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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Jonan Threatens Inpex Kick from Masela Block

Inpex acknowledged that it has not held a pre-feed of the Masela Block to date. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan growled with the attitude of Inpex Corporation, operator of Abadi Field, Masela Block, Arafuru Sea, Maluku. The reason, the Japanese company has been six months this has not complied with the order of Jonan to make design two scenarios of gas distribution and two scenarios for the location of the refinery.

Jonan even threatened to cancel the participation rights of Inpex Corp. in the Masela Block, "If not prefront end engineering design (feed) or defining the project I just cancel Inpex.One long time Jonan said.

If the pre feed is over, the feed document becomes the benchmark in the project's work by the operator. Jonan explained, already six months he led the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, but Inpex has not done pre-feed the Masela Block. For that Jonan give ultimatum Inpex to quickly do pre-feed. I lost patience.

According to the former Minister of Transportation, with the pre-feed the government could decide on gas production allocation from Masela's total gas production of 10.5 million tons per annum (MTPA). With prefeed also the location of the construction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) refineries can be determined.

There are two scenarios requested, namely Inpex must prefeed to capacity of 9.5 million tons per year plus 150 mmscfd and 7.5 MTPA pipe gas plus 474 mmscfd of pipe gas. Inpex must also pre-feed for two locations. The government decided that Inpex prefeed on Aru Island and Yamdena Island.

While making pre-feeds and so on, they should also survey the market. Approximately what the Ministry of Industry real estate demand does not, only determine the total production of gas pipelines, what is not gas pipeline. But the total has agreed 10.5 MTPA, just divided only.

While Inpex casually responded to the threat of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex, Usman Slamet explains, Inpex did not do prefeed. Because Inpex and the government still need to discuss related projects Masela Block. We are still communicating with the government. There are still some things that still need to be discussed with the government.

Meanwhile, Komaidi Notonegoro, Executive Director of ReforMiner Institute said the government can not unilaterally cancel contracts with Inpex. This is if a signed contract uses a production sharing contract (PSC) sharing scheme. If it is still a PSC or a contract, it is difficult. They can be arbitration, considering the position of the parties in the parallel contract.

But if the mechanism between the government and Inpex is a scheme using permits, it is easier. The government may revoke the permit. Komaidi also said that it is natural for the government to give Inpex ultimatum, because the Masela project is also a national interest. But until the cancellation, I think it is not simple. I see, this is more a message for Inpex to be more serious and committed to what has been agreed by both parties.

However, if the government forces to withdraw Inpex from the Masela Block project, then the main impact is that the project will retreat further. While finding a substitute for Inpex in the Masela Block is not easy. Finding a replacement is certainly not simple and takes time.

From the positive glasses if Inpex is kicked out of the Masela project, there will be an opportunity for the national company to replace Inpex. That way added value can be more enjoyed by the Indonesian side. Of course the added value will be more to enjoy Indonesia. But if the successor is a non national company, Still needs to be seen further.


Jonan Mengancam Tendang Inpex dari Blok Masela

Inpex mengakui belum menggelar pre-feed Blok Masela hingga saat ini. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan geram dengan sikap Inpex Corporation, operator Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela, Laut Arafuru, Maluku. Pasalnya, perusahaan asal Jepang itu sudah enam bulan ini belum menuruti perintah Jonan untuk membuat desain dua skenario penyaluran gas dan dua skenario untuk lokasi kilang darat.

Jonan bahkan mengancam akan membatalkan hak partisipasi Inpex Corp di Blok Masela, "Kalau belum prefront end engineering design (feed) atau pendefinisian proyek saya batalkan saja Inpex. Terlalu Lama kata Jonan.

Jika pre feed usai, dokumen feed meniadi patokan dalam pengerjaan proyek oleh operator. Jonan menjelaskan, sudah enam bulan dirinya memimpin Kementerian ESDM, tapi Inpex belum juga melakukan pre feed Blok Masela. Untuk itu Jonan memberi ultimatum Inpex agar secepatnya melakukan pre-feed. Saya hilang kesabaran.

Menurut mantan Menteri Perhubungan itu, dengan pre feed tersebut pemerintah bisa memutuskan alokasi produksi gas dari total produksi gas Masela sebesar 10,5 million ton per annum (MTPA). Dengan prefeed pula lokasi pembangunan kilang liquefied natural gas (LNG) bisa ditentukan.

Ada dua skenario yang diminta, yakni Inpex harus melakukan prefeed untuk kapasitas 9,5 juta ton per tahun plus gas pipa 150 mmscfd dan 7,5 MTPA plus gas pipa 474 mmscfd. Inpex juga harus melakukan pre-feed untuk dua lokasi. Pemerintah memutuskan agar Inpex melakukan prefeed di Pulau Aru dan Pulau Yamdena. 

Sambil membuat pre-feed dan sebagainya, mereka juga harus survei pasar.  Kira-kira permintaan Kementerian Perindustrian real apa tidak, hanya menentukan total produksi gas pipa, berapa yang bukan gas pipa. Tapi total sudah sepakat 10,5 MTPA, hanya dibagi saja.

Sedangkan Inpex santai menanggapi ancaman Menteri ESDM. Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex, Usman Slamet menjelaskan, Inpex memang belum melakukan prefeed. Pasalnya Inpex dan pemerintah masih perlu berdiskusi terkait proyek Blok Masela. Kami masih terus berkomunikasi dengan pemerintah. Masih ada beberapa hal yang masih perlu di bicarakan dengan pemerintah.

Sementara, Komaidi Notonegoro, Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute mengatakan pemerintah tidak bisa membatalkan secara sepihak kontrak dengan Inpex. Ini jika kontrak yang sudah ditandatangani memakai skema kontrak bagi hasil alias production sharing contract (PSC). Jika masih PSC atau kontrak, sulit. Mereka bisa arbitrase, mengingat kedudukan para pihak dalam kontrak  sejajar.

Namun jika mekanisme antara pemerintah dan Inpex adalah skema menggunakan izin, lebih mudah. Bisa saja pemerintah mencabut izin tersebut. Komaidi juga bilang, wajar jika pemerintah meng ultimatum Inpex, karena proyek Masela juga merupakan  kepentingan nasional. Namun sampai pembatalan, saya kira tidak sederhana. Saya melihat, ini lebih sebagai pesan agar Inpex lebih serius dan komitmen dengan apa yang telah disepakati kedua belah pihak.

Namun jika sampai pemerintah memaksa mundur Inpex dari proyek Blok Masela, maka dampak utamanya  adalah proyek tersebut akan semakin mundur. Sementara mencari pengganti Inpex di Blok Masela tidaklah mudah. Mencari penggantinya tentu tidak sederhana dan butuh waktu.

Dari kacamata positif jika Inpex di tendang dari proyek Masela, akan ada kesempatan bagi perusahaan nasional untuk menggantikan Inpex. Dengan begitu nilai tambah bisa lebih banyak dinikmati pihak Indonesia. Tentu nilai tambahnya akan lebih banyak untuk di nikmati Indonesia. Namun jika penggantinya non perusahaan nasional ,
masih perlu dilihat lebih jauh lagi.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May, 4, 2017

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