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Monday, May 29, 2017

Have not Compensated, ExxonMobil claims to be Coordinating

Provision of environmental impact compensation to residents around oil and gas drilling operations in Banyu Urip field, Cepu Block in Gayam District, Bojonegoro Regency, should have become an obligation for operators. However, it turns out that not all residents who are in the vicinity of the operation area get the compensation.

For about eight years since Exxonmobil Cepu Limited operated there, Ali Mukarom as the owner of the land in the middle of BanyuUrip field has not received any compensation.

And since the oil drilling there, Ali can not work on his farm. The land was already in the middle of Banyu Urip Field which is packed tightly. Until today it has been around eight years that his land can not generate income for him.

Exxonmobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) public relations officer Rexy Mawardijaya when asked about the environmental impact compensation payment for the land said he is still coordinating with related parties for land acquisition and compensation payments.

"SKK Migas and EMCL are coordinating with related parties including the Bojonegoro, KBPN and KJPP Regencies related to the land acquisition process in accordance with the prevailing rules, including those which are still coordinated," Rexy said.

Meanwhile, Head of SKK Migas Java Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) Ali Mahsyar also said the same thing. According to him, the compensation for the land is still under discussion. Meanwhile, regarding the promise of compensation in January, SKK Migas admitted to never giving a promise.

"In the process, the payment time immediately after the process is complete. There has never been a promise of payment in January, "said Ali Mahsyar, touched on the target of environmental impact compensation payments." It can not be targeted, it depends on the fast and slow completion of the process involving many parties, "he said.

Ali Mukarom argued that in November 2016, a mediation by the Government of Bojonegoro Regency which was represented by Assistant II for Economic Affairs of the Government of Bojonegoro Regency, Setyo Yuliono. According to him, it has been agreed on compensation on environmental impacts to be completed by January 2017.

"All signatures from me, EMCL, District Government, there is a minutes there agreed upon the end of January 2017 there is a settlement. He said to bring the KJPP in this final, but it dragged on until May the deal was violated. That is, EMCL and SKK Migas have violated the agreement they made themselves, "said Ali.

Former Chairman of DPC Party Bojonegoro regency was disappointed with the attitude SKK Migas and EMCL are always running from the responsibility. Such an attitude, according to him, could backfire, becoming a mistrust of society again. In fact, EMCL said he was doing oil and gas drilling on behalf of the state.

 "This has become a bad precedent, becoming a mistrust of society because of their behavior. I hope EMCL as the operator and offender against my land, the responsibility should not be thrown into SKK Migas, "he said.


Belum Beri Kompensasi, ExxonMobil mengaku masih  Koordinasi

Pemberian kompensasi dampak lingkungan kepada warga sekitar operasi pengeboran migas di lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Kecamatan Gayam, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, seharusnya sudah menjadi sebuah kewajiban bagi operator. Namun, ternyata tidak semua warga yang berada di sekitar wilayah operasi mendapatkan kompensasi tersebut.

Selama kurang lebih delapan tahun sejak Exxonmobil Cepu Limited beroperasi di sana, Ali Mukarom selaku pemilik tanah di tengah-tengah lapangan BanyuUrip belum juga mendapatkan kompensasi.

Padahal sejak pengeboran minyak di sana, Ali tidak bisa menggarap lahan pertanian miliknya. Tanahnya pun sudah berada di tengah-tengah Lapangan Banyu Urip yang dipagar rapat. Hingga hari ini tercatat sudah kurang lebih delapan tahun tanahnya tidak bisa menghasilkan pendapatan baginya.

Humas Exxonmobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Rexy Mawardijaya ketika ditanya mengenai proses pembayaran kompensasi dampak lingkungan terhadap tanah tersebut mengatakan, masih melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak terkait untuk pembebasan lahan dan upaya pembayaran kompensasi. 

“SKK Migas dan EMCL sedang berkoordinasi dengan pihak-pihak terkait termasuk Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro, KBPN, dan KJPP terkait proses pengadaan lahan sesuai aturan yang berlaku, termasuk hal tersebut juga masih dikoordinasikan,” kata Rexy.

Sementara itu, Kepala SKK Migas Jawa Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) Ali Mahsyar juga mengatakan hal yang sama. Menurut dia, pemberian kompensasi atas tanah tersebut masih dilakukan pembahasan. Sementara mengenai adanya janji pemberian kompensasi pada Januari SKK Migas mengaku tidak pernah memberikan janji.

“Sedang dalam proses, waktu pembayaran segera setelah proses selesai. Tidak pernah ada janji pembayaran Januari," ujar Ali Mahsyar. Disinggung mengenai target pembayaran kompensasi dampak lingkungan tersebut SKK Migas mengaku belum bisa menentukannya. "Tidak bisa ditarget, sangat bergantung dengan cepat dan lambat selesainya proses saja yang melibatkan banyak pihak,” katanya.

Ali Mukarom berpendapat lain bahwa pada November 2016, sudah dilakukan mediasi oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro yang diwakili oleh Asisten II Bidang Perekonomian Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Setyo Yuliono. Menurut dia, di situ sudah disepakati mengenai kompensasi mengenai dampak lingkungan yang akan diselesaikan pada Januari 2017.

“Semua tanda tangan dari saya, EMCL, Pemerintah Kabupaten, ada notulen disitu disepakati akhir Januari 2017 ada penyelesaian. Katanya mendatangkan KJPP dalam hal ini final, tapi ternyata berlarut-larut sampai Mei kesepakatan itu dilanggar. Artinya, EMCL dan SKK Migas sudah meIanggar kesepakatan yang mereka buat sendiri," ungkap Ali.

Mantan Ketua DPC Partai Kabupaten Bojonegoro itu mengaku kecewa dengan sikap SKK Migas dan EMCL yang selalu lari dari tanggung jawab. Sikap seperti itu, menurut dia, bisa menjadi bumerang, menjadi ketidakpercayaan masyarakat lagi. Padahal, EMCL katanya melakukan pengeboran migas atas nama negara.

 “Ini sudah menjadi preseden buruk, menjadi ketidakpercayaan masyarakat karena perilaku mereka. Saya berharap EMCL sebagai operator dan pelaku pelanggar terhadap tanah saya, tanggung jawab jangan dilemparkan ke SKK Migas,” ujarnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-19, Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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