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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Oil and Gas Businessman Continues to Receive KKKS Debt

Polemic of KKKS debt

Association of Indonesian Gas and Geothermal Drilling Companies (APMI) stated that there are receivables from Contractors of Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) which have not been paid yet. In fact, APMI has collected since November 2016.

Chairman of APMI Wargono Soenarko said, KKKS has debt to 19 member companies of APMI. Not yet paid around Rp 50 billion, only managed by SKK Migas, "he said.However, the indication of debt and not yet an official report from the members of APMI reached US $ 300 million.

Dharmizon Piliang, General Secretary of APMI, added that the debt of KKKS is related to the livelihood of oil and gas workers who are members of APMI. Of the 357 APMI member companies, most of them have problems with this KKKS debt. As a result, entrepreneurs who are members of APMI have difficulty paying their workers. "Obviously this is not fair," he said.

Especially since the price of oil plummeted, APMI members continue to decrease, from 480 to 275 companies. KKKS Procurement Controller Deputy Djoko Siswanto revealed that SKK Migas has informed KKKS about the problems with APMI members as soon as possible. "I have told the KKKS that the matter will be resolved as soon as possible," he said

But Djoko has not known in detail the amount of accounts receivable APMI members to KKKS. The reason some APMI members who have not dared to submit the data is the unfinished billing process.

Other concerns, did not rule out the company in the future exposed sanctions and black list of KKKS. APMI noted that the debt of KKKS is past due. Even the invoices are already "celebrating birthdays". 

     There are also owed KKKS already in production status and have received cost recovery from the government. Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong has not yet responded to the confirmation.


Pebisnis Migas Terus Tagih Utang KKKS

Asosiasi Perusahaan Pemboran Minyak Gas dan Panas Bumi Indonesia (APMI) menyatakan, ada piutang Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) yang hingga kini belum dibayar. Padahal APMI sudah menagih sejak November 2016 lalu. 

     Ketua Umum APMI Wargono Soenarko menyebutkan, KKKS memiliki utang kepada 19 perusahaan anggota APMI. Belum dibayar sekitar Rp 50 miliar, hanya diurus SKK Migas," kata dia. Namun, utang yang terindikasi dan belum menjadi laporan resmi dari para anggota APMI mencapai US$ 300 juta. 

Dharmizon Piliang, Sekretaris Umum APMI, menambahkan, utang KKKS ini berkaitan dengan nafkah para pekerja migas yang menjadi anggota APMI. Dari 357 perusahaan anggota APMI, sebagian besar bermasalah dengan utang KKKS ini. Walhasil, para pengusaha yang tergabung di APMI kesulitan membayar para pekerja mereka. "Jelas ini tak adil," katanya. 

Apalagi sejak harga minyak anjlok, anggota APMI terus berkurang, dari 480 menjadi 275 perusahaan. Deputi Pengendalian Pengadaan KKKS Djoko Siswanto mengungkapkan, SKK Migas telah mengabarkan ke KKKS terkait permasalahan dengan anggota APMI secepatnya. "Saya sudah memberi tahu ke KKKS supaya soal itu segera diselesaikan secepatnya," ujarnya 

Namun Djoko belum mengetahui secara detail jumlah piutang anggota APMI ke KKKS. Alasan sebagian anggota APMI yang belum berani menyampaikan data itu adaIah proses penagihan yang belum final. 

Kehawatiran lain, tidak menutup kemungkinan perusahaan tersebut di kemudian hari terkena sanksi dan black list dari KKKS. APMI mencatat, utang KKKS tersebut telah lewat jatuh tempo. Bahkan invoice yang sudah "merayakan ulang tahun". 

     Ada juga KKKS yang berutang sudah masuk dalam status produksi dan telah mendapatkan cost recovery dari pemerintah.  Sementara, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong belum menanggapi konfirmasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, April, 28, 2017

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