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Friday, April 7, 2017

Total Not Take Attitude

Total E & P Indonesie and lnpex Corporation has not taken a stance to take 30% stake in the Mahakam block even though Pertamina still provide space for both companies.

Pertamina become a new operator in the Mahakam block start January 1, 2018 replacing the Total E & P Indonesie. Total and lnpex However, as operators exist at this time, still get a chance to still have a 30% stake in the block located in East Kalimantan. Pertamina and Total held a meeting at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Thursday (6/4). Pertamina President Director Elia Massa Malik, upstream director Syamsu Alam and Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) Ida Yusmiati also present in the meeting.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Total Patrick Pouyanne also attend the meeting after attending Gastech in Japan together with President of Total Exploration & Production Arnaud Breuillac Senior Vice President of Total Exploration & Production Asia Pacific Javier Rielo, and President & General Manager of Total E & P lndonesie Arividya Noviyanto.

However, none of the representatives and Total, the French energy company wants to provide information after holding a meeting. In fact, the arrival of officials to respond position Total Total after Minister Ignasius Jonan states that exist contractor could have a room up to 39% in the shareholding participation (participating intenest / PI) in the area of ​​oil and gas working 50-year-old.

Elijah said that in the meeting only discussed about the room up to 30% for the contractor to exist. According to him, Total has not expressed an interest to offer a 30% stake in the ownership of the new contract Mahakam block. Formally, Total will express their attitude after the meeting. "Later, Total will send a letter, but today we are talking about 30%," he said after attending a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Total in Jakarta, Thursday (6/4).

According to him, the attitude of Total on new contracts is unpredictable and the atmosphere of the meeting. He mentions no time limit when the total could declare a formal stance on the offer. Therefore, he considered, there are two possibilities exist if the total contractor will continue its operations in the Mahakam block despite having a smaller room or leave the Mahakam.

Currently operated the Mahakam block with a total ownership of 50% stocks and 50% lnpex Corporation. The ownership composition in the Mahakam block that is only valid until December 31, 2017. Exactly on January 1, 2018, Pertamina through PHM operates Block Mahakam. Owned enterprises East Kalimantan get 10% participation stake. "Not to take a 30% stake bid attitude Mahakam. They could also end up not coming, "said Elijah.


In the same occasion, Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam said that this year in the Mahakam drilling activity is still carried out by Total as operator. In accordance with the agreement, in the transition management of the Mahakam block, Pertamina began to invest to maintain production of oil and gas does not go down.

Total still fund the drilling of six wells. Activity has also been completed since March 2017. Initially, Pertamina plans to fund the drilling of 19 wells. However, since the time of signing a new deal done in March, Syamsu call from adjustments including the number of wells to be drilled into eight wells that began in August 2017.

Based on data from SKK Migas, Total will drill 25 wells, 158 rework, and maintenance on 6,820 wells this year. The French oil company has drilled 41 wells, 147 wells re-work, and care over 7339 wells throughout 2016.

The annual production volume of taxable Mahakam region today 1,635 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas and 63,000 barrels of oil per day.

"This year we drilled eight wells. Initially used only 18 wells. Still there is the total bridging agreement / treaty Mahakam management transition that is mid-May 2017. We are trying to be realistic "Syamsu said.


Total Belum Ambil Sikap

Total E&P Indonesie dan lnpex Corporation belum mengambil sikap untuk mengambil 30% saham di Blok Mahakam meskipun PT Pertamina tetap memberikan ruang kepada kedua perusahaan itu.

Pertamina menjadi operator baru di Blok Mahakam mulai 1 Januari 2018 menggantikan Total E&P Indonesie. Namun Total dan lnpex, sebagai operator eksis saat ini, masih diberikan peluang untuk tetap memiliki 30% saham blok migas yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Pertamina dan Total menggelar pertemuan di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Kamis (6/4). Direktur Utama Pertamina Elia Massa Malik, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, dan Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) Ida Yusmiati juga hadir dalam pertemuan itu.

Sementara itu, CEO Total Patrick Pouyanne turut hadir dalam pertemuan itu setelah menghadiri GasTech di Jepang bersama President Total Exploration & Production Arnaud Breuillac, Senior Vice President Total Exploration & Production Asia Pacific Javier Rielo, dan President & General Manager Total E&P lndonesie Arividya Noviyanto.

Namun, tidak ada satu pun perwakilan dan Total, perusahaan energi asal Prancis yang mau memberikan keterangan usai menggelar rapat. Padahal, kedatangan petinggi Total untuk merespons posisi Total setelah Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyatakan bahwa kontraktor eksis bisa memiliki ruang hingga 39% dalam kepemilikan saham partisipasi (participating intenest/PI) di wilayah kerja migas yang berusia 50 tahun itu. 

Elia mengatakan, dalam pertemuan hanya dibahas tentang ruang hingga 30% bagi kontraktor eksis. Menurutnya, Total belum menyatakan minat dengan tawaran kepemilikan 30% saham dalam kontrak baru Blok Mahakam. Secara formal, Total akan menyampaikan sikapnya setelah pertemuan tersebut. “Nanti Total akan kirim surat, tetapi hari ini kami bicarakan 30%,” katanya usai menghadiri pertemuan Menteri ESDM dengan Total di Jakarta, Kamis (6/4).

Menurutnya, sikap Total pada kontrak baru tidak bisa ditebak dan suasana rapat. Dia menyebut tidak ada batasan waktu kapan Total bisa menyatakan sikapnya secara formal atas tawaran tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dia menilai, masih terdapat dua kemungkinan apakah Total sebagai kontraktor eksis akan melanjutkan pengelolaannya di Blok Mahakam meskipun memiliki ruang yang lebih kecil atau hengkang dari Mahakam.

Saat ini Blok Mahakam dioperasikan Total dengan kepemilikan Saham sebesar 50% dan lnpex Corporation 50%. Komposisi kepemilikan saham di Blok Mahakam itu hanya berlaku hingga 31 Desember 2017. Tepat pada 1 Januari 2018, Pertamina melalui PHM mengoperasikan Blok Mahakam. Badan usaha milik daerah Kalimantan Timur mendapatkan saham partisipasi 10%. “Belum mengambil sikap tawaran 30% saham Mahakam. Bisa juga mereka akhirnya tidak mau ikut,” kata Elia. 


Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pada tahun ini kegiatan pengeboran di Mahakam masih dilakukan oleh Total Sebagai operator. Sesuai dengan kesepakatan, dalam masa transisi pengelolaan Blok Mahakam, Pertamina mulai berinvestasi untuk menjaga produksi minyak dan gas bumi tidak turun.

Total masih mendanai pengeboran enam sumur. Kegiatan pun telah diselesaikan sejak Maret 2017. Awalnya, Pertamina berencana mendanai pengeboran 19 sumur. Namun, karena waktu penandatanganan kesepakatan yang baru dilakukan pada Maret, Syamsu menyebut terdapat penyesuaian termasuk jumlah sumur yang akan dibor menjadi delapan sumur yang dimulai pada Agustus 2017.

Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, Total akan melakukan pengeboran 25 sumur, 158 kerja ulang, dan perawatan atas 6.820 sumur sepanjang tahun ini. Perusahaan migas asal Prancis itu telah melakukan pengeboran 41 sumur, kerja ulang 147 sumur, dan perawatan atas 7.339 sumur sepanjang 2016.

Volume produksi tahunan wilayah kena Mahakam saat ini 1.635 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) gas dan minyak 63.000 barel per hari. 

“Tahun ini kita mengebor delapan sumur. Awalnya dulu hanya 18 sumur. Masih ada dengan Total bridging agreement /perjanjian transisi pengelolaan Mahakam yaitu pertengahan Mei 2017. Kita berusaha realistis" kata Syamsu. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Apr, 7, 2017

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