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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pertamina Dominate Stock Company Francis

Pertamina will gain access to exploration and production in 12 countries and four continents

PT Pertamina successfully completed the acquisition of shares in French oil and gas company, Maurel. & Prom. Effective as of February 1, 2017, a subsidiary of state-owned company, PT Pertamina EP International became the majority shareholder of Maurel & Prom. with 72.65% of shares

Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito still reluctant to mention the work program and the proposed acquisition of oil and gas field after the acquisition by PT Pertamina International EP. "While the first consolidation," he said.

Adiatma explained, Maurel & Prom has the character of a dynamic company and be able to develop a portfolio rapidly in many countries. While the national oil company, Pertamina is doing business with a long-term objective.

Pertamina wants to synergize these two powerful characters for the development of both. Especially after the acquisition, PT Pertamina EP International directly recorded to have access operations in 12 countries and four continents. Previously, PT Pertamina EP International operates only three countries, namely Malaysia, Algeria and Iraqis. Among the additional countries is an exploration and production assets of Maurel & Prom.

As for the asset; Maurel & Prom production is in Gabon, Tanzania and Nigeria. Exploration assets located in Namibia, Canada, Colombia, France, Italy, and Myanmar. Post-acquisition of Maurel & Prom, Pertamina also get additional oil production of 30-000 barrels per day, or barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

According Adiatma, since the beginning of 2014 until early 2017, its oil production from international assets have grown to 150,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day or equivalent barrels of oil per day (BOEPD) net-to-share.

Pertamina is targeting production of 650,000 BOEPD in 2025 from international operations. At home and abroad, Pertamina is targeting production could reach 1.9 million by 2025. BOEPD in the French company, Pertamina put three representatives as chairman and two members of the Board Of Directors of Maurel & Prom. as Chairman of the Board, Huddie Morrow and Mary R. Nellia as Members of the Board Maurel & Prom.

Field Acquisition

Even if successfully acquired Maurel & Prom, Pertamina continues to acquire oil and gas fields in other countries. So far the acquisition of oil and gas fields are still pending. Pertamina eyeing several oil and gas fields in the country outsider: two oil and gas fields in Russia, the Chayvo oil field and Russkoye field. Pertamina has submitted bid proposals for the two fields.

Other oil and gas field is a field AB Teymour and Mansouri in Iran. Pertamina has also submitted a proposal for two blocks.

Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam said Pertamina proposal has been accepted by the Government of Iran. Even the Iranian government has made a visit to Indonesia to see the performance Pertamina upstream oil and gas operations.

"The main Deputy Director also to Indonesia met Deputy Minister, they see ONWJ like, want to see the fields Pertamina like, about our operations. And they're pretty impressed," he said.

In addition, Pertamina has been talking with local companies that will be invited to cooperate in the two blocks. It is a requirement of the Government of Iran for oil and gas companies that want to manage Iapangan oil and gas in Iran.

With these efforts, Alam said the company in a position to wait step of Iran, especially in relation to the form of the contract in that country. Until now, Iran does not yet issued form of cooperation in upstream oil and gas contracts.

Pertamina only hope, the acquisition of two oil and gas fields in Iran could be completed this year. "We have submitted proposals, they will be evaluated, there are three bidders. We hope this year there are closing," said Alam. Pertamina has set aside US $ 20 billion over 20 years of investment.


Pertamina Menguasai Saham Perusahaan Francis

Pertamina akan mendapatkan akses produksi dan eksplorasi di 12 negara dan empat benua

PT Pertamina berhasil menuntaskan akuisisi saham perusahaan migas Prancis, Maurel.& Prom. Terhitung mulai 1 Februari 2017, anak perusahaan BUMN itu, PT Pertamina International EP menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas Maurel & Prom. dengan 72,65% saham 

Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito masih enggan menyebutkan program kerja dan rencana akuisisi lapangan migas pasca akuisisi oleh PT Pertamina International EP. "Sementara konsolidasi dulu," katanya.

Adiatma menjelaskan, Maurel & Prom memiliki karakter perusahaan yang dinamis dan mampu mengembangkan portofolio dengan cepat di berbagai negara. Sementara Pertamina adalah national oil company yang berbisnis secara objektif dengan jangka panjang.

Pertamina ingin melakukan sinergi kedua karakter kuat ini untuk pengembangan keduanya. Apalagi pasca akuisisi tersebut, PT Pertamina International EP langsung tercatat memiliki akses operasi di 12 negara dan empat benua. Sebelumnya PT Pertamina International EP hanya beroperasi tiga negara, yaitu Malaysia, Aljazair dan lrak. Tambahan negara tersebut di antaranya merupakan aset produksi dan eksplorasi Maurel & Prom. 

Adapun aset; produksi Maurel & Prom berada di Gabon, Tanzania dan Nigeria. Aset eksplorasi berada di Namibia, Kanada, Kolombia, Prancis, Italia, dan Myanmar. Pasca akuisisi Maurel & Prom, Pertamina juga mendapatkan tambahan produksi minyak sebesar 30-000 barel per hari atau barel oil per day (BOPD). 

Menurut Adiatma, sejak awal 2014 hingga awal 2017, produksi Pertamina dari aset internasional telah tumbuh hingga 150.000 barel setara minyak per hari atau barels of Oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) net-to-share.

Pertamina menargetkan produksi 650.000 BOEPD pada tahun 2025 dari operasi internasional. Di dalam dan luar negeri, Pertamina menargetkan produksi bisa mencapai 1,9 juta BOEPD pada tahun 2025. Di perusahaan Prancis itu, Pertamina menempatkan tiga perwakilan sebagai Chairman & dua anggota Board Of Directors Maurel & Prom. sebagai Chairman of the Board, Huddie Dewanto dan Maria R. Nellia sebagai Members of the Board Maurel & Prom.

Akuisisi Lapangan 

Biarpun berhasil mengakusisi Maurel & Prom, Pertamina terus berusaha mengakuisisi lapangan migas di negara lain. Sejauh ini akuisisi lapangan migas lain masih dalam proses. Pertamina mengincar beberapa lapangan migas di Iuar negeri yaitu dua lapangan migas di Rusia, yaitu lapangan migas Chayvo dan lapangan Russkoye. Pertamina telah mengirimkan proposal penawaran untuk kedua lapangan tersebut.

Lapangan migas lain adalah lapangan AB Teymour dan Mansouri di Iran. Pertamina juga telah mengirimkan proposal untuk dua lapangan tersebut. 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam menyatakan, proposal Pertamina telah diterima oleh Pemerintah Iran. Bahkan Pemerintah Iran telah melakukan kunjungan ke Indonesia untuk melihat kinerja operasional hulu migas Pertamina. 

"Wakil Direktur utamanya juga ke Indonesia ketemu Wakil Menteri, mereka melihat ONWJ seperti apa, ingin melihat lapangan-lapangan Pertamina seperti apa, tentang operasi kita. Dan mereka cukup terkesan," katanya.

Selain itu, Pertamina telah bicara dengan perusahaan lokal yang nantinya akan di ajak bekerjasama di dua lapangan tersebut. Ini merupakan syarat dari Pemerintah Iran bagi perusahaan migas yang ingin mengelola Iapangan migas di Iran.

Dengan upaya tersebut, Alam mengatakan Pertamina dalam posisi menunggu langkah dari Iran, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan bentuk kontrak di negeri itu. Hingga saat ini Iran memang belum mengeluarkan bentuk kontrak kerjasama di hulu migas. 

Pertamina hanya berharap, proses akuisisi dua lapangan migas di Iran bisa rampung tahun ini. "Kami sudah memasukkan proposal, mereka akan mengevaluasi, ada tiga bidder. Kami berharap tahun ini ada closing," kata Alam. Pertamina telah menyiapkan dana US$ 20 miliar selama 20 tahun masa investasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, April, 17, 2017

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