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Friday, April 7, 2017

Portions Mahakam Block Not Changed

PT Pertamina still adhering to the initial scenario that the share of participating interest (PI) Mahakam block, Kutai, East Kalimantan for Total E & P lndonesie and lnpex Corporation as much as 30%. Therefore ", the management of Pertamina asked the two companies have sent a letter to the government, if interested in the offer.

 Ellia Massa Manik, President Director of Pertamina, said the results of his meeting with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan along with Total E & P management, there has been no significant agreement on the Participating lnterest. Therefore, Pertamina adhered to the original commitment that the PI portion of Total E & P and lnpex by 30%.

 Earlier, Minister of Jonan opportunities that Total E & P and lnpex get an offer of 39% stock portion. However, the plan is not accepted by Pertamina. "Our mandate still provide 30%," says Ellia in the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry after the talks, on Thursday (6/4).

 On results of negotiations, Ellia just said, Total E & P and lnpex again requested to make a letter, if still interested in co-manage the Mahakam with Pl 30%. "Our offer today to 30%. But it's up to them. They send letters to the government. It could be they do not agree or do not participate" says Ellia.

 While on drilling activities in the Mahakam block, will continue to run on August 2017's. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam mentioned, the target of 18 wells that will be drilling, just eight wells to be carried out by Total E & P.

"So this year drill eight wells from the initial 18, the Agreement with Total only eight in August. It was the drilling them, because we just go in January 1st, 2018," said Syamsu. However, when questioned at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, President and General Manager of Total E & P  Arividya Novianto, reluctant to leave a comment.

 At the meeting, also attended by the CEO of Total Patrick Pouyanne accompanied by President of Total E & P Arnaud Breuillac also the Senior Vice President of Total E & P. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar also reluctant to answer the results of discussions with Total E & P together with Pertamina about the Mahakam block. "Let me see, yes, the answer is," said Archandra, in his office, Thursday (6/4).


Porsi Blok Mahakam Belum Berubah

 PT Pertamina masih berpegang pada skenario awal bahwa porsi participating interest (PI) Blok Mahakam, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur untuk Total E & P lndonesie dan lnpex Corporation sebanyak 30%. Oleh karena “itu, manajemen Pertamina meminta kedua perusahaan tersebut mengirimkan surat kepada pemerintah, bila berminat dengan tawaran tersebut.

 Ellia Massa Manik, Direktur Utama Pertamina, menyatakan hasil pertemuan dengan Menteri Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan serta dengan manajemen Total E & P, belum ada kesepakatan signifikan tentang Participating lnterest tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Pertamina berpegang pada komitmen awal bahwa porsi PI Total E & P dan lnpex sebesar 30%.

 Sebelumnya, Menteri Jonan membuka peluang supaya Total E & P dan lnpex mendapatkan tawaran porsi saham sebesar 39%. Namun, rencana tersebut tidak diterima oleh Pertamina. "Mandat kami tetap memberikan 30%," kata Ellia di Kantor Kementerian ESDM usai melakukan perundingan, Kamis (6/4).

 Tentang hasil perundingan, Ellia hanya bilang, Total E & P dan lnpex kembali diminta membuat Surat, jika tetap berminat ikut mengelola Mahakam dengan Pl 30%. "Tawaran kami hari ini 30%. Tetapi terserah mereka. Mereka kirim surat ke pemerintah. Bisa jadi mereka tidak sepakat atau tidak ikut" kata Ellia. 

 Sementara tentang kegiatan drilling di Blok Mahakam, akan tetap berjalan pada Agustus 2017 ini. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menyebutkan, dari target 18 sumur yang akan dilakukan pengeboran, hanya delapan sumur yang akan dilakukan oleh Total E & P.

"Jadi tahun ini bor delapan sumur dari rencana awal 18, Perjanjian dengan Total hanya delapan di bulan Agustus. Itu yang drilling mereka, karena kita baru masuk 1 Januari 2018," kata Syamsu.  Namun, saat dimintai keterangan di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, President and General Manager Total E & P Arividya Novianto, enggan memberikan komentar. 

 Pada pertemuan tersebut, turut hadir pula CEO Total Patrick Pouyanne didampingi President of Total E & P Arnaud Breuillac juga Senior Vice President of Total E & P. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar juga enggan menjawab hasil pembahasan dengan Total E&P beserta Pertamina soal Blok Mahakam tersebut. "Nanti dulu, ya, jawabannya," kata Archandra, di kantornya, Kamis (6/4).

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Apr, 7, 2017

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