, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Inpex Proposal Pre-FEED Masela Block Performed Two Stages - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Inpex Proposal Pre-FEED Masela Block Performed Two Stages

The government said the pre-FEED review for the Masela Block will be conducted in two phases for two schemes at once.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it had met with Inpex Corporation as the operator of Abadi Field, Masela Block. Inpex called proposing the implementation of Pre-FEED done in two stages. As a result, meetings with Inpex are criteria that must be agreed upon and evaluated. This criterion will be a measure of whether the phase I study is sufficient or still needs to be continued to phase II.

Although conducted in two stages, it insisted Pre-FEED must have two locations and two capacities. Inpex must examine two options for the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) refinery, namely Aru and Yamdena Islands.

Then, the study should also be carried out for the LNG plant capacity scheme of 9.5 million tonnes per annum / MTPA plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd, and 7.5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Later if phase I we think not enough, continued phase two for both location and capacity scheme.

Pre-FEED aims to estimate the investment cost and project schedule. In addition, the capacity and location of the LNG plant, can only be confirmed through Pre-FEED implementation first. The government, Arcandra had said, wanted a comprehensive and balanced data from the two choices of location and capacity. Pre-FEED is targeted as soon as possible. The time may be six to nine months.

As regards the cost of Pre-FEED, prior to the disclosure of the government does not object to being included in the cost recovery. Because, although done for two locations and two capacities, the required cost is not too large. While the benefits obtained are quite significant, ie comprehensive data.

The Masela Block gas supply is directly channeled through the pipeline as the Ministry of Industry declares buyers from the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors. The plan of this fertilizer and petrochemical plant will be built close to the mouth of the gas well. The ESDM Ministry will begin discussing who these gas consumers are with the Ministry of Industry once Pre-FEED begins.

The government had targeted the final investment decision (FID) of the Masela Block to be implemented by 2019. Furthermore, the first gas production of the block is expected to flow in 2026.

At the end of March 2016 yesterday the government rejected the proposed revision of POD Block Masela proposed by Inpex. In the revised POD it masela with the development of floating LNG plant. Inpex was also asked to re-submit POD with the scheme according to the government's direction.

Furthermore, Inpex proposed five clauses to continue the construction of the Masela Block. Specifically, the addition of LNG refinery capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA, 10-year contract addition, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15%, cost recovery during the exploration and licensing period from the government. So far, only a seven-year contract extension has been granted.


Inpex Usul Pre-FEED Blok Masela Dilakukan Dua Tahap

Pemerintah menyatakan kajian awal desain rinci (Pre-FEED) untuk Blok Masela akan dilakukan dalam dua fase untuk dua skema sekaligus.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya sudah bertemu dengan pihak Inpex Corporation sebagai operator Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Inpex disebutnya mengusulkan pelaksanaan Pre-FEED dilakukan dalam dua tahap.  Hasilnya, pertemuan dengan Inpex ada kriteria yang harus disepakati dan dievaluasi. Kritena ini akan dijadikan ukuran apakah kajian fase I sudah mencukupi atau masih butuh dilanjutkan ke fase II.

Meski dilakukan dalam dua tahap, pihaknya menegaskan Pre-FEED harus tetap terdapat dua lokasi dan dua kapasitas. Inpex harus mengkaji dua pilihan lokasi pembangunan kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG), yakni Pulau Aru dan Yamdena. 

Kemudian, kajian juga harus dilaksanakan untuk skema kapasitas kilang LNG 9,5 million ton per annum/ MTPA plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd, serta 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Nanti kalau fase I kami rasa belum cukup, lanjut fase dua untuk kedua lokasi dan skema kapasitas.

Pre-FEED bertujuan mengestimasikan biaya investasi dan jadwal pengerjaan proyek. Selain itu kapasitas dan lokasi kilang LNG, hanya dapat dipastikan melalui pelaksanaan Pre-FEED terlebih dahulu. Pemerintah, Arcandra sempat mengungkapkan, menginginkan data yang komprehensif dan seimbang dari dua pilihan lokasi dan kapasitas itu. Pre-FEED ditargetkan sesegera mungkin. Waktunya mungkin enam sampai sembilan bulan.

Soal biaya Pre-FEED, sebelumnya diungkapkannya pemerintah tidak keberatan dimasukkan dalam biaya yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery). Pasalnya, meski dilakukan untuk dua lokasi dan dua kapasitas, biaya yang diperlukan tidak terlalu besar. Sementara manfaat yang diperoleh cukup signifikan, yakni data yang komprehensif.

Pasokan gas Blok Masela sebagian langsung dialirkan melalui pipa karena Kementerian Perindustrian menyatakan adanya pembeli dari sektor pupuk dan petrokimia. Rencananya pabrik pupuk dan petrokimia ini akan dibangun dekat dengan mulut sumur gas. Kementerian ESDM akan mulai membahas siapa konsumen gas ini dengan Kementerian Perindustrian begitu Pre-FEED dimulai.

Pemerintah sempat menargetkan agar keputusan investasi akhir (final investment decision/FID) Blok Masela dapat dilaksanakan pada 2019. Selanjutnya, produksi gas pertama blok ini diharapkan dapat mengalir pada 2026.

Pada akhir Maret 2016 kemarin pemerintah menolak usulan revisi POD Blok Masela yang diajukan Inpex. Dalam revisi POD itu masela dengan pengembangan kilang LNG terapung. Inpex pun diminta mengajukan kembali POD dengan skema sesuai arahan pemerintah. 

Selanjutnya, Inpex mengajukan lima klausul untuk melanjutkan pengerjaan Blok Masela. Rincinya, penambahan kapasitas kilang LNG dari 7,5 MTPA menjadi 9,5 MTPA, penambahan kontrak selama 10 tahun, tingkat pengembalian modal (Internal Rate of Return/IRR) sebesar 15%, cost recovery selama masa eksplorasi dan perizinan dari pemerintah. Sejauh ini, baru perpanjangan kontrak yang diberikan, yakni 7 tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

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