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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Make sure the Well Treatment Does Not Disturb Gas Distribution

Petroleum and Gas Field Operators Pertamina Exploration and Production (EP) Asset IV Field Cepu ensures well maintenance activities will not disturb the distribution of city gas. The operator plans to take care of CPP Block Gundih. The plan to care for the well will be done for 20 days.

This is done so that maintenance activities based on risk inspection (RBI / Risk Base Inspection) for continuity of CPP operation can be maintained well. Nevertheless the operator remains committed to meet the amount of gas supply of 50 MMSCFD to Indonesia Power through PT. SPP.

Although it is in a state of shutdown, the supply of gas for the needs of this community we keep the continuity with support on the part of PGN, "said General Manager of Pertamina Asset W, Didik Susilo.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 management has also held a ceremony with residents around drilling at Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih Block in Sumber Village, Kradenan Sub-district, Blora Regency. The event was attended by representatives of residents in six villages around the site, ie from Sumber Village, Wado, Pulo, Temulus, Sumberejo, and Curse Village.

In addition to inviting residents, about 150 orphans, also muspika and community leaders also attended. According to Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset IV Cepu, Agus Amperianto, in addition to thanksgiving, the event is also to maintain good relations and positive relationship with the local community. We also provide compensation to 150 orphans living in the vicinity of the CPP operation area, as well as security and security training and security agenda for the surrounding community.


Pastikan Perawatan Sumur Tak Ganggu Penyaluran Gas

Operator Lapangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (EP) Asset IV Field Cepu memastikan kegiatan perawatan sumur tidak akan menggangu penyaluran city gas. Operator berencana melakukan perawatan CPP Blok Gundih. Rencananya perawatan sumur itu akan dilakukan selama 20 hari. 

Hal itu dilakukan agar kegiatan pemeliharaan berdasarkan inspeksi resiko (RBI/Risk Base Inspection) untuk kelangsungan operasi CPP dapat terjaga dengan baik. Meskipun demikian pihak operator tetap komitmen memenuhi jumlah pasokan gas 50 MMSCFD kepada Indonesia Power melalui pipa PT. SPP.

      Meskipun sedang dalam keadaan shutdown, pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan masyarakat ini tetap kami jaga kelangsungannya dengan support dipihak PGN," kata General Manajer Pertamina Asset W, Didik Susilo.

Manajemen Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga sudah menggelar syukuran dengan warga sekitar pengeboran di Central Processing Plant (CPP) Blok Gundih di Desa Sumber, Kecamatan Kradenan, Kabupaten Blora. Kegiatan itu dihadiri perwakilan warga yang ada di enam desa sekitar lokasi, yakni dari Desa Sumber, Wado, Pulo,Temulus, Sumberejo, dan Desa Kutukan. 

Selain mengundang warga, sekitar 150 anak yatim piatu, juga muspika dan tokoh masyarakat turut hadir. Menurut Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset IV Cepu, Agus Amperianto, selain syukuran, acara tersebut juga untuk menjaga hubungan baik dan silaturahim positif dengan masyarakat setempat. Kita juga memberikan santunan kepada 150 anak yatim yang tinggal di sekitar daerah operasi CPP, serta agenda dan kegiatan pelatihan keamanan & pengamanan bagi masyarakat sekitar.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

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