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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Gross Split Still Worries Industry

Oil and gas supporting entrepreneurs are eager for exploration work

The Indonesian Association of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Drilling Companies (APMI) is still concerned about the implementation of oil and gas revenue sharing with the gross split scheme. Until now enthusiasts from the block of oil and gas are auctioned is still minimal.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Oil, Gas and Geothermal (APMI) Drilling Company (APMI) Wargono Soenarko stated that currently the influence of the gross split scheme does not yet exist. After three years of signature gross split, then we are in the work order. Later can be seen whether we used or not used.

According to him, support services engaged in services will not be too afraid to compete with drilling companies from abroad. Because the supporting service companies are more aware of the working area of oil and gas in Indonesia and able to provide cheaper service prices.

However, for the oil and gas supporting services industries that move in the business of leasing goods, still will not be able to fight goods from outside, especially from China. Understandably, goods from China can be cheaper, because imported goods can not be taxable. Meanwhile, if the goods made in the country actually taxable.

In addition, Chinese companies can also get interest-free loans. So in split berries may still still use goods from the outside because it is cheaper. Currently the condition of supporting services business is not too good. Of the 80 drilling activities planned by SKK Migas Lahun, only 10 drilling activities are running.

Thus, more local support services companies go into maintenance activities, such as workovers to keep the company's business running. While exploration activities are still many that can not be worked on because the average is in the deep sea and in eastern Indonesia.

For that with the implementation of gross split, Wargono suggested for its members to continue to organize themselves in order to provide cheap services with good quality. In gross split, KKKS is demanded to be efficient in carrying out activities in upstream oil and gas.

He also hopes, with the implementation of gross split scheme many activities that can be done by oil and gas supporting industries in Indonesia. So far there are 18 oil and gas blocks offered by the government, but no investors are interested. We can not ask anything to the country, we just ask the country to do exploration. Make work in the existing work area.

Meanwhile, Adiatma Sardjito Vice President of Corporate Communication Pertamina, said it had not seen the origin of a good. We if you hire goods for upstream oil and gas, according to the specifications, so it must be good for example casing (pipe sheath) or rig.

As long as the goods can not be produced domestically it must be imported from abroad. The majority is still from the outside, but it's special that can not be produced domestically. While Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, Marjoliin Wajong admitted, not involved in KKKS operational affairs.


Gross Split Masih Bikin Cemas Industri

Pengusaha penunjang migas ingin segera ada pekerjaan eksplorasi

Asosiasi Perusahaan Pemboran Minyak, Gas dan Panas Bumi Indonesia (APMI) masih harap-harap cemas dengan penerapan bagi hasil migas dengan skema gross split. Sampai saat ini peminat dari blok migas yang dilelang masih minim.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perusahaan Pemboran Minyak, Gas dan Panas Bumi Indonesia (APMI) Wargono Soenarko menyatakan, saat ini pengaruh dari skema gross split belum ada. Setelah tiga tahun tandatangan gross split, lalu kami di suruh kerja. Nanti bisa dilihat apakah kami dipakai atau tidak dipakai.

Menurutnya, jasa penunjang yang bergerak di bidang jasa tidak akan terlalu takut bersaing dengan perusahaan pemboran dari luar negeri. Pasalnya, perusahaan jasa penunjang sudah lebih mengetahui wilayah kerja migas di Indonesia dan mampu memberikan harga jasa lebih murah.

Namun bagi industri jasa penunjang migas yang bargerak di bisnis penyewaan barang, tetap tidak akan bisa melawan barang-barang dari luar, terutama dari China. Maklum, barang dari Tiongkok bisa lebih murah, karena barang impor bisa tidak terkena pajak. Sedangkan jika barang dibuat di dalam negeri justru terkena pajak.

Selain itu, perusahaan China juga bisa mendapatkan pinjaman bebas bunga. Jadi di beri split berapapun mungkin masih memakai barang dari luar karena lebih murah. Saat ini kondisi bisnis jasa penunjang memang tidak terlalu baik. Dari 80 kegiatan pemboran yang direncanakan SKK Migas Lahun lalu, hanya 10 kegiatan pemboran yang berjalan.

Maka, perusahaan jasa penunjang lokal lebih banyak masuk ke kegiatan pemeliharaan, seperti workover agar bisnis perusahaan bisa tetap berjalan. Sementara kegiatan eksplorasi masih banyak yang belum bisa digarap karena rata-rata berada di laut dalam dan di timur Indonesia.

Untuk itu dengan adanya penerapan gross split, Wargono menyarankan bagi anggotanya agar terus menata diri agar bisa memberikan jasa murah dengan kualitas bagus. Di gross split, KKKS dituntut efisien dalam melakukan kegiatan di hulu migas. 

Dia juga berharap, dengan penerapan skema gross split banyak kegiatan yang bisa dikerjakan industri penunjang migas di Indonesia. Sejauh ini sudah ada 18 blok migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah, tapi tidak ada investor yang berminat. Kami tidak bisa minta apa-apa ke negara, kami minta cuma negara lakukan eksplorasi. Bikin kerjaan di wilayah kerja yang ada.

Sementara itu, Adiatma Sardjito Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina, mengatakan, pihaknya selama ini tidak melihat asal suatu barang. Kami kalau menyewa barang untuk hulu migas, sesuai spesifikasinya, jadi harus yang baik yang misalnya casing (pipa selubung) atau rig.

Selama barang itu tidak bisa diproduksi di dalam negeri maka harus didatangkan dari luar negeri. Mayoritas memang masih dari luar, tetapi itu khusus yang tidak bisa diproduksi di dalam negeri. Sementara Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association, Marjoliin Wajong mengaku, tidak terlibat urusan operasional KKKS.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, April, 27, 2017

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