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Monday, May 29, 2017

Keep Production, EMR Ties Assignment

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) replaces Waton of PT Pertamina in order to maintain the production of 10 blocks of oil and gas that has been given. If production is not maintained, the block must be returned to the government. There are 10 oil and gas blocks that will exhaust its contract and have been submitted to Pertamina.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan said that it is true that Ministerial Regulation 15/2015 on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas Ends Period of Contract, Pertamina becomes the priority of obtaining oil and gas blocks whose contracts will be exhausted. However, before providing the oil and gas blocks, the ESDM Ministry will inquire about the plans and commitments of PT Pertamina in managing the blocks.

"If managed by them (Pertamina) can be as efficient as before or not, we will test it," he said in Grissik, South Sumatra, Monday (22/5).

He took, for example, ConocoPhillips' oil and gas blocks in Grissik, South Sumatra, Sumpal Field. The field production is 310 milion metric standard Cubic feet per day (mmscfd). The contract period ends in 2023 and the block must not be given to Pertamina.

In other words Conoco-Phillip will get an extension if the efficiency and production levels are maintained. "This is a big challenge for Pertamina, so my answer is not necessarily to Pertamina, because this is not mandatory and I have talked to the Director of Production of Mahakam block should not go down, if it has to be returned to Pertamina," said Jonan.

     He also reminded the Mahakam Block already given to Pertamina. "The production should not go down, and if it is down and unable to manage, I ask to be returned to the government," said Jonan. He will see Pertamina managing the Mahakam Block for the next six months.

"It will start on December 31, 2017 at 00:00 or else, return it," he said. Currently negotiations of Total EP and Pertamina, are still ongoing, especially in terms of share division of shares.

     Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, Satya W Yudha, said that Pertamina can give privileges about the management of oil and gas blocks not through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation but revise the Oil and Gas Law.

"That is to avoid Pertamina in the past, that is acting as a regulator" he said. For that Satya requested that Jonan to tender to oil and gas blocks whose contract is exhausted and Pertamina can participate. "The most attractive offering, which is reliable in management," he said.


Jaga Produksi, ESDM Ketatkan Penugasan

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mewanti-Wanti PT Pertamina agar dapat menjaga produksi 10 blok migas yang sudah diberikan. Jika produksi tidak dijaga, blok tersebut harus dikembalikan kepada pemerintah. Ada 10 blok migas yang akan habis kontraknya dan sudah diserahkan kepada Pertamina.

Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan mengungkapkan, memang benar, Peraturan Menteri No 15/2015 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas yang Berakhir Masa Kontraknya, Pertamina menjadi prioritas mendapatkan blok migas yang kontraknya akan habis. Namun, sebelum memberikan blok-blok migas tersebut, Kementerian ESDM akan bertanya mengenai rencana dan komitmen PT Pertamina dalam mengelola blok-blok tersebut. 

"Kalau dikelola sama mereka (Pertamina) bisa se-efisien sebelumnya atau tidak? Kami akan uji," katanya di Grissik, Sumatra Selatan, Senin (22/5).

Dia mengambil contoh, blok migas milik ConocoPhillips di Grissik, Sumatra Selatan, yakni Lapangan Sumpal. Produksi lapangan ini 310 milion metric standart Cubic feet per day (mmscfd). Masa kontrak berakhir tahun 2023 dan blok itu tidak harus diberikan ke Pertamina.

Dengan kata lain Conoco-Phillip akan mendapatkan perpanjangan apabila tingkat efisiensi dan produksinya terjaga. "lni tantangan besar buat Pertamina. Jadi jawaban saya belum tentu ke Pertamina, karena ini tidak wajib dan saya sudah bicara ke Dirut Produksi blok Mahakam tidak boleh turun, jika turun harus di kembalikan ke Pertamina," kata Jonan. 

la mengingatkan juga Blok Mahakam yang sudah diberikan kepada Pertamina. "Produksinya tidak boleh turun. Apabila turun dan tidak sanggup mengelola, saya meminta untuk dikembalikan ke pemerintah," tegas Jonan. Ia akan melihat Pertamina mengelola Blok Mahakam selama enam bulan ke depan.

"Akan dimulai pada tanggal 31 Desember  2017 jam 00.00. Kalau tidak sanggup, kembalikan," katanya lagi. Saat ini negosiasi Total EP dan Pertamina, masih berlangsung, terutama dalam hal pembagian besaran bagian saham.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya W Yudha bilang, yang bisa memberikan Pertamina privilege soal pengelolaan blok migas bukan melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM, melainkan merevisi Udang-Undang Migas.

"Itu untuk menghindari terjadinya Pertamina pada masa lalu, yakni bertindak sebagai regulator" kata dia. Untuk itu Satya meminta agar Jonan melakukan tender terhadap blok-blok migas yang kontraknya habis dan Pertamina bisa ikut. "Yang menawarkan paling menarik, ialah yang bisa diandalkan dalam pengelolaan," katanya.

Kontan,  Page-14, Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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