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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Production Up, Oil Sales Not to Reach Target

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas noted that the first quarter of 2017, average oil production of 815 600 barrels per day (bpd). This figure already exceeds the target bit from the State Budget (APBN) in 2017 amounted to 815 000 bpd.

There are five operators who are able to contribute oil production significantly in the first quarter of 2017, namely Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, Pertamina EP, Total E & P Indonesie and Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ "The term is challenged 815 000 for Banyu Urip," said Secretary of SKK Migas, Budi Agustiono, Friday (7/4).

Unfortunately, the production target not balanced oil sales were only 787 800 bpd, or 96.7% of the target Lifting this year, namely 815 000 bpd. In contrast to the lifting gas in the first quarter of 2017, which actually exceeds the target. Until March 31, 2017, amounted to 6 503 MMSCFD gas Lifting or 101% of revenue this year, which amounted to 6,440 MMSCFD. Overall, the oil and gas lifting the first quarter of 2017 only 1,949 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from this year's target of 1,965 boepd.

Budi said, lifting the oil is different from oil production. Lifting of oil depends on the readiness of transport tankers PT Pertamina. We've asked Pertamina improve fleet, "he said.

Budi also mentioned the existence of constraints due to weather factors in the process of lifting the oil so that the ship can not dock or sail to transport oil. "The ship can not move closer to Lifting for rocking, so that the production of 1-day-2-day closed," said Budi. While the oil and gas investment until March 31, 2017 amounted to US $ 1.9 billion.

The details are as much as US $ 1.8 billion for the exploitation of oil and gas blocks and an estimated US $ 100 million oil and gas exploration blocks. Achievement of the investment only reached 14% of the target in 2017 of US $ 13.8 billion, consisting of exploitation investment of US $ 12.8 billion and exploration is expected to be US $ 800 million.

During the first quarter 2017, revenue from oil and gas upstream reach US $ 6.9 billion. Revenues in the first quarter-2017 has reached 32% of the target upstream oil and gas revenues in 2017 amounted to US $ 25.2 billion. The revenue is distributed to cost recovery of US $ 2.4 billion. While remaining as state revenues of US $ 3.4 billion, and the reception contractor US $ 1.1 billion.


Produksi Naik, Penjualan Minyak Belum Capai Target

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi mencatat, kuartal I-2017, rata-rata produksi minyak 815.600 barel per hari (bph). Angka ini sudah melebihi sedikit dari target Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017 sebesar 815.000 bph.

Ada lima operator yang mampu menyumbang produksi minyak yang cukup signifikan di kuartal I 2017, yaitu Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, Pertamina EP, Total E&P Indonesie dan Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ "Istilahnya ditantang 815.000 karena Banyu Urip,“ ujar Sekretaris SKK Migas, Budi Agustiono, Jumat (7/4).

Sayang, target produksi tidak di imbangi penjualan minyak yang hanya 787.800 bph atau 96,7% dari target Lifting tahun ini, yakni 815.000 bph. Berbeda dengan lifting gas di kuartal I-2017, yang justru melebih target. Hingga 31 Maret 2017, Lifting gas sebesar 6.503 mmscfd atau 101% dari target tahun ini, yang sebesar 6.440 mmscfd. Secara keseluruhan, lifting migas kuartal I-2017 hanya 1.949 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) dari target tahun ini sebesar 1.965 boepd.

Budi menyatakan, lifting minyak memang berbeda dari produksi minyak. Lifting minyak tergantung pada kesiapan transportasi kapal-kapal tanker PT Pertamina. Kami sudah meminta agar Pertamina memperbaiki armada," ungkap dia.

Budi juga menyebut adanya kendala karena faktor cuaca dalam proses Lifting minyak sehingga kapal tidak bisa merapat atau berlayar untuk mengangkut minyak. "Kapal untuk Lifting tidak bisa merapat karena goyang, sehingga produksi 1 hari-2 hari ditutup," jelas Budi. Sementara investasi migas hingga 31 Maret 2017 sebesar US$ 1,9 miliar.

Perinciannya sebanyak US$ 1,8 miliar untuk eksploitasi blok migas serta sebanyak US$ 100 juta eksplorasi blok migas. Pencapaian investasi itu baru mencapai 14% dari target 2017 sebesar US$ 13,8 miliar, yang terdiri dari investasi eksploitasi sebesar US$ 12,8 miliar dan eksplorasi diharapkan bisa US$ 800 juta.

Sepanjang kuartal I 2017, realisasi pendapatan dari hulu migas mencapai US$ 6,9 miliar. Pendapatan sepanjang kuartal I-2017 sudah mencapai 32% dari target pendapatan hulu migas tahun 2017 sebesar US$ 25,2 miliar. Pendapatan tersebut di distribusikan untuk cost recovery sebesar US$ 2,4 miliar. Sementara sisanya sebagai penerimaan negara sebesar US$ 3,4 miliar serta penerimaan kontraktor US$ 1,1 miliar.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

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