Pertamina bersaing mendapatkan hak pengelolaan dua ladang minyak dan gas di Iran, yaitu Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri. Saingan BUMN energi tersebut antara lain perusahaan migas Rusia Lukoil dan Maersk Oil dari Denmark.

"Kita optimistis. Kita sudah sampaikan proposal ke NIOC (National Iran Oil Company). Saat ini kita menunggu respon dari Iran," ujar Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, di Cirebon, Jawa Barat

Menurut dia, pemerintah mendukung penuh keinginan Pertamina mengelola secara penuh dua ladang migas di Iran. Bahkan, ketika Presiden Joko Widodo bertemu dengan presiden Iran, secara eksplisit telah disampaikan keinginan untuk dapat mengelola dua blok migas tersebut. ”Saya kira itu merupakan dukungan pemerintah yang sangat luar biasa. Sekarang tergantung keputusan pemerintah Iran,".

Dia mengatakan, Pertamina telah menyiapkan investasi pengelolaan dua ladang migas yang terletak di darat tersebut dalam jangka waktu selama 20 tahun. Adapun investasi yang disiapkan Pertamina sebesar USD12 miliar. "Kita harapkan tahun ini sudah ditunjuk, setelah itu bisa langsung eksekusi," ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan, Pertamina siap bekerja sama dengan perusahaan lokal dari Iran. Berdasarkan aturan dari Pemerintah Iran, kontraktor migas yang melakukan investasi memang harus melibatkan perusahaan lokal selain NIOC.

Senior Vice President Upstream & Development Business Pertamina Denie Tampubolon mengatakan bahwa keinginan mengelola ladang migas di Iran merupakan upaya Pertamina mengembangkan sektor hulu. Dia menyebut total kapasitas produksi di dua blok migas, yakni Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri sebesar 100.000 barel oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). Adapun masing-masing blok mempunyai produksi sebesar 50.000 BOEPD.

"Angka itu masih bisa ditingkatkan secara signifikan. Kalau Pertamina ditunjuk mengembangkan lapangan ini, kita punya kompetensi teknis dan siap pendanaan pengembangan lapangan," ujarnya.

Dia meyakini proposal lelang yang diajukan Pertamina mampu bersaing dengan kompetitor. ”Kita optimistis. Pemerintah Iran tentu tidak hanya mempertimbangkan sisi komersial, tapi juga hubungan baik dengan Indonesia. Di samping itu, sebelum submit, kita juga sudah tes proposal dengan NIOC,” imbuhnya.

Di samping Timur Tengah, Pertamina juga berencana mengembangkan bisnis hulu migas di Rusia dan juga berekspansi ke Afrika dan Asia Pasifik.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Wednesday, April, 12, 2017

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