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Thursday, April 13, 2017

The acquisition 2 Blocks of the Russian Oil and Gas, Completed This Year

PT Pertamina is targeting the acquisition of blocks of oil and gas in Russia was completed this year. Senior Vice President Business Development Pertamina Upstream Denie S Tampubolon said the acquisition process towards the final stage of the discussion of commercial issues.

As part of the deal with Rosneft, the Russian company in Tuban refinery construction project, Pertamina is entitled to evaluate the two oil and gas fields belonging to the company in Russia. 

     According to official information, in a memorandum of understanding both oil and gas company, Pertamina could acquire a controlling stake of 20% participation (field The Northern Tip of Chayvo and 37.5% in the Russkoye field. Of these activities, Pertamina expects to receive 35,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd ) and oil and gas reserves of 200 million barrels of oil equivalent from Russia.

Therefore, Pertamina will enter in two blocks of oil and gas production in Russia with a stake in each block approximately 10% -15%. "Financial transactions should this year, whether agreed or not because it was signed [under discussion] commercial," he said yesterday (10/4). Denie explained, and the technical aspects, there are factors supporting the acquisition of oil and gas block.

Rosneft will build a gas pipeline East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) so that the production of these blocks can be connected with East Asian countries. "So the oil will be in Asia." He said that the search for new oil and gas working areas in the drill company located in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia such as Thailand and Vietnam.

The reason is, there is still potential for development. However, he said, the company did not close the acquisition in another region which allows additional volumes of oil that can be processed to meet the needs of fuel oil (BBM) in the country.

In the search for new oil and gas blocks, some factors such as geopolitics, oil and gas reserves, and fiscal requirements into consideration. Iran, for example, have the appeal of the oil and gas reserves, but from the geopolitical aspects has its own challenges. Therefore, the process to follow the field, including two deals Ab Teymour and Mansouri Iran resumed.

Proposals are committed development of the project was submitted in February 2017. "We have already submitted proposals to the development plan of the National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC]. We are in a waiting position of Iran for discussions on the proposal, "he said.


Akuisisi 2 Blok Migas Rusia, Rampung Tahun Ini  

PT Pertamina menargetkan akuisisi blok minyak dan gas bumi di Rusia selesai tahun ini. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie S Tampubolon mengatakan, proses akuisisi menjelang tahap akhir yakni pembahasan masalah komersial. 

Sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan dengan Rosneft, perusahaan asal Rusia dalam proyek pembangunan Kilang Tuban, Pertamina berhak melakukan evaluasi terhadap dua lapangan migas milik perusahaan itu di Rusia. 

      Berdasarkan keterangan resmi, dalam nota kesepahaman kedua perusahaan migas ini, Pertamina bisa menguasai saham partisipasi 20% (lapangan The Northern Tip of Chayvo dan 37,5% di Lapangan Russkoye. Dari kegiatan tersebut, Pertamina menargetkan bisa mendapat minyak 35.000 barel per hari (bph) dan cadangan migas 200 juta barel setara minyak dari Rusia. 

Untuk itu, Pertamina akan masuk di dua blok migas produksi di Rusia dengan kepemilikan saham di masing-masing blok sekitar 10%-15%. “Transaksi finansial harus tahun ini, apakah sepakat atau tidak karena sudah masuk [tahap pembahasan] komersial," ujarnya, Senin (10/4). Denie menjelaskan, dan aspek teknik, terdapat faktor pendukung akusisi blok migas tersebut. 

Rosneft akan membangun pipa gas East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) sehingga produksi di lapangan tersebut bisa terhubung dengan negara di Asia Timur. “Jadi minyaknya akan ada di kawasan Asia.” Dia menyebutkan bahwa pencarian wilayah kerja migas baru yang di incar perseroan berlokasi di Afrika, Timur Tengah, dan Asia seperti Thailand dan Vietnam. 

Alasannya, masih terdapat potensi pengembangan. Namun, katanya, perseroan tidak menutup akuisisi di wilayah lain yang memungkinkan tambahan volume minyak yang bisa diolah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di dalam negeri. 

Dalam mencari blok migas baru, beberapa faktor seperti geopolitik, cadangan migas, dan syarat-syarat fiskal menjadi pertimbangan. Iran misalnya, memiliki daya tarik dari sisi cadangan migas, tetapi dari aspek geopolitik memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Oleh karena itu, proses untuk mengikuti penawaran dua lapangan yakni Ab Teymour dan Mansouri di Iran dilanjutkan. 

Proposal yang menyatakan komitmen pengembangan lapangan tersebut telah disampaikan pada Februari 2017. “Kami juga sudah menyerahkan proposal rencana pengembangan ke National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC]. Kami dalam posisi menunggu dari Iran untuk pembahasan tentang proposal itu,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

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