Chevron Pacific Indonesia has not yet determined the continuation of the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project at Minas Field, Rokan Block, Riau. Chevron's Senior Vice President of Government Policy and Public Affairs, Yanto Sianipar, said Chevron's management is reviewing the viability of the project after the government guarantees an investment return for oil and gas blocks that will expire.
"We are evaluating how it affects our contracts," he said. Further study was followed after the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources issued Ministerial Regulation No. 26 of 2017, which required new managers of oil and gas blocks to reimburse the investment costs incurred by old operators.
The goal is that the old operator will not hesitate to issue an investment even though the contract will expire. Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar pointed out, the new contractor must replace the old contractor's funds investing US $ 10 million to drill a well two years before the contract ends with the same value.
"When drilling, production is not always available right away. The increase in production is even enjoyed by new contractors. "
Based on the regulation, the payment value must be approved by the Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas).
Chevron was reluctant to continue the EOR project at Minas Field due to wait for certainty of extension of operation after 2021. The company also applied for a contract extension to the government.
President Director Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Albert Simanjuntak, claims the EOR project could increase oil production by 17-22 percent per single point of drilling. Another reason for the termination of the project, Albert said, was the low price of oil. Chevron has already conducted two pilot phases that cost approximately US $ 222 million.
Chevron Kaji Ulang Kelanjutan Pengurasan Minyak
Chevron Pacific Indonesia belum menentukan kelanjutan proyek pengurasan minyak (enhanced oil recovery/EOR) di Lapangan Minas, Blok Rokan, Riau. Senior Vice President Policy Government and Public Affairs Chevron, Yanto Sianipar, mengatakan manajemen Chevron sedang mengkaji kelangsungan proyek ini setelah pemerintah menjamin pengembalian investasi untuk blok minyak dan gas yang akan habis masa berlakunya.
“Kami sedang mengevaluasi, bagaimana dampaknya terhadap kontrak kami,” kata dia. Studi lanjutan ditempuh setelah Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 26 Tahun 2017, yang mewajibkan pengelola baru blok migas mengganti biaya investasi yang dikeluarkan operator lama.
Tujuannya, operator lama tidak ragu mengeluarkan investasi meskipun kontraknya bakal kedaluwarsa. Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar mencontohkan, kontraktor baru harus mengganti dana kontraktor lama yang menanamkan investasi US$ 10 juta untuk mengebor sumur dua tahun sebelum kontrak berakhir dengan nilai yang sama.
“Ketika pengeboran, produksinya tidak selalu didapat saat itu juga. Kenaikan produksi malah dinikmati kontraktor baru.”
Berdasarkan aturan tersebut, nilai pembayaran harus disetujui oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).
Chevron sempat tidak mau melanjutkan proyek EOR di Lapangan Minas lantaran menunggu kepastian perpanjangan masa operasi setelah 2021. Perusahaan juga mengajukan permohonan perpanjangan kontrak kepada pemerintah.
Presiden Direktur Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Albert Simanjuntak, mengklaim proyek EOR bisa menambah produksi minyak hingga 17-22 persen per satu titik pengeboran. Alasan lain penghentian proyek, kata Albert, adalah rendahnya harga minyak. Chevron sudah melakukan dua tahap uji coba yang menghabiskan biaya sekitar US$ 222 juta.
Koran Tempo, Page-21, Wednesday, May, 17, 2017
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