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Monday, May 29, 2017

ConccoPhilips: Theft of Oil and Gas causes victims

ConocoPhillips continues to cooperate with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and local police to suppress oil theft or illegal tapping as well as gas drilling or illegal drilling in the Working Area.

Oil theft and illegal gas drilling in the Corridor Block, Sumpal Field, Grissik, South Sumatra owned by Conoco occurred since 2014. Vice President of Development and Relation ConocoPhillips Joang Laksanto stated, in 2014 ago, there were 20 cases of oil theft plans, but quickly handled. As a result, the theft does not result in loss of production in the Corridor Block, Sumpal Field.

"The 20 cases have just happened.We've been searching for it.When anyone wants to do the action, we follow the specifics of the loss of barrels do not exist.Because this pressure is small," katanay in Grissik area, South Sumatra, Sunday (21/5) . Joang said that his side has also operated the drones and cooperated with the police regarding the oil theft plan. Thus, the act of stealing oil is now far downhill.

The company is targeting, this year there is no more illegal action. While related to illegal gas drilling or illegal drilling, Joang recounts also often occur in the working area of ​​the Corridor Block as well as an accident and caused casualties.


ConccoPhilips: Pencurian Migas Menimbulkan Korban

     ConocoPhillips terus bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan pihak kepolisian setempat untuk menekan pencurian minyak atau ilegal tapping Serta pengeboran gas atau ilegal drilling di Wilayah kerjanya. 

Pencurian minyak dan pengeboran gas ilegal di Blok Koridor, Lapangan Sumpal, Grissik, Sumatra Selatan milik Conoco terjadi sejak tahun 2014. Vice President Development and Relation ConocoPhillips Joang Laksanto menyatakan, di tahun 2014 lalu, ada 20 kasus rencana pencurian minyak, tapi cepat tertangani. Alhasil, pencurian tersebut tidak menimbulkan terjadinya loss pada produksi yang ada di Blok Koridor, Lapangan Sumpal. 

"Yang 20 kasus itu baru kan terjadi. Kami sudah menelusuri. Ketika ada yang ingin melakukan aksi, kita tindak. Spesifik loss barel tidak ada. Karena ini tekanannya kecil," katanay di area site Grissik, Sumatra Selatan, Minggu (21/5). Joang menyatakan, pihaknya juga sudah mengoperasikan drone dan bekerjasama dengan pihak kepolisian soal rencana pencurian minyak tersebut. Sehingga, tindakan pencurian minyak tersebut kini sudah jauh menurun.

Perusahaan tersebut menargetkan, pada tahun ini sudah tidak ada lagi aksi ilegal . Sementara terkait pengeboran gas ilegal atau ilegal drilling, Joang mengisahkan juga sering terjadi di Wilayah kerja Blok Koridor serta pernah terjadi kecelakaan dan menimbulkan korban.

Kontan,  Page-14, Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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