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Monday, May 29, 2017

Data Collection of Potential Constrained Minimals of Advanced Tools

The government's effort to collect data on the potential of oil and gas in the water is constrained by the availability of sophisticated tools. Currently, Indonesia has only one unit of research vessel named Geomarine III Research Vessel. Secretary of the Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Wawan Supriyatna said, the data potential of oil and gas is very necessary investors.

If the data is complete, the investor's interest will be higher to develop the working area to a further stage, such as exploration to production. "Currently there is only Geomarine III Research Vessel which is the only sophisticated research ship owned by Indonesia. We need a Geomarine IV Research Vessel that has a three dimensional seismic survey capability. Geomarine III is still two-dimensional, "said Wawan in a discussion on Geomarine III Research Vessel on Saturday (20/5), at Benoa Harbor, Denpasar, Bali.

Wawan added that Geomarine IV Research Vessel is much more efficient than Geomarine III. The cost of seismic surveys per square kilometer on Geomarine III Research Ship reaches Rp 200 million. The Geomarine IV Research Ship only needs Rp 6 million per square kilometer.

Head of Research and Development Center for Marine Geology at Balitbang Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ediar Usman added, because there is only one unit of research vessel owned by Indonesia, research can only be done in certain field only. The results obtained were not optimal because of the unequal area of ​​the ocean with ship facilities that only one unit.

According to Ediar, Geomarine III Research Vessel focuses more on biogenic gas research. This gas is located in shallow waters with a depth of 500 meters to 1,000 meters from the seabed. Thus, costs ranging from exploration, drilling, to production can be cheaper, Biogenic Gas, initially not the main target in conventional oil and gas exploration.

Of the approximately 100 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves in Indonesia, about 3.8 percent is found as biogenic gas. Around the world, newly discovered biogenic gases are as much as 4 trillion cubic feet.


Pendataan Potensi Terkendala Minim-nya Alat Canggih

Upaya pemerintah mengumpulkan data potensi minyak dan gas bumi di perairan terkendala ketersediaan alat canggih. Saat ini, Indonesia hanya memiliki satu unit kapal penelitian yang dinamai Kapal Riset Geomarine III. Sekretaris Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Wawan Supriyatna mengatakan, kelengkapan data potensi minyak dan gas bumi sangat diperlukan investor. 

Apabila data yang ada lengkap, ketertarikan investor semakin  tinggi untuk mengembangkan Wilayah kerja tersebut ke tahap lebih lanjut, seperti eksplorasi hingga produksi. ”Saat ini baru ada Kapal Riset Geomarine III yang merupakan satu-satunya kapal riset tercanggih yang dimiliki Indonesia. Kami perlu Kapal Riset Geomarine IV yang punya kemampuan survei seismik tiga dimensi. Geomarine III kemampuannya masih dua dimensi,” ujar Wawan dalam diskusi di atas Kapal Riset Geomarine III, Sabtu (20/5), di Pelabuhan Benoa, Denpasar, Bali.

Wawan menambahkan, Kapal Riset Geomarine IV jauh lebih efisien daripada Geomarine III. Biaya survei seismik per kilometer persegi pada Kapal Riset Geomarine III mencapai Rp 200 juta. Adapun dengan Kapal Riset Geomarine IV hanya perlu dana Rp 6 juta per kilometer persegi. 

Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan pada Balitbang Kementerian ESDM Ediar Usman menambahkan, karena hanya ada satu unit kapal riset yang dimiliki Indonesia, riset hanya bisa dilakukan di bidang tertentu saja. Hasil yang didapat pun tidak optimal karena tidak seimbangnya luas lautan dengan fasilitas kapal yang hanya satu unit.

Menurut Ediar, Kapal Riset Geomarine III lebih fokus pada penelitian gas biogenik. Gas ini terletak di perairan dangkal dengan kedalaman 500 meter sampai 1.000 meter dari dasar laut. Dengan demikian, biaya mulai dari eksplorasi, pengeboran, sampai produksi bisa lebih murah, Gas biogenik, mulanya bukan target utama dalam eksplorasi minyak dan gas konvensional. 

    Dari sekitar 100 triliun kaki kubik cadangan gas di Indonesia, sekitar 3,8 persen ditemukan sebagai gas biogenik. Di seluruh dunia, gas biogenik yang ditemukan baru sebanyak 4 triliun kaki kubik.

Kompas , Page-22, Monday, May 22, 2017

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