The work of EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan has not yet brought improvement to the climate of "oil and gas investment. Investors do not like the various rules published. Seven months already Ignasius Jonan served as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Exactly on October 14, the former Minister of Transportation was mandated to complete a number of Homework (PR) heritage left by his predecessor, Sudirman Said.
One of the jobs in the oil and gas sector is to improve the upbeat climate of oil and gas investment in the low world crude oil prices and increase production and falling oil and gas reserves. In addition, Jonan is expected to provide an outlet for a number of major oil and gas projects including the Masela project. But for seven months in office, the Masela block still does not start soon. Revised plan of development (POD) is not working. Even the pre feed to sort the POD revisions has not started yet.
Looking at the investment climate and oil and gas production of Indonesia is also not much change. At the beginning of office, Jonan pressed SKK Migas to produce oil up to 825,000 barrels per day (bpd). In fact, the average Indonesian oil production is still around 815,000 bpd. The issue of additional oil and gas reserves is still far from expectations. Understandably, the exploration activities in Indonesia increasingly minimal.
Jonan often justified the price of oil so the cause of sluggish investais upstream oil and gas impact on exploration activities are minimal. Even so, Jonan is still trying to change the condition of upstream oil and gas Indonesia, among them change the scheme of cooperation contract from production sharing contract (PSC) to gross split which the rule was published last January 2017.
But the usual gross split scheme welcome. Through the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), oil and gas companies hope there is room for the government to improve the gross split scheme. EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said the government is ready to change the rules if needed.
"Gross splits are human products, and if things do not work we are open to discussions and make changes, but first prove where we are not working," said Arcandra.
Until now the gross split scheme has not proven to be more economical than the PSC scheme. Therefore, the government listens to the inputs of the Contractor Contract of Work (KKKS), by issuing a number of new rules after the gross split scheme. Such as Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 26 year 2017 concerning Investment Cost Reversal Mechanism on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.
The government even plans to issue a Ministerial Regulation on ultra deep water to provide incentives for oil and gas companies working on ultra deep water projects. Outside the regulation, Jonan said, the government has sought to speed up licensing.
In addition to the ultra deep water incentives, the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja said, there will be rules on the use of oil recovery technology or enhancing oil recovery (EOR). This technology to increase production.
Komaidi Notonegoro, Executive Director of ReforMiner Institute, said that in terms of substance, there are still some regulations that are less in line with the KKKS.
"As with the allocation and the price of gas, the gross split regulation is also a lot of complaints," he said, adding that the interests of KKKS and the government are not entirely the same, as the policy of reducing gas prices actually weighed on the KKKS business.
Proyek Besar Hulu Migas Mangkrak, Pekerjaan Jonan Belum Memuaskan
Pekerjaan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan masih belum membawa perbaikan bagi iklim” investasi migas. Investor tidak menyukai berbagai aturan yang terbit. Tujuh bulan sudah Ignasius Jonan menjabat sebagai Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Tepat tanggal 14 Oktober lalu, mantan Menteri Perhubungan ini mendapatkan mandat menyelesaikan sejumlah warisan Pekerjaan Rumah (PR) yang ditinggalkan pendahulunya, yaitu Sudirman Said.
Salah satu pekerjaan rumah di sektor migas adalah memperbaiki iklim investasi hulu migas yang lesu di saat rendahnya harga minyak mentah dunia dan meningkatkan produksi dan cadangan migas yang turun. Selain itu, Jonan diharapkan memberikan jalan keluar bagi sejumlah proyek-proyek besar migas di antaranya proyek Masela. Namun selama tujuh bulan menjabat, Blok Masela masih juga tidak segera dimulai. Revisi plan of development (POD) tidak berjalan. Bahkan pre feed untuk menyusun revisi POD belum juga dimulai.
Melihat tentang iklim investasi dan produksi migas Indonesia juga tidak banyak perubahan. Di awal menjabat, Jonan menekan SKK Migas agar mampu memproduksi minyak hingga 825.000 barel per hari (bph). Nyatanya, rata-rata produksi minyak Indonesia masih sekitar 815.000 bph. Soal penambahan cadangan migas masih jauh dari harapan. Maklum saja, kegiatan eksplorasi di Indonesia makin minim.
Jonan sering beralasan harga minyak jadi penyebab lesunya investais hulu migas yang berdampak pada kegiatan eksplorasi yang minim. Biarpun begitu, Jonan tetap berusaha mengubah kondisi hulu migas Indonesia, di antaranya mengubah skema kontrak kerja sama dari production sharing contract (PSC) menjadi gross split yang aturannya terbit Januari 2017 lalu.
Namun sambutan skema gross split biasa saja. Melalui Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), perusahaan migas berharap ada ruang bagi pemerintah memperbaiki skema gross split. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyebut pemerintah siap mengubah peraturan jika dibutuhkan.
"Gross split adalah produk manusia. Kalau ada hal yang tidak bekerja, kami terbuka diskusi dan melakukan perubahan. Tapi buktikan dulu dimana kami yang tidak bekerja," kata Arcandra.
Sampai saat ini skema gross split belum terbukti lebih ekonomis daripada skema PSC. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah mendengarkan berbagai masukan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS), dengan menerbitkan sejumlah aturan baru setelah adanya skema gross split. Seperti Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 26 tahun 2017 tentang Mekanisme Pengembalian Biaya Investasi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas.
Pemerintah bahkan merencanakan akan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri soal ultra deep water untuk memberikan insentif bagi perusahaan migas yang mengerjakan proyek ultra deep water. Di luar peraturan itu Jonan bilang, pemerintah telah mengupayakan mempercepat perizinan.
Selain insentif ultra deep water, Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja bilang, akan ada aturan mengenai penggunaan teknologi pemulihan minyak atau enhance oil recovery (EOR). Teknologi ini untuk meningkatkan produksi.
Komaidi Notonegoro, Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute, mengatakan, dari sisi substansi, masih ada beberapa regulasi yang kurang sejalan dengan KKKS.
"Seperti soal alokasi dan harga gas. Regulasi gross split juga banyak keluhan. Menurutnya, kepentingan KKKS dan pemerintah tidak sepenuhnya sama. Seperti kebijakan penurunan harga gas, justru memberatkan bisnis KKKS.
Kontan, Page-14, Friday, May 26, 2017
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