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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Iranian Oil Does Not Match Specifications

The fate of Iran's crude oil procurement plan for the Cilacap Refinery has the potential to fail, after the results of the processing trials say the oil is inconsistent with the refinery's specifications. PT Pertamina has completed the process of testing crude oil processing from Iran at Cilacap Refinery. Based on the test results, Cilacap refinery is only able to process 10% of Iranian oil from the total processing capacity of the refinery.

The processing capacity of the oil refinery located in Cilacap, Central Java is 300,000 barrels per day (bpd). That is, oil from Iran that can be processed in Cilacap refinery maximum of only 30.000 bpd.

Meanwhile, about 90% of other oils still have to be supplied from Saudi Arabia or Arabian light crude (ALC). Processing Director of PT Pertamina Toharso said the Iranian light crude (ILC) has 1.5% sulfur content, so it can only be processed at the Cilacap Refinery as much as 10% of the refinery's processing capacity. Iranian oil has been tested at Refinery Cilacap refinery, Iran oil Only can be used 10% of capacity of Refinery Cilacap.

He explains the specifications of crude oil that can be processed in Cilacap Refinery with a maximum of 0.2% sulfur. The sulfur content will affect the refinery machine, which is corrosive so that the engine layer will be eroded.

     Pertamina Budi Santoso Syarif, Vice President of Refining Technology, said the Cilacap refinery uses oil from Saudi Arabia.


In 2016, Pertamina and an oil and gas company from Iran, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) have agreed on oil import cooperation. Pertamina agreed to import oil from Iran 1 million barrels for the testing process. Oil import contracts from Iran in the long run will be signed by Pertamina and NIOC if the trial process states that the oil is in accordance with the specification of Cilacap Refinery.

Until now, the government and Pertamina have not decided the next stage related to the oil supply and Iran post-trial. The results of this trial are submitted to ISC [Integrated Supply Chain] Pertamina, then those who make decisions. This trial hired an independent consultant.

Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the People's Legislative Assembly, Satya W Yudha, said that although it was done to build good bilateral relations between Indonesia and Iran, it must be seen that the benefits to the country. It should be considered to decide whether Iranian oil procurement continues or not.


Minyak Iran Tidak Sesuai Spesifikasi 

Nasib rencana pengadaan minyak mentah dari Iran untuk Kilang Cilacap berpotensi gagal, setelah hasil uji coba pengolahan menyatakan minyak tersebut tak sesuai dengan spesifikasi kilang itu. PT Pertamina telah menyelesaikan proses uji coba pengolahan minyak mentah dari Iran di Kilang Cilacap. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba itu, Kilang Cilacap hanya mampu mengolah 10% minyak Iran dari total kapasitas kilang pengolahan tersebut.

Kapasitas pengolahan kilang minyak yang berlokasi di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah itu sebesar 300.000 barel per hari (bph). Artinya, minyak dari Iran yang dapat diolah di Kilang Cilacap maksimal hanya 30.000 bph.

Adapun, sekitar 90% minyak lainnya masih tetap harus dipasok dari Arab Saudi atau Arabian light crude (ALC). Direktur Pengolahan PT Pertamina Toharso mengatakan, Iranian light crude (ILC) memiliki kandungan sulfur 1,5%, sehingga hanya bisa diolah di Kilang Cilacap sebanyak 10% dari kapasitas pengolahan kilang tersebut. Minyak Iran sudah diuji coba di kilang Kilang Cilacap, Minyak Iran Hanya bisa dipakai 10% dari kapasitas Kilang Cilacap.

Dia menjelaskan spesifikasi minyak mentah yang dapat diolah di Kilang Cilacap maksimal mengandung sulfur 0,2%. Kandungan sulfur tersebut akan berpengaruh pada mesin kilang, yaitu bersifat korosif sehingga lapisan mesin akan terkikis.

Vice President Refining Technology Pertamina Budi Santoso Syarif mengatakan, selama ini Kilang Cilacap menggunakan minyak dari Arab Saudi.


Pada 2016, Pertamina dan perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi dari Iran, yaitu National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) telah menyepakati kerja sama impor minyak. Pertamina sepakat mengimpor minyak dari Iran 1 juta barel untuk proses uji coba. Kontrak impor minyak dari Iran dalam jangka panjang akan diteken Pertamina dan NIOC jika proses uji coba menyatakan minyak tersebut sesuai dengan spesifikasi Kilang Cilacap. 

Hingga saat ini, pemerintah dan Pertamina belum memutuskan tahap selanjutnya terkait dengan pasokan minyak dan Iran pascauji coba tersebut. Hasil uji coba ini diserahkan ke ISC [Integrated Supply Chain] Pertamina, selanjutnya mereka yang mengambil keputusan. Uji coba ini menyewa konsultan independen.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII Dewan Peiwakilan Rakyat Satya W Yudha mengatakan, kendati hal tersebut dilakukan untuk membangun hubungan bilateral yang baik antara Indonesia-Iran, harus dilihat manfaatnya bagi Tanah Air. Hal itu harus dipertimbangkan untuk memutuskan apakah pengadaan minyak asal Iran dilanjutkan atau tidak. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Tuesday, May, 9, 2017

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