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Friday, May 26, 2017

China and kuwait Strong Candidate at Bontang Refinery

PT Pertamina will announce the winners of the Bontang refinery auction by the end of June 2017

PT Pertamina will announce partners in the construction of the Bontang refinery project in June 2017. In a project called New Grass Root Refinevry (NGRR) Bontang, Pertamina has held a project expose in February 2017 attended by 26 consortiums.

Director of Processing and Petrochemical Megaproject Rachmad Hardadi asserted, until now Pertamina has not decided who the partners who will work on the project Bontang refinery. Whereas in February, Pertamina said it could get a strategic partner on April 28, 2017. Because it is still in the process, the end of June 2017 we can just announce.

Hardadi was still reluctant to open a company where saia who became a strong candidate working on the mega project Bontang refinery. Later, this is still in process. Later in the end of June, he said.

Although Hardadi did not vote on the partnership, Deputy Minister of EMR and Pertamina's Vice President Commissioner, Arcandra Tahar stated that Pertamina already has a strong candidate for Pertamina's partners in the refinery project, which is from Kuwait and China. "As far as I know there are no winners. (Strong candidates) There are from China and Kuwait," said Arcandra.

From the list of consortiums who participated in the project expose, companies from China are more than three. While for Kuwaiti companies do not participate in project expose. Hardadi also did not want to provide confirmation related to the prospect of a Kuwaiti company to win despite not attending the project expose process.

On August 19, 2010, Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC) has indeed signed a memorandum of understanding with Pertamina to hold a feasibility study on the construction of the Balongan Refinery with a capacity of 200,000-300,000 barrels per day. The refinery will be integrated with refinery complex in West Java. However, it was canceled in 2014 because KPC requested an income tax exemption (PPh) or 30-year Holiday tax. Next they ask for the tax rate is only 5%, whereas the other corporate income tax is 20%. The government can only give tax holiday for 10 years.

Although it has not been determined the winner, Pertamina has set four main characteristics of potential partners. First, it has a good track record, strong, business of oil processing industry, especially in project operation and execution. Second, it can adjust to the structure and business model that Pertamina wants. Third, has a strong desire to accelerate the project and complete it in 2023. Fourth, it provides an interesting value for GRR Bontang project.

Pertamina and its strategic partners will begin the bankable feasibility study (BFS) process that is targeted to be completed by early 2018, as well as finalize the establishment of the consortium and will establish a Pre eliminary Investment Decision 1 that describes the estimated investment of the Bontang project.

Kuwait is superior

Komaidi Notonegoro Executive Director of the Institute Reforminer said, of the two strong candidates, for the construction of the refinery, Kuwait still has advantages in some respects. "One of the guarantees is that the supply of crude oil is relatively better," Komaidi said

Nevertheless, Komaidi called the two countries bilaterally to have strategic value for Indonesia. For that Komaidi suggested that Pertamina choose partners based on its business aspect only.


China dan kuwait Calon Kuat di Kilang Bontang

PT Pertamina akan mengumumkan pemenang lelang Kilang Bontang akhir Juni 2017

PT Pertamina akan mengumumkan mitra dalam pembangunan proyek kilang Bontang pada Juni 2017. Pada proyek yang biasa disebut New Grass Root Refinevry (NGRR) Bontang, Pertamina telah menggelar project expose pada Februari 2017 yang dihadiri 26 konsorsium.

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmad Hardadi menegaskan, hingga kini Pertamina belum mengambil keputusan siapa mitra yang akan menggarap proyek kilang Bontang. Padahal pada Februari lalu Pertamina menyatakan bisa memperoleh mitra strategis pada 28 April 2017.  Karena masih dalam proses, akhir Juni 2017 baru bisa kami umumkan.

Hardadi pun masih enggan membuka perusahaan mana saia yang menjadi kandidat kuat menggarap mega proyek kilang Bontang. Nanti saja, lni masih dalam proses. Nanti akhir Juni, katanya.

Meskipun Hardadi tidak membuka suara soal mitra yang akan digandeng, Wakil Menteri ESDM yang sekaligus Wakil Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Arcandra Tahar menyebutkan bahwa Pertamina sudah memiliki kandidat kuat calon mitra Pertamina dalam prdyek kilang tersebut, yakni perusahaan dari Kuwait dan China. "Setahu saya belum ada pemenang.  (Kandidat kuat) Ada dari China dan Kuwait," kata Arcandra.

Dari daftar konsorsium yang ikut project expose, perusahaan yang berasal dari China memang lebih dari tiga. Sementara untuk perusahaan Kuwait tidak ikut project expose. Hardadi pun belum mau memberikan konfirmasi terkait prospek perusahaan asal Kuwait untuk menang meskipun tidak menghadiri proses project expose.

Pada 19 Agustus 2010, Kuwait Petroleum Corp (KPC) memang pernah meneken nota kesepahaman dengan  Pertamina untuk menggelar Studi kelayakan pembangunan Kilang Baru Balongan yang berkapasitas 200.000-300.000 barel per hari. Kilang tersebut nantinya terintegrasi dengan kompleks kilang di Jawa Barat. Namun, itu batal pada 2014 karena KPC meminta pembebasan pajak penghasilan (PPh) atau tax Holiday 30 tahun.  Selanjutnya mereka minta tarif PPh hanya 5%, padahal PPh badan lain 20%. Pemerintah hanya bisa memberikan tax holiday selama 10 tahun.

Meski belum ditentukan pemenangnya, Pertamina telah menetapkan empat karakteristik utama calon mitra. Pertama, memiliki rekam jejak yang baik, kuat, berbisnis industri pengolahan minyak, terutama dalam operasional dan eksekusi proyek. Kedua, bisa menyesuaikan dengan struktur dan model bisnis yang dikehendaki Pertamina. Ketiga, memiliki keinginan kuat mempercepat proyek dan menyelesaikannya pada 2023. Keempat, memberikan nilai menarik bagi proyek GRR Bontang.

Pertamina bersama mitra strategis akan memulai proses bankable feasibility study (BFS) yang ditargetkan selesai pada awal tahun 2018, sekaligus menuntaskan pembentukan konsorsium dan akan ditetapkan Pre eliminary Investment Decision 1 yang menggambarkan perkiraan investasi proyek Bontang.

Kuwait unggul

Komaidi Notonegoro Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer lnstitut menyatakan, dari kedua kandidat kuat tersebut, untuk pembangunan kilang, maka Kuwait masih memiliki keunggulan dalam beberapa hal. "Salah satunya jaminan pasokan minyak mentahnya relatif lebih baik," kata Komaidi

Meskipun begitu, Komaidi menyebut kedua negara secara bilateral memiliki nilai yang strategis bagi Indonesia. Untuk itu Komaidi menyarankan agar Pertamina memilih mitra berdasarkan aspek bisnisnya saja.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, May, 15, 2017

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