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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Premium Auction Block Gas New Scheme

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) will again auction off a number of work areas block new oil and gas this year. The first stage of the tender will be conducted in 2017 in May 2017, to coincide with the event IPA Conference.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja Puja IGN said the government is ready to auction 15 oil and gas blocks consisting of 10 blocks of conventional and non-conventional 5 blocks. "It's still tentative, would we Squeeze. Report to the Minister first, we will announce," said Wiratmaja, Tuesday (11/4). To attract investors, the government will offer a gross scheme split for the entire oil and gas blocks to be auctioned this year.

In addition to gross split, the government will provide the opportunity for potential investors to bid and the amount of signature bonus scheme. "To be more interesting, in addition to gross split, we open bid signature bonus right, once is limited so," he explained.

Even so, the government will still set boundaries signature bonus in each block to be auctioned. "There is no owner estimated, because the auctioned from the side of the basin has the shape of each character, different data and potential also varies," he said.

Meanwhile, for the oil and gas blocks unsold after the auction last year will likely be re-auctioned at the second stage of this year. Most likely the auction phase II will be conducted in the second half 2017.

"The 2016 was our first re-evaluation, perhaps in the second half we evaluated again why not sell. It takes time," said Wiratmaja.

Last year, the government has been auctioning 14 conventional oil and gas blocks, precisely in April 2016. However, only two blocks desired. Currently it is still negotiating the winning bidder does not wear gross split. They still want the alias production sharing contract scheme production sharing contract (PSC).

Erwin Maryoto, Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia, say, ExxonMobil will see the block to be auctioned. Then Exxonmobil evaluate the block. "We will look at all, Because there is on offer, we are evaluating," he said.

Erwin also can not ensure that oil and gas blocks auction this year will be more interesting, especially with the split gross scheme. Because ExxonMobil should compare all potential oil and gas blocks to be offered.

"Not only gross or PSC split is seen, but the quality, the potential of the block. Exxonmobil has evaluation individually. But we will see what is on offer," he said.

If Exxonmobil still opportunities assess oil and gas blocks to be offered this year, in contrast to PT Pertamina. Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam has said Pertamina has no plan to follow the new block deals. Pertamina currently focusing on the blocks that has become the company's portfolio. "We are currently the focus of the existing deal, including the PSC will end," said Alam.


Lelang Perdana Blok Migas Skema Baru

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan kembali melelang sejumlah wilayah kerja blok minyak dan gas bumi baru pada tahun ini. Lelang tahap pertama 2017 akan di laksanakan pada Mei 2017, bertepatan dengan perhelatan IPA Conference.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pemerintah siap melelang 15 blok migas yang terdiri dari 10 blok konvensional dan 5 blok non konvensional. "Ini masih tentatif, akan kami rapatkan. Lapor kepada Menteri dulu, kami umumkan," kata Wiratmaja, Selasa (11/4). Demi menarik investor, pemerintah akan menawarkan skema gross split untuk seluruh blok migas yang akan dilelang pada tahun ini. 

Selain gross split, pemerintah akan memberikan kesempatan kepada calon investor menawar skema dan besaran signature bonus. "Agar lebih menarik lagi, selain gross split, signature bonus kami open bid kan, dulu dibatasi sekian," urainya.

Meskipun begitu, pemerintah masih akan menetapkan batasan signature bonus di setiap blok yang akan dilelang. "Masih ada owner estimated, karena yang dilelang ini dari sisi bentuk cekungan punya karakter masing-masing, data berbeda dan potensi juga berbeda-beda," katanya.

Sementara, untuk blok migas yang tidak laku setelah dilelang tahun lalu kemungkinan besar akan kembali dilelang pada tahap kedua tahun ini. Kemungkinan besar lelang tahap II akan dilakukan pada semester II-2017.

"Yang tahun 2016 itu kami evaluasi ulang dulu, mungkin pada semester dua kami evaluasi lagi kenapa tidak laku. Itu membutuhkan waktu," kata Wiratmaja.

Tahun lalu, pemerintah memang telah melelang 14 blok migas konvensional, tepatnya pada April 2016. Namun hanya dua blok yang diminati. Saat ini pemenang lelang itu masih berunding tidak memakai gross split. Mereka tetap menginginkan skema kontrak bagi hasil alias production sharing contract (PSC).

Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public and Goverment Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia, bilang, Exxonmobil akan melihat blok yang akan dilelang. Kemudian Exxonmobil mengevaluasi blok itu. “Kami akan melihat semua, Karena belum ditawarkan, kami evaluasi," ujarnya.

Erwin juga belum bisa memastikan lelang blok migas tahun ini akan lebih menarik, terutama dengan adanya skema gross split. Pasalnya EXXonmobil harus membandingkan seluruh potensi blok migas yang akan ditawarkan. 

"Tidak hanya gross split atau PSC yang dilihat, tapi kualitas, potensi blok. Exxonmobil punya evaluasi sendiri- sendiri. Tapi kami akan lihat apa yang ditawarkan," jelasnya.

Jika Exxonmobil masih membuka peluang mengkaji blok migas yang akan ditawarkan tahun ini, berbeda dengan PT Pertamina. Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam pernah menyatakan Pertamina belum berencana mengikuti penawaran blok baru. Pertamina saat ini masih fokus pada blok-blok yang telah menjadi portofolio perseroan.  “Kami sedang fokus menangani yang eksisting, termasuk PSC yang akan berakhir," kata Alam.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, April, 12, 2017

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