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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Government Stop Cooperation with PTTEP

Deputy of Maritime Sovereignty Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for the Ministry of Marine Affairs, Arif Havas Oegroseno, said the government is moratorium or suspend business cooperation with Thailand's Petroleum Authority of Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP).

This action is the result of pollution by PTTEP at Montara oil field, Timor Sea "We sent a letter to the relevant agencies not to cooperate with PTTEP" said Havas

According to Havas, the moratorium runs until there is legal certainty. He admitted that he has sent letters, among others, to PT Pertamina not to cooperate with PTTEP According to him, evidence of pollution in the Timor Sea due to oil spills in Montara already exist, ie a sample of spreading damage and satellite photos. But PTTEP argued that the oil spill did not reach the territory of Indonesia.

The government also sued PTTEP to the Central Jakarta District Court on May 3rd. Havas said the lawsuit was also filed with PTTEP Australasia and PTT Public Company Limited. Indonesia asked the company to pay compensation of Rp 27.4 trillion.

The details, Rp 23 trillion as compensation for environmental damage and damages for environmental damage Rp 4.4 trillion. According to Havas, the oil spill destroys 1,200 hectares of mangroves, 1,400 hectares of seagrass and 1,400 hectares of coral reefs, so that in addition to damages compensation, restitution restitution is required.

The government is now seeking confiscation of the three companies, Oil leak at The Montara Well Head Platform, West Atlas Block of Timor Sea; Australia, took place on August 21, 2009.

Leakage at the mouth of the well resulted in the spill of oil and hydrocarbon gas into the sea From Australia's waters, the spill then reached Indonesia, precisely to East Nusa Tenggara In early March, 13 thousand of the victims of this pollution demanded the government cooperate with Australia to get their rights.

We do not need Australian assistance, "said Montana Victim Advocacy Team Leader Ferdi Tanoni, in Kupang. He said what Montara victims wanted was a form of moral responsibility for Australia in accordance with the agreement built with the Indonesian government and the victims.


Pemerintah Hentikan Kerja Sama dengan PTTEP

Deputi Koordinasi Kedaulatan Maritim Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman, Arif Havas Oegroseno, mengatakan pemerintah melakukan moratorium atau menghentikan sementara kerja sama bisnis dengan perusahaan minyak asal Thailand, Petroleum Authority of Thailand Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP).

Tindakan ini merupakan akibat dari pencemaran yang dilakukan PTTEP di lapangan minyak Montara, Laut Timor “Kami mengirim Surat kepada instansi terkait untuk tidak bekerja sama dengan PTTEP” kata Havas

Menurut Havas, moratorium berjalan sampai ada kepastian hukum. Dia mengaku sudah merigirimkan Surat, antara lain, kepada PT Pertamina agar tidak bekerja sama dengan PTTEP Menurut dia, bukti-bukti pencemaran di Laut Timor akibat tumpahan minyak di Montara sudah ada, yaitu berupa sampel penyebaran kerusakan dan foto satelit.  Namun pihak PTTEP beralasan tumpahan minyak tidak sampai ke wilayah Indonesia.

Pemerintah juga menggugat PTTEP ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat pada 3 Mei lalu. Havas mengatakan gugatan juga diajukan kepada PTTEP Australasia dan PTT Public Company Limited. Indonesia meminta perusahaan itu membayar ganti rugi Rp 27,4 triliun.

Perinciannya, Rp 23 triliun sebagai ganti rugi kerusakan lingkungan dan ada ganti rugi pemulihan kerusakan lingkungan Rp 4,4 triliun. Menurut Havas, tumpahan minyak itu merusak 1.200 hektare lahan bakau, padang lamun seluas 1.400 hektare, dan terumbu karang 700 hektare, Sehingga selain ganti rugi kerusakan, dibutuhkan ganti rugi restorasi.

Kini pemerintah meminta sita jaminan kepada tiga perusahaan itu, Kebocoran minyak di The Montara Well Head Platform, Blok West Atlas Laut Timor; Australia, terjadi pada 21 Agustus 2009.

Kebocoran pada mulut sumur mengakibatkan tumpahnya minyak dan gas hidrokarbon ke laut Dari perairan Australia, tumpahan itu kemudian sampai ke Indonesia, tepatnya ke Nusa Tenggara Timur Awal Maret lalu, 13 ribu korban pencemaran ini menuntut pemerintah bekerja sama dengan Australia untuk mendapatkan hak-hak mereka. 

Kami tidak butuh bantuan Australia, kata Ketua Tim Advokasi Korban Montara, Ferdi Tanoni, di Kupang. Dia mengatakan hal yang diinginkan korban Montara adalah bentuk pertanggungjawaban moral Australia sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang dibangun bersama pemerintah Indonesia serta para korban.

Koran Tempo, Page-6, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

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