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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Gross Split Scheme Needs Re-Review

The new scheme of production sharing contract (PSC) based on gross split needs to be reviewed. There are concerns that the PSC eliminate cost recovery has the potential to reduce investment interest in the upstream sector of oil and gas (oil and gas).

"Gross split needs to be reviewed again because the scheme is now impressed on the one hand there is no cost recovery, but the government still oversees the cost," said energy observer from Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto

According to the based split offered by the government through gross split fairly rigid. As if it is no different from the previous PSC regime based on cost recovery, the position of the government is more dominant. Although Indonesia has abundant oil and gas resources, however, the position of this country tends to be reluctant to take risks in exploration. Though exploration is the key to converting resources into national oil and gas reserves.


Skema Gross Split Perlu Dikaji Ulang

Skema baru kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC) berbasis gross split perlu dikaji kembali. Ada kekhawatiran PSC yang meniadakan cost recovery itu berpotensi menurunkan minat investasi di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi (migas).

"Gross split perlu ditelaah lagi karena Skema yang sekarang terkesan nanggung. Di satu sisi tidak ada cost recovery, tapi pemerintah masih mengawasi cost," ujar pengamat energi dari  Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto 

Menurutnya based split yang ditawarkan pemerintah melalui gross split terbilang kaku. Seolah tidak ada bedanya dengan rezim PSC terdahulu berbasis cost recovery, yakni posisi pemerintan lebih dominan. Meski Indonesia memiliki sumber daya migas berlimpah, namun, posisi negara ini cenderung enggan mengambil risiko dalam eksplorasi. Padahal eksplorasi merupakan kunci mengubah sumber daya menjadi cadangan migas nasional. 

Media Indonesia, Page-16, Wednesday, May, 17, 2017

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