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Monday, May 29, 2017

Facilitate Oil and Gas Business, Licensing and Regulation Must Be Synchronized

Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) called on the government to synchronize licenses and regulations related to oil and gas projects issued from ministries and local governments. Thus, upstream oil and gas investment can rise significantly.

IPA Executive Director Marjolijn Wajong said that licensing and regulation is not an affair for oil and gas companies. With the large number of licenses to be obtained from various ministries, agencies and local governments, oil and gas companies even have to assign special staff to monitor progress in the ministry.

Not only that, every new regulation is issued, the attitude of each ministry is different so that makes investors hesitate. According to him, in order that this does not happen, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) as handling oil and gas business should strengthen coordination and synchronize with other ministries and institutions.

"I'm glad yesterday that ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said he would talk to other ministry colleagues, this should be real, do not just talk. This is a big impact, because the licensing does not need to be long and does not need to put people (specifically to complete the licensing), "he said on the sidelines of The 41st IPA Convention and Exhibition in Jakarta, Thursday (18/5).

He explained, from the number of licenses to be managed by oil and gas companies around 370 permits, only 60 permits are the authority of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The acceleration of licensing in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is certainly a good thing. However, this does not solve the problems faced by oil and gas companies. The reason, there are still many licenses to be completed in other ministries or local governments.

"Hence, the inter-governmental institution must be coordinated. Licensing is not only necessary to accelerate, but whether it should be as much as it permits, "said Marjolijn.

He exemplified the approval of environmental impact analysis (AMDAL). When the Amdal is agreed by the government, the oil and gas company still needs to take care of its derivative licenses that are not small and involve various parties. Oil and gas companies should need to re-clarify existing issues with other stakeholders.

"For example, the environmental permit must have a recommendation from the bupati. Permission is oil and gas companies that have to ask. Whereas the regent is also part of the government, "he said. Thus, oil and gas companies can not only focus on technical production of oil and gas projects. "We want once the Amdal is agreed, the permit derivatives are also out," he added.

Regarding regulation, Marjolijn appreciated the government's effort to publish new beleids as a solution to various problems. However, the implementation of these new regulations is not easy because it is not in line with the relevant ministries. Beleid about gross split for example, the view of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Finance is not the same about the tax rules that must be embraced. Though taxation is an important factor that must be calculated by investors when it will flow the funds.

Investors can not be convinced just by words. The government should make efforts so that investors will be comfortable investing in upstream oil and gas sector with gross split contract. "So many who need synergy and synchronization. This means that if the rules out, make sure the other ministries sound the same, "he said.

Perform Efficiency

Regarding the government's demand for oil and gas companies to make efficiency in their operations, Marjolijn asserted, it agreed. Even without the government even asking, all oil and gas companies will try to cut the cost of production per barrel so that it can survive in the era of oil prices are quite low in the range of US $ 50 per barrel.

"Because otherwise the contractors' profits are falling. So they (oil and gas companies) are all tightening their belts, sorting out which expenses can be reduced, "he said.Especially as oil prices fall, Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has directly asked oil and gas companies to renegotiate their contracts With subcontractors.

Thus, efficiency has been done oil and gas company since 2015 ago. Otherwise, we can not survive, "Marjolijn said. In fact, said Director of Science Tenny Wibowo, headquarters is definitely pressing its subsidiary in Indonesia to cut costs. Efficiency is always the main discussion in every meeting and report to head office.

The reason is, no company is happy when the cost increases while the oil and gas production down. The so-called support services company is also beginning to change as the price of oil plunges. This supporting service company is open with renegotiation efforts. "They have the same idea, now offered how to commercial (project) can enter. This is because they also want to live, "he said.

Marjolijn added that the oil and gas industry directly contributes state revenues and taxes. While indirectly, many other companies that live because the upstream oil and gas industry develops. These companies eventually also contributed to the state of taxation.

Senior Partner and Managing Director of The Boston Consulting Deep Eddy Tamboto said based on his research, upstream oil and gas industry can contribute up to US $ 120 billion until 2025. This is with note if national oil and gas production is maintained at 2015 level.

"The accumulative impact of US $ 120 billion, as much as US $ 40 billion is direct impact and US $ 80 billion indirect, namely from industries that get support from the oil and gas sector," he said. The impact of US $ 120 billion is equivalent to an additional 1.2% annual gross domestic product growth.

In terms of oil and gas supply, Indonesia must import up to 50% of the total national demand by 2025 if there are no solutions to problems in the oil and gas industry. Not only that, there are 40 thousand to 50 thousand jobs at stake when the oil and gas investment climate is not improved.


Permudah Bisnis Migas, Perizinan dan Regulasi Harus Disinkronisasi

Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) meminta pemerintah untuk melakukan sinkronisasi perizinan dan regulasi terkait proyek minyak dan gas bumi yang dikeluarkan dari kementerian dan pemerintah daerah. Sehingga, investasi hulu migas bisa naik signifikan.

Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, perizinan dan regulasi bukan urusan bagi perusahaan migas. Dengan banyaknya jumlah perizinan yang harus diperoleh dari berbagai kementerian, lembaga, dan pemerintah daerah, perusahaan migas bahkan sampai harus menugaskan pegawai khusus untuk memantau progresnya di kementerian. 

Tidak hanya itu, setiap ada regulasi baru diterbitkan, sikap dari setiap kementerian juga berbeda sehingga membuat investor meragu. Menurutnya, agar hal ini tidak terjadi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sebagai yang menangani bisnis migas, harus memperkuat koordinasi dan melakukan sinkronisasi dengan kementerian dan lembaga lainnya. 

“Saya senang kemarin Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan bilang akan bicara dengan rekan kementerian lain, ini harus riil, jangan hanya bicara saja. Ini dampaknya besar, karena perizinan tidak perlu lama dan tidak pelu menaruh orang (khusus untuk merampungkan perizinan),” kata dia di sela The 41st IPA Convention and Exhibition di Jakarta, Kamis (18/5).

Dia menjelaskan, dari jumlah perizinan yang harus diurus perusahaan migas sekitar 370 izin, hanya 60 izin yang merupakan kewenangan Kementerian ESDM. Percepatan perizinan di Kementerian ESDM tentu merupakan hal yang bagus. Namun, hal ini tidak menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan migas. Pasalnya, masih banyak perizinan yang harus diselesaikan di kementerian lain atau pemerintah daerah.

“Makanya antar institusi pemerintah itu harus saling koordinasi. Perizinan bukan hanya perlu percepatan, tetapi apakah perlu sebanyak itu perizinannya,” ujar Marjolijn.

Dicontohkannya soal persetujuan analisis dampak lingkungan (Amdal). Ketika Amdal disepakati oleh pemerintah, perusahaan migas masih perlu mengurus izin-izin turunannya yang jumlahnya tidak sedikit dan menyangkut berbagai pihak. Perusahaan migas harus perlu menjelaskan kembali masalah-masalah yang ada dengan stakeholder lain.

“Misalnya izin lingkungan harus ada rekomendasi bupati. Izin ini perusahaan migas yang harus minta. Padahal bupati juga bagian dari pemerintah,” katanya. Sehingga, perusahaan migas tidak bisa hanya fokus mengerjakan teknis produksi proyek migas saja. “Kita maunya begitu Amdal disepakati, izin turunannya juga keluar,” tambahnya.

Terkait regulasi, Marjolijn menghargai upaya pemerintah menerbitkan berbagai beleid baru sebagai solusi berbagai masalah yang ada. Namun, implementasi dari peraturan-peraturan baru ini tidak mudah karena tidak sejalannya kementerian terkait. Beleid soal gross split misalnya, pandangan Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian Keuangan tidak sama soal peraturan perpajakan yang harus dianut. Padahal perpajakan merupakan faktor penting yang harus dihitung oleh investor ketika akan mengalirkan dana. 

Investor tidak bisa diyakinkan hanya dengan kata-kata. Pemerintah harus melakukan upaya-upaya agar akhirnya investor nyaman berinvestasi di sektor hulu migas dengan kontrak gross split. “Jadi banyak yang butuh sinergi dan sinkronisasi. Artinya kalau keluar aturan, pastikan kementerian lain bersuara sama,” kata dia.

Lakukan Efisiensi

Soal tuntutan pemerintah agar perusahaan migas melakukan efisiensi dalam operasinya, Marjolijn menegaskan, pihaknya sepakat. Bahkan tanpa diminta oleh pemerintah pun, seluruh perusahaan migas pasti akan berupaya memangkas biaya produksi per barelnya supaya bisa bertahan di era harga minyak yang cukup rendah di kisaran US$ 50 per barel ini.

“Karena kalau tidak, keuntungan kontraktor jatuh banget. Jadi mereka (perusahaan migas) semua sudah mengencangkan ikat pinggang, memilah mana pengeluaran yang bisa dikurangi," ujarnya. Apalagi begitu harga minyak jatuh, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) sudah langsung meminta perusahaan migas merenegosiasi kontraknya dengan subkontraktor.

Sehingga, efisiensi sudah dilakukan perusahaan migas sejak 2015 lalu. Kalau tidak, kami tidak mungkin bisa survive,” tegas Marjolijn. Bahkan, kata Direktur IPA Tenny Wibowo, kantor pusat sudah pasti menekan anak usahanya di Indonesia untuk memangkas biaya. Efisiensi selalu menjadi pembahasan utama dalam setiap pertemuan dan laporan kepada kantor pusat. 

Pasalnya, tidak ada perusahaan yang senang ketika biaya naik sementara produksi migasnya turun. Perusahaan jasa penunjang disebutnya juga mulai berubah begitu harga minyak terjun bebas. Perusahaan jasa penunjang ini terbuka dengan upaya renegosiasi. “Mereka punya pemikiran sama, kini yang ditawarkan bagaimana supaya komersial (proyek) bisa masuk. Ini karena mereka juga mau hidup,” kata dia.

Marjolijn menambahkan, secara langsung industri migas memberikan kontribusi berupa penerimaan negara dan pajak. Sementara secara tidak langsung, banyak perusahaan lain yang hidup karena industri hulu migas berkembang. Perusahaan-perusahaan ini akhirnya juga memberikan kontribusi bagi negara berupa pajak. 

Senior Partner and Managing Director The Boston Consulting Deep Eddy Tamboto mengungkapkan, berdasarkan risetnya, industri hulu migas dapat memberikan kontribusi hingga US$ 120 miliar hingga 2025. Hal ini dengan catatan jika produksi migas nasional dipertahankan pada level 2015.

“Dampak akumulatif US$ 120 miliar ini, sebanyak US$ 40 miliar merupakan direct impact dan US$ 80 miliar indirect, yakni dari industri yang mendapatkan dukungan dari sektor migas,” kata dia. Dampak US$ 120 miliar itu setara dengan tambahan pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto sebesar 1,2% per tahun.

Dari sisi pasokan migas, Indonesia harus mengimpor hingga 50% dari total kebutuhan nasional pada 2025 jika tidak ada solusi atas permasalahan di industri migas. Tidak hanya itu, terdapat 40 ribu hingga 50 ribu pekerjaan yang menjadi pertaruhan ketika iklim investasi migas tidak diperbaiki.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May 20, 2017

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