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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Minister of EMR Threatens to Break the Inpex Contract

Related to the Masela Block Development Plan

The Government on March 23, 2016 changed the pattern of Masela Block development from offshore to onshore. Since then, the construction of the liquefied natural gas refinery has ceased.

ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan's patience was exhausted. The former minister of transportation said that Inpex Corporation is not serious about project planning because there was no meaningful development during the six months during which he served as minister. I can not wait.

The ESDM Ministry is still awaiting the completion of pre-FEED studies (front end engineering design). Since the beginning February, Inpex was asked to conduct a study at two locations of the project plan, namely Aru Island and Landena Island. Inpex has also been asked to make FEED for a refinery with a capacity of 9.5 million tons per year (mtpa) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) and a 7.5 mtpa refinery plus 474 mmscfd. Pre-FEED only. From there, it will decide the location and capacity of the refinery to be developed.

Indonesia acknowledges that pre-FEED production is fully submitted to Inpex. Not only approved the government's request, the Japanese company even agreed to review the two options before making pre-FEED.

However, until now, studies related to the location and capacity options of the refinery are also completed. Therefore, pre-FEED settlement is also pending. Not started immediately. If it's too long I cancel.

According to the Surabaya-born man, the two studies will be the benchmark for seeking gas bids Production from the Masela Block. Especially the demand from the Ministry of Industry. The two options also relate to data on total production of both piped and non-piped gas.

However, in general the production capacity has been agreed upon 10.5 mtpa. If the pre-FEED is too long, I can cancel the management rights of the MASSEL block. Until I lost patience.

Intrad Communication and Relation Manager Usman Slamet responded to Jonan's threat casually. Inpex affirmed its commitment to develop the rich field of natural gas. There is still something to talk about with the government.


Menteri ESDM Ancam Putus Kontrak Inpex

Terkait Rencana Pengembangan Blok Masela

Pemerintah pada 23 Maret 2016 mengubah pola pengembangan Blok Masela dari offshore menjadi onshore. Sejak saat itu, proyek pembangunan kilang gas alam cair tersebut berhenti.

Kesabaran Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan pun habis. Mantan menteri perhubungan itu menilai Inpex Corporation  tidak serius menggarap perencanaan proyek karena tidak ada perkembangan berarti selama enam bulan selama dirinya menjabat menteri. Saya sampai tidak sabar.

Kementerian ESDM masih menunggu penyelesaian kajian pra-FEED (front end engineering design). Sejak awal Februari, Inpex diminta melakukan kajian di dua lokasi rencana proyek, yakni Pulau Aru dan Pulau Landena. Inpex juga telah diminta membuat FEED untuk kilang berkapasitas 9,5 juta ton per tahun (mtpa) plus 150 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) serta kilang berkapasitas 7,5 mtpa plus 474 mmscfd. Pra-FEED saja. Dari situ, akan diputuskan lokasi dan kapasitas kilang yang akan dikembangkan.

Indonesia itu mengakui, pembuatan pra-FEED memang sepenuhnya diserahkan pada Inpex. Tidak hanya menyetujui permintaan pemerintah, perusahaan asal Jepang itu bahkan juga menyanggupi mengkaji dua opsi tersebut sebelum membuat pra-FEED.

Namun, hingga kini, kajian terkait dengan opsi lokasi dan kapasitas kilang tersebut behun juga selesai. Karena itu, penyelesaian pra-FEED juga tertunda. Tidak segera dimulai. Kalau terlalu lama nanti saya batalkan.

Menurut pria kelahiran Surabaya tersebut, dua kajian itu akan menjadi patokan untuk mencari penawaran gas  produksi dari Blok Masela. Terutama permintaan dari Kementerian Perindustrian. Dua opsi tersebut juga berkaitan dengan data mengenai total produksi dari gas pipa maupun non gas pipa. 

Meski demikian, secara umum kapasitas produksinya sudah disepakati 10,5 mtpa. Kalau pra-FEED terlalu lama,  saya cabut hak pengelolaan blokMasela. Sampai saya kehilangan kesabaran.

Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet menanggapi ancaman Jonan  dengan santai. Inpex menegaskan komitmennya untuk mengembangkan lapangan kaya gas bumi itu. Masih ada yang perlu dibicarakan dengan pemerintah.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Thursday, May, 4, 2017

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