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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pertamina EP Develop Two Projects

PT Pertamina EP to develop two projects in April. The project involved the development of Matindok gas that cost 692 million dollars and the project development costs elephant Paku 139.7 million US dollars. Both projects have a production capacity of each 105 MMSCFD and 45 MMSCFD well as a condensate of 1,100 BOPD.

"It is expected to come on stream its two projects, we can surpass the production target at the set at 85 thousand BOPD and the target of a net profit of 5% million US dollars," said PTH President Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf.

In carrying out its operations, PT Pertamina EP is faced with the challenge of the expansion of the mining area to reach the area of ​​131,614 km2. Pertamina EP also manages more than 300 oil and gas structures and more than 2,100 active oil and gas wells throughout Indonesia.

"We continue to do all it can to address these challenges so that oil and gas production target can be fulfilled," said Nana.


Pertamina EP Kembangkan Dua Proyek

PT Pertamina EP mengembangkan dua proyek pada April ini. Proyeknya adalah pengembangan gas Matindok yang membutuhkan biaya 692 juta dolar AS dan proyek pengembangan Paku Gajah yang menelan biaya 139,7 juta dolar AS. Kedua proyek tersebut memiliki kapasitas produksi masing-masing 105 MMSCFD dan 45 MMSCFD Serta kondesat 1.100 BOPD.

"Diharapkan dengan on stream-nya dua proyek tersebut, kami dapat melampaui target produksi yang di tetapkan sebesar 85 ribu BOPD dan target laba bersih sebesar 5% juta dolar AS," kata PTH President Director PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf. 

Dalam menjalankan operasinya, PT Pertamina EP dihadapkan dengan tantangan berupa perluasan wilayah kerja pertambangan yang mencapai seluas 131.614 km2. Pertamina EP juga mengelola lebih dari 300 struktur migas serta Lebih dari 2.100 sumur migas aktif di seluruh indonesia.

"Kami tetap berupaya semaksimal mungkin untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut agar produksi migas yang ditargetkan dapat kami penuhi," kata Nanang.

Republika, Page-14, Wednesday, April, 12, 2017

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