, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 PT Kreasindo Build Refinery capacity is 300,000 barrels per day - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

PT Kreasindo Build Refinery capacity is 300,000 barrels per day

The government wants private companies also participate dalarn construction of an oil refinery. Currently the refinery project undertaken by private had received legal protection in the form of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 35/2016 on the Development of Domestic Oil Refinery By Private Enterprises.

One company plans refinery is Kreasindo Resources Indonesia. Kreasindo is going to build industrial zones of oil and gas (oil) of 600 hectares in Situbondo, East Java. In the area of ​​oil and gas industry, the company plans to build an oil refinery.

Kreasindo Resources Indonesia President Director Rudy Radjab asserted, the refinery project on the agenda Kreasindo business. But the refinery's capacity will change as the supply of crude oil (crude) feedstock for the refinery of Iran also changed. "Crude is different, refinery capacity rose to 300,000 barrels per day," he said

The previous plan, the refinery in Situbondo only has a production capacity of approximately 150,000 barrels per day. With these capacity changes, the investment value of the refinery also change. The investment value of the construction of the refinery capacity of 150,000 barrels per day is projected to reach US $ 5 billion. As a result of this capacity expansion, the refinery investment funds also rose to US $ 7.5 billion.

With these changes, Kreasindo must undertake a feasibility study again. So do not apply for permission to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the construction of private refineries. Kreasindo also still have to get permission from Situbondo related PemeIintah land to be used for the construction of the refinery.

The permit is expected soon along with the feasibility study completed this year. In pursuit of the target, Rudy Kreasindo call likely will seek another location when Situbondo Local Government does not give permission locations.

So far, the central government has helped the efforts of private projects. For example, Regulation of Minister of Private Refinery published, as well as cooperation with Iran will supply crude to the refinery. If everything is fine this year, Kreasindo groundbreaking could begin at the end of the year.

We are targeting financial closing by early 2018, "said Rudy. He said, state-owned China is ready to give funding for the construction of this refinery. It is expected that the construction of the refinery that takes 30 months to run smoothly.

If the refinery is already production, most refined products to the top 92 types of gasoline will be channeled into the country if Pertamina is willing to be of takers. "But if not willing, I will export to China and Vietnam," he said


PT. Kreasindo Membangun Kilang Kapasitas 300.000 Barel per Hari

Pemerintah ingin perusahaan swasta juga ikut berperan dalarn pembangunan kilang minyak. Saat ini proyek kilang yang digarap swasta sudah mendapat perlindungan hukum berupa Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 35/2016 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri Oleh Badan Usaha Swasta. 

Salah satu perusahaan yang berencana Kilang adalah Kreasindo Resources Indonesia. Kreasindo memang akan membangun kawasan industri minyak dan gas (migas) seluas 600 hektare di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Dalam kawasan industri migas itu, perusahaan berencana membangun kilang minyak.

Direktur Utama Kreasindo Resources Indonesia Rudy Radjab menegaskan, proyek kilang masuk dalam agenda bisnis Kreasindo. Namun kapasitas kilang akan berubah karena pasokan minyak mentah (crude) bahan baku bagi kilang ini dari Iran juga berubah. "Crude berbeda, kapasitas kilang naik jadi 300.000 barel per hari," katanya

Rencana sebelumnya, kilang di Situbondo hanya memiliki kapasitas produksi sekitar 150.000 barel per hari. Dengan perubahan kapasitas tersebut, nilai investasi kilang juga ikut berubah. Nilai investasi pembangunan kilang kapasitas 150.000 barel per hari diproyeksikan mencapai  US$ 5 miliar. Akibat penambahan kapasitas ini, dana investasi kilang juga naik menjadi US$ 7,5 miliar.

Dengan perubahan tersebut, Kreasindo harus melakukan feasibility study lagi. Sehingga belum mengajukan izin kepada Kementerian ESDM untuk pembangunan kilang swasta. Kreasindo juga masih harus mendapatkan izin dari PemeIintah Situbondo terkait lahan yang akan digunakan untuk pembangunan kilang. 
Diharapkan izin tersebut beserta feasibility study segera selesai pada tahun ini. Demi mengejar target, Rudy menyebut kemungkinan besar Kreasindo akan mencari lokasi lain jika Pemerintah Daerah Situbondo tidak memberikan izin lokasi.

Sejauh ini, pemerintah pusat sudah membantu upaya proyek swasta. Misalnya, Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang Kilang Swasta diterbitkan, serta kerjasama dengan Iran yang nantinya akan memasok crude untuk kilang tersebut. Jika segalanya lancar pada tahun ini, Kreasindo bisa memulai groundbreaking di akhir tahun. 

Financial closing kami targetkan paling lambat awal 2018,"ujar Rudy. Dia bilang, BUMN China sudah siap memberi pendanaan untuk pembangunan kilang ini. Sehingga diharapkan pembangunan konstruksi kilang yang memerlukan waktu 30 bulan bisa berjalan lancar.

Jika kilang sudah produksi, sebagian produk kilang yang jenis gasoline 92 ke atas ini akan disalurkan ke dalam negeri jika Pertamina bersedia menjadi of taker. "Tapi kalau tidak bersedia, saya akan ekspor ke China dan Vietnam," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, April, 13, 2017

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