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Monday, April 10, 2017

Sharing Schemes Boost Local Components

The implementation of the scheme for the results of the gross production (gross split) of crude oil and natural gas will certainly increase the amount of domestic component level (DCL). This was due to the more DCL is used, the greater the revenue share received by the contractor.

"In addition to potentially get an extra split (for results) through a component variable split, investors will want to save on operating costs for cost recovery is no longer valid, especially for the working area (WK) new and termination," said Secretary of the Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Budi Agustyono

According to records SKK Migas, all commitments of procurement of goods and services conducted SKK Migas or upstream oil and gas investor or contractor cooperation contract (PSC) reached US $ 2,628 million as of March 2017. When the percentage, DCL absorption of 39.93%. The achievement was above the minimum threshold DCL uptake general obligation, namely 30%.

Added, although the gross-based PSC regime split approved work program and budget (WP & B) is no longer in the hands of SKK Migas, the agency was still doing the monitoring of goods and services. Procurement in the upstream oil and gas sector includes pipes, pumping unit, drilling mud, cement, chemical, lubricants, to fuel oil (BBM). Procurement of services includes, surveying, seismic and geology, drilling, FEED, EPC I, shipping, aircraft, until the building maintenance.

He added that gross regime increasingly split wide open space for contractors and state justice. That caused a split calculation is influenced by many factors, from the price of oil, the type of field, the cumulative production, until the uptake DCL.

Likewise, Commercial and Businesses Development Director of PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators Ramli added Simatupang scheme based on gross PSC split could also extend upstream oil and gas projects for local contractors. By doing so, the national fabrication industry increasingly powerless.

"In the future there will be more (projects for local contractors). We greatly boosted gross split. Uptake DCL above 50%.


Skema Bagi Hasil Dongkrak Komponen Lokal

Penerapan skema bagi hasil dari produksi kotor (gross split) minyak mentah dan gas bumi dipastikan akan menaikkan besaran tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN). Hal itu disebabkan semakin banyak TKDN yang digunakan, akan semakin besar bagi hasil yang diterima kontraktor.

“Selain berpotensi mendapatkan tambahan split (bagi hasil) melalui komponen variable split, investor tentunya ingin menghemat biaya operasional karena cost recovery tidak lagi berlaku, terutama bagi wilayah kerja (WK) baru dan terminasi,” kata Sekretaris Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Budi Agustyono 

Menurut catatan SKK Migas, seluruh komitmen pengadaan barang dan jasa yang dilakukan SKK Migas ataupun investor hulu migas atau kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) mencapai US$2,628 juta per Maret 2017. Bila di persentase, penyerapan TKDN sebesar 39,93%. Pencapaian itu di atas ambang minimum kewajiban serapan TKDN secara umum, yakni 30%.

Ditambahkan, meski dalam rezim PSC berbasis gross split persetujuan work program and budget (WP&B) tidak lagi berada di tangan SKK Migas, lembaga itu tetap melakukan pengawasan terhadap barang dan jasa. Pengadaan barang di sektor hulu migas meliputi pipa, pumping unit, lumpur pengeboran, semen, kimia, pelumas, hingga bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Pengadaan jasa mencakup, jasa survei, seismik dan geologi, pengeboran, FEED, EPC I, perkapalan, pesawat udara, hingga perawatan gedung.

Dia menambahkan rezim gross split semakin membuka lebar ruang keadilan bagi kontraktor ataupun negara. Itu disebabkan penghitungan split dipengaruhi berbagai faktor, mulai harga minyak, jenis lapangan, kumulatif produksi, hingga serapan TKDN. 

Senada, Commercial and Businesses Development Director PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators Ramli Simatupang menambahkan skema PSC berbasis gross split juga bisa memperluas proyek hulu migas bagi kontraktor lokal. Dengan begitu, industri fabrikasi nasional semakin berdaya. 

“Ke depannya akan lebih banyak (proyek bagi kontraktor lokal). Kita sangat dukung gross split. Serapan TKDN di atas 50%.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Monday, April, 10, 2017

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