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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

House of Representatives and Government Draw Up on Oil and Gas Holding

President Joko Widodo wants legal and commercial aspects related to oil and gas holding

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) believes that oil and gas holding will be formed by the end of the first semester of 2017. Although President Joko Widodo wants the oil and gas holding to be established on the condition of legal and commercial aspects complete.

For the reasons of the two studies, the Presidential Regulation (PP) on oil and gas holding which last year should have been settled, is still pending. Deputy for Energy, Logistics and Tourism Ministry of SOE Edwin Hidayat said, President Jokowi requested that the formation of holding BUMN Migas need to be studied in depth, starting from the legal and commercial aspects. It's in order to run with proper and good governance. That's the President's message.

He explained that SOE Minister Rini Soemarno targets that all discussions on holding preparations should be resolved to get the president's request immediately. The minister is targeting this year, but I am optimistic that the first half of this year can take shape. Presidential regulations are still discussed among the ministries.

Although not yet formally realized the implementation of synergy between Pertamina and Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), according to Edwin, has been running well. One indication, the decline in gas prices in the region of North Sumatra which has long been known to be very expensive.

Then the integration of various gas facilities that ultimately is able to provide benefits to the community. He gave an example, in Java SPBG Pertamina now can be flowed gas that is distributed by the pipeline Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). This development shows the synergy of Pertamina's operational unification operations and PGN is very feasible and has direct impact to society, for consumption and industry.

Meanwhile, Yenni Andayani, Director of Gas and Pertamina EBT, said the preparation phase of integration with PGN continues, pending the official decision of the government. Pertamina and PGN are also getting better in cooperation. For example, with the Duri-Dumai pipeline model, Thank God we have completed the necessary agreement to be able to perform physical activities immediately.

According to Yenni, integration in the completion of infrastructure, as happened in Duri-Dumai, should continue to be done. Moreover, market share and Pertamina. And PGN continues to grow, in line with increasing demand for gas. As a result, infrastructure is very Vital.

There are market needs that we can not ignore, but from suppliers are also ready. If the infrastructure is not built, the losses are not just the market or the suppliers, but PGN and Pertamina lose business potential.

DPR still refused

While Deputy Chairman of Commission VI of the House of Representatives (DPR) Aria Bima biIang, at this time his side has not agreed on the establishment of state-owned holding, especially the holding of mining. The argument, the formation of holding can not only use the Presidential Regulation.

The House of Representatives considers that the issuance of Presidential Regulation number 72/2016 on the establishment of BUMN holding is not in sync with some of the main regulations that must be considered when going to hold state-owned companies. As Law No, 19 Tahlm 2003 About SOEs, Law no. 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company, Law no. 17 Year 2007 on State Finance. Related to the formation of holding, the House of Representatives tends to wait for the revision of the Law on SOEs, so that the foundation of the law is clear.

The obstacle in the formation of holding BUMN Mining, is the basis of the issuance of Presidential Regulation 72/2016. According to the Presidential Regulation, the disposal or sale of BUMN assets is no longer approved by the DPR.

According to him, the release of SOE shares should not be delegated to the Ministry of SOEs, but by the Ministry of Finance (MoF). According to Arya, the Presidential Regulation is not unnecessary, but the perspective is cross-sectoral, there is a Ministry that must be involved. So this kind of thing should be examined properly. Not just to conclude a problem, not to result in the liberalization of SOEs.


DPR dan Pemerintah Tarik Ulur Soal Holding Migas

Presiden Joko Widodo menginginkan aspek legal dan komersial terkait holding migas

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yakin, holding migas akan terbentuk akhir semester I-2017. Meski Presiden Joko Widodo menginginkan holding migas terbentuk dengan syarat aspek legal dan komersial yang lengkap.

Atas alasan dua kajian itu, Peraturan Presiden (PP) mengenai holding migas yang pada tahun lalu harusnya sudah beres, hingga kini masih tertunda. Deputi Bidang Energi, Logistik, dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN Edwin Hidayat bilang, Presiden Jokowi meminta supaya pembentukan holding BUMN Migas perlu dikaji betul secara mendalam, dimulai dari aspek legal dan komersial. Dikaji itu supaya berjalan dengan benar-benar proper dan governance-nya baik. Itu pesan Presiden.

Ia menjelaskan, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno menargetkan segala pembahasan persiapan holding harus bisa segera diselesaikan agar permintaan presiden segera tercapai. Menteri menargetkan harus tahun ini, tapi saya optimlstis semester pertama tahun ini bisa terbentuk. Peraturan Presiden masih dibahas antar kementerian.

Meskipun belum terealisasi secara formal implementasi sinergi antara Pertamina dan Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), menurut Edwin, sudah berjalan baik. Salah satu indikasinya, penurunan harga gas di wilayah Sumatra Utara yang sudah sejak lama dikenal sangat mahal.

Kemudian integrasi berbagai fasilitas gas yang pada akhirnya adalah mampu memberikan manfaat ke masyarakat. Ia memberikan contoh, di Jawa SPBG Pertamina sekarang sudah bisa dialiri gas yang didistribusikan oleh pipa Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). Perkembangan ini menunjukkan sinergi operasi penyatuan operasional Pertamina dan PGN sangat feasible dan berdampak langsung ke masyarakat, balk Untuk konsumsi maupun industri.

Sementara itu Yenni Andayani, Direktur Gas dan EBT Pertamina, menyatakan, tahap persiapan integrasi dengan PGN terus dilakukan, sambil menunggu keputusan resmi dari pemerintah. Pertamina dan PGN juga semakin baik dalam kerja sama. Contohnya, dengan model pipa Duri-Dumai, Alhamdulillah kami telah menyelesaikan kesepakatan yang diperlukan supaya bisa segera melakukan kegiatan fisik.

Menurut Yenni, integrasi dalam penyelesaian infrastruktur, seperti yang terjadi di Duri-Dumai, harus terus dilakukan. Apalagi pangsa pasar dan Pertamina. dan PGN terus bertambah, seiring dengan peningkatan permintaan gas. Walhasil, infrastruktur merupakan hal yang sangat Vital.

Ada kebutuhan pasar yang tidak bisa kita abaikan, tapi dari pemasok juga sudah ready. Kalau infrastruktur tidak terbangun, yang rugi bukan hanya pasar atau para pemasok, tapi PGN dan Pertamina kehilangan potensi bisnis.

DPR masih menolak 

Sementara Wakil Ketua Komisi VI Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Aria Bima biIang, saat ini pihaknya belum sepakat atas pembentukan holding BUMN, khususnya holding pertambangan. Argumennya, pembentukan holding tidak bisa hanya memakai Peraturan Presiden.

DPR menganggap, terbitnya aturan Peraturan Presiden nomor 72/2016 atas pembentukan holding BUMN tidak sinkron dengan beberapa peraturan utama yang harus menjadi pertimbangan saat akan melakukan holding BUMN. Seperti Undang-Undang No, 19 Tahlm 2003 Tentang BUMN, UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, UU No. 17 Tahun 2007 tentang Keuangan Negara. Terkait pembentukan holding, DPR cenderung, menunggu revisi UU BUMN, supaya landasan hukunmya jelas. 

Yang menjadi kendala dalam pembentukan holding BUMN Pertambangan ini, adalah dasar penerbitan Peraturan Presiden 72/2016. Menurut Peraturan Presiden, pelepasan atau penjualan aset BUMN tidak lagi atas persetujuan DPR. 

Menurutnya, pelepasan saham BUMN itu seharusnya tidak didelegasikan kepada Kementerian BUMN, melainkan oleh Kementerian Keuangan (Kemkeu). Menurut Arya, Peraturan Presiden itu bukan tidak perlu, tapi cara pandangnya lintas sektoral, ada Kementerian yang harus dilibatkan. Jadi hal yang semacam ini harus dicermati benar. Tidak sekedar menyimpulkan suatu permasalahan, jangan sampai berakibat liberalisasi BUMN.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, April, 28, 2017

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