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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Oil and Gas Holding This Year Completed

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is seeking the establishment of state-owned oil and gas holding companies to be realized this year. The two companies incorporated in the holding are Pertamina and Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

I hope to finish the first semester of this year. At the latest this year is completed, said Deputy of Energy Business Logistics Region and Tourism Ministry of SOE Edwin Hidayat Abdullah. The unification of the two oil and gas companies is expected to run well and in accordance with legal and commercial aspects. "It should really be beneficial to society, government, and Pertamina-PGN in corporation," he said.

Currently the two state-owned companies are pioneering cooperation to lower gas prices. One of them, in North Sumatra that successfully lowered the price of industrial gas from USD 12 per mmbtu to USD 9 per mmbtu. "So, there's a 20 percent drop," said Edwin.

The two companies also cooperate in gas distribution so Pertamina gas refueling station (SPBG) is now getting gas supply from PGN. So, the synergy of Pertamina-PGN is not just a nonsense or a chancy in each book.


Holding Migas Tahun Ini Tuntas

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) mengupayakan pembentukan holding BUMN migas dapat terealisasi pada tahun ini.  Dua perseroan yang tergabung dalam holding adalah Pertamina dan Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

Saya harap selesai semester I tahun ini. Paling lambat tahun ini selesai, kata Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi Logistik Kawasan dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN Edwin Hidayat Abdullah. Penyatuan dua perusahaan migas tersebut diharapkan berjalan baik serta sesuai dengan aspek legal maupun komersial. "Harus benar-benar bermanfaat untuk masyarakat, pemerintah, Serta Pertamina-PGN secara korporasi, ujarnya.

Saat ini dua perusahaan pelat merah itu merintis kerja sama untuk menurunkan harga gas. Salah satunya, di Sumatera Utara yang berhasil menurunkan harga gas industri dari USD 12 per mmbtu menjadi USD 9 per mmbtu. ”Jadi, ada penurunan 20 persen,” kata Edwin.

Kedua perseroan juga bekerja sama dalam distribusi gas sehingga stasiun pengisian bahan bakar gas (SPBG) milik Pertamina kini mendapatkan pasokan gas dari PGN. Jadi, sinergi Pertamina-PGN bukan sekadar omong kosong atau untung-untungan di buku masing-masing.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Friday, April, 28, 2017

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