Minister of Energy asks SKK Migas to work faster.
The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Upstream Contractors Association asked the government to clarify the profit-sharing scheme after the implementation of the gross split or gross profit sharing scheme. According to IPA President Christina Verchere, the gross split scheme can not be applied to all oil and gas blocks.
The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) President
Christina Verchere
"There should be talks on certain projects, as well as on projects that are doing well," he said at the opening of IPA Convention and Exhibition (IPA Convex) 2017 at the Jakarta Convention Center.
According to Verchere, certainty of profit sharing is an absolute requirement for upstream oil and gas contractors to decide on an investment plan. Without a favorable share, contractors find it difficult to expand exploration and drilling, especially for new wells.
Verchere said today the price of oil is difficult to return beyond US $ 100 per barrel, as at the end of 2014, due to excess supply. Therefore, contractors are forced to perform cost-efficiency operations. However, the efforts of the contractor should be supported by the government through bureaucratic reform.
Wood Mackenzie's Asia-Pacific Upstream Oil and Gas Research Director, Andrew Harwood, said the new profit-sharing system is a consideration for contractors to continue investing and activities in Indonesia, particularly exploration. Based on the review of Wood Mackenzie, the discovery of oil and gas reserves will be difficult to walk with the gross profit because the contractor has to wait long to make a profit.
As for the productive oil and gas field, the new system can benefit the contractor as long as its operating costs are efficient. Harwood added, the value of profit-sharing is not a problem as long as investors are given comfort to do business.
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan said the gross split scheme should be implemented so that the upstream oil and gas business is more efficient. Currently, the portion of energy use from petroleum is decreasing due to increased electricity consumption and renewable energy. Without the use of cost-friendly technology, oil and gas companies will not grow.
He also requested the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations (SKK Migas) to work more quickly to assist the company's operations. This industry is not just SKK Migas, the trend is always late.
The regulation of gross split is regulated in Minister of Energy Regulation No. 8 of 2017. Oil sharing between countries and contractors reaches 57 percent and 43 percent. As for gas, the state part of 52 percent and contractors got 48 percent. This figure is lower than the conventional revenue-sharing contract, with the state oil section reaching 85 percent and 65 percent gas.
Sections for contractors can grow to a maximum of 5 percent if the development of the field is not economical. However, if production is abundant and prices exceed US $ 85 per barrel, the state gets additional oil and gas output of 5 percent. A total of six natural gas sales contracts were signed in the opening of Convex 2017 IPA.
SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi said the deal is expected to contribute an additional US $ 5 billion in state revenues during the contract period. All gas under the agreement will be used to meet domestic needs.
Kontraktor Migas Minta Kepastian Bagi Hasil
Menteri Energi meminta SKK Migas bekerja lebih cepat.
Asosiasi Kontraktor Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia (Indonesia Petroleum Association/IPA) meminta pemerintah memperjelas skema bagi hasil setelah penerapan skema gross split atau bagi hasil kotor. Menurut Presiden IPA, Christina Verchere, skema gross split tidak bisa diterapkan kepada semua blok migas.
“Harus ada pembicaraan pada proyek-proyek tertentu, juga terhadap proyek yang sedang berjiaian," kata dia dalam pembukaan IPA Convention and Exhibition (IPA Convex) 2017 di Jakarta Convention Center.
Menurut Verchere, kepastian bagi hasil menjadi syarat mutlak bagi kontraktor hulu migas untuk memutuskan rencana penanaman modal. Tanpa bagian yang menguntungkan, kontraktor sulit untuk memperluas eksplorasi dan pengeboran, terutama untuk sumur-smnur baru.
Verchere mengatakan saat ini harga minyak sulit kembali melampaui US$ 100 per barel, seperti pada akhir 2014, karena pasokan yang berlebih. Karena itu, kontraktor terpaksa melakukan efisiensi biaya operasi. Namun, upaya kontraktor tersebut harus didukung oleh pemerintah melalui reformasi birokrasi.
Research Director Asia-Pacific Upstream Oil and Gas dari Wood Mackenzie, Andrew Harwood, mengemukakan sistem bagi hasil baru menjadi pertimbangan bagi kontraktor untuk melanjutkan investasi dan aktivitasnya di Indonesia, khususnya eksplorasi. Berdasarkan kajian Wood Mackenzie, penemuan cadangan migas akan sulit berjalan dengan bagi hasil kotor karena kontraktor harus menunggu lama supaya untung.
Adapun bagi lapangan migas produktif, sistem baru bisa menguntungkan kontraktor selama biaya operasinya efisien. Harwood menambahkan, nilai bagi hasil bukanlah masalah selama investor diberikan kenyamanan untuk berbisnis.
Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan mengatakan skema gross split harus diterapkan supaya bisnis hulu migas lebih efisien. Saat ini, porsi penggunaan energi dari minyak bumi semakin berkurang karena peningkatan pemakaian listrik dan energi terbarukan. Tanpa pemakaian teknologi ramah biaya, perusahaan migas tdak akan berkembang.
Dia juga meminta Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (SKK Migas) bekerja lebih cepat mendampingi operasi perusahaan. Industri ini bukan cuma SKK Migas, tren-nya selalu telat.
Regulasi gross split diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi Nomor 8 Tahun 2017. Bagi hasil minyak antara negara dan kontraktor mencapai 57 persen dan 43 persen. Sedangkan untuk gas, bagian negara sebesar 52 persen dan kontraktor mendapat 48 persen. Angka ini menurun dibanding kontrak bagi hasil konvensional, dengan bagian minyak pemerintah mencapai 85 persen dan gas sebanyak 65 persen.
Bagian untuk kontraktor bisa bertambah maksimal 5 persen jika pengembangan lapangan tidak ekonomis. Namun, jika produksi melimpah dan harga melampaui US$ 85 per barel, negara mendapat tambahan hasil migas sebesar 5 persen. Sebanyak enam kontrak jual-beli gas bumi ditandatangani dalam pembukaan IPA Convex 2017.
Kepala SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi, mengatakan kesepakatan ini diperkirakan akan menyumbang tambahan penerimaan negara US$ 5 miliar selama periode kontrak. Semua gas dalam kesepakatan tersebut akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan domestik.
Koran Tempo, Page-21, Thursday, May 18, 2017
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